Ch 7-8 Review Flashcards
How did the presidents of the Gilded Age compare to Lincoln? Why?
Compared to Lincoln the presidents of the Gilded Age were weak because they were elected with slim majorities and were perceived to lack integrity with the exception of Grover Cleveland
How did the Pendleton Act help to limit political corruption?
By creating a civil service system based on merit rather than on political connections
Who benefited from a high tariff? Who was hurt? Which political party supported high tariffs? Which political party opposed high tariffs?
American business benefited and American consumers lost from a tariff. The tariff was supported by Republicans and opposed by Democrats.
What problems did farmers face in the Gilded Age? How did they propose to solve them?
Farmers faced rising costs of production, declining crop prices and increasing debt. Farmers formed the Farmers Alliance and Grange to negotiate prices on supplies and demanded the regulation of railroads, elevators and the free coinage of silver to cause inflation
Why did farmers want a loose money policy (the minting of silver)?
A loose money policy would cause inflation which would lead to higher crop prices. As a result, farmers would be able to pay back their loans with cheaper dollars.
How did Populists propose to solve the country’s problems?
Populists demanded the free coinage of silver and government ownership of railroads
Describe the legacy of the populists.
Many Populist reforms became reality under the Progressives - the income tax, regulation of railroads, a more flexible monetary policy
How did Progressives differ from Populists?
Populists were mainly farmers while Progressives were predominantly middle-class urbanites
Christianity was the basis for reform according to . . .
Walter Rauschenbusch
Describe the conditions of factory workers in the early 20th century.
Industrial workers worked long hours, in dirty, poorly ventilated factories with unsafe machines.
Workers’ compensation laws were passed as a result of what tragedy?
Triangle Shirt Waist Factory fire
Why did progressives target political machines? What success did they achieve?
They wanted to curb corruption in government. The direct primary and commission form of government helped as well as the initiative, referendum, and recall
What event led to the formation of the NAACP?
Riots in Springfield Illinois which ended in the attempted lynching of two African Americans
How did racism limit the achievements of the Progressive Era?
Antipathy to immigrants led to Prohibition and prejudice against African-Americans led to segregation even in areas outside the South
How were the NWP And NAWSA different?
While both wanted female suffrage the NWP was more radical. The NWP engaged in hunger strikes and voting illegally as a form of civil disobedience
What was the goal of the Women’s Christian Temperance Movement?
The abolition of the sale, manufacture, and consumption of alcohol
What were the goals of progressive women reformers?
Suffrage, more opportunities in education and the workforce.
How did the education of women affect the Progressive Era?
Education allowed them to achieve their goals (overall suffrage) and to tackle the problems of society
Was Theodore Roosevelt opposed to all trusts? Explain.
No. Theodore Roosevelt was not opposed to trusts that did business fairly. The trouble is who defines what is fair?
Why did President Roosevelt threaten to take control of PA coal mines in 1902?
Coal was needed to keep factories running and homes warm, so he threatened the mine owners so they would give in to the demands of the workers
Congress passed what law to regulate the use of water in the West?
National Reclamation Act
Who represented each party in the 1912 election?
Bull Moose
Progressive (Bull Moose) - Theodore Roosevelt
Democratic - Woodrow Wilson
Republican - William Howard Taft
Outlawed the manufacture, transportation, sale and consumption of alcohol
18th Amendment
Guaranteed the right to vote regardless of sex (women’s suffrage)
19th Amendment
Called for the direct election of senators rather than their appointment by state legislatures
17th Amendment
Permitted the federal government to levy an income tax
16th Amendment
Strengthened the Sherman Act by defining illegal business activities such as interlocking directorates
Clayton Antitrust Act
Created the Federal Reserve Bank system to oversee monetary policy
Federal Reserve Act
Established the Federal Trade Commission to monitor business practices, false advertising , and dishonest labeling
Federal Trade Commission Act
Authorized the federal government to regulate railroad rates and set maximum prices for ferries, bridge tolls, and oil pipelines
Hepburn Act
Allowed the federal government to inspect meat sold across state lines and required inspection of meat-processing plants
Meat Inspection Act
Allowed federal inspection of food and medicine and banned the shipment and sale of impure food and the mislabeling of food and medicine
Pure Food and Drug Act
Lowered tariffs on imported goods and established a graduated income tax
Underwood Tariff Act
How did African Americans defend themselves from discrimination during the Progressive Era?
They formed the NAACP and Urban League to combat discrimination
How did Japanese Americans defend themselves from discrimination during the Progressive Era?
To protect their property they titled it in the names of their citizen children
How did Jewish Americans defend themselves from discrimination during the Progressive Era?
They formed the Anti-Defamation League
How did Mexican Americans defend themselves from discrimination during the Progressive Era?
They formed mutualistas and the Partido Liberal Mexicano
How did Native Americans defend themselves from discrimination during the Progressive Era?
They formed the Society of American Indians to protest federal Indian policy