Chapter 17 Flashcards
Baby Boom
increase in births between 1945 and 1964
Closed Shop
shop in which only union members can be hired; outlawed by the Taft-Hartley Act
large scale buying, much of it on credit
sending home members of the army
Fair Deal
Name given to the proposals of Harry Truman to strengthen New Deal legislation and establish new programs such as national health insurance
Franchise Business
allows a company to distribute its products or services through retail outlets owned by independent operators
GI Bill of Rights
legislation providing education and employment aid to returning WWII veterans
Information Industries
businesses that provide informational services
Multinational Corporations
companies that produced and sold thier goods and services all over the world and established branches abroad
the rate at which goods are produced or services are performed
Service Sector
businesses that provide services rather than manufactured goods
residential area surrounding a city
Super Market
a self-service retail market selling especially foods and household merchandise
Taft Hartley Act
law that outlawed closed shops and allowed states to creat right-to-work laws
Interstate Highway Act
law authorizing the construction of 41,000 miles of multilane expressways that would connect major U.S. cities
name given to states stretching across the Southern U.S. from the Atlantic to Pacific
Nuclear Family
household consisting of a father, mother, and their children
Urban renewal
project in which the government cleared large tracts of older housing an built freeways and developments which would revitalize downtwon areas
Inner city
older, central part of a city with crowded neighborhoods in which low-income, usually minority, groups lived
California Master Plan
created three tiers of higher education - reserch universities, state colleges and community colleges which were accessible to all the state’s citizens
median family income
money earned by a typical family in a year