Great Depression #2 Flashcards
Vocabulary Acquisition
1938 law that set a minimum wage, a maximum work week of 44 hours; outlawed child labor
Fair Labor Standards Act
1935 law that set up a pension system for retirees, as well as benefits for widows and orphans
Social Security Act (SSA)
Senator from Louisiana that promoted the “Share Our Wealth” program which proposed high taxes on the wealthy and large corporations, and the redistribution of their income to poor Americans
Huey Long
federal agency that insures bank deposits, guaranteeing that depositors’ money will be safe
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
informal radio broadcasts in which FDR explained issues and New Deal programs to average Americans
Fireside Chats
government that assumes responsibility for providing for the welfare of the poor, elderly, sick, and unemployed
Welfare State
government agency that built dams in the Tennessee River valley to control flooding and generate electric power
Tennessee Valley Authority
labor organization founded in the 1930s that represented unskilled industrial workers
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
labor protest in which workers stop working and occupy the workplace until their demands are met
New Deal agency that provided millions of jobs constructing public buildings
Public Works Administration (PWA)
legislative activity begun by FDR in 1935 to solve problems created by the Great Depression
Second New Deal
New Deal law that abolished unfair labor practices, recognized the right of employees to form unions and to collectively bargain
Wagner Act
New Deal program that provided young men with relief jobs on environmental conservation projects, including reforestation and flood control
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
President from 1933-1945 (the Great Depression and WWII)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
An act passed by Congress in 1933 that prohibited commercial banks from collaborating with full-service brokerage firms or participating in investment banking activities.
Glass-Steagall Act