Great Depression #1 Flashcards
Vocabulary acquisition
term used to describe the makeshift shanty towns set up by homeless people during the Great Depression
group of WWI vets who marched on Washington, D.C., in 1932 to demand early payment of a bonus promised them by Congress
Bonus Army
federal agency set up by Congress in 1932 to provide emergency government credit to banks, railroads, and other large businesses
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
dam on the Colorado River that was built during the Great Depression
Hoover Dam (Boulder dam)
political force formed by diverse groups who united to support FDR and his New Deal
New Deal Coaltion
policy relied on president Hoover in the early years of the Depression whereby local and State governments act as primary agents of economic relief
general term used to describe Dust Bowl refugees
programs and legislation enacted by FDR during the Great Depression to promote economic recovery and social reform
New Deal
periodic growth and contraction of the economy
Business Cycle
one who works a farm for the owner
Tenant Farmer
low point in a business cycle characterized by high unemployment and negative or minimal economic growth
protective import tax authorized by Congress in 1930
Hawley-Smoot tariff
economic theory that favored public works projects because they put money into the hands of consumers who would buy more goods, stimulating the economy
Pump Priming
practice of making high risk investments in hopes of obtaining large profits
line of people waiting for food handouts from charities or public agencies
Bread Line
economist that argued that lack of government interference in the economy led to the depression; he recommended that the government spend more money to keep people employed when the economy slows
John Maynard Keynes
period lasting from 1929 to 1941 in which the U.S. economy faltered and unemployment soared
Great Depression