Great Depression and the New Deal - Week 7 Flashcards
the great depression (1929-1941)
stock market crash on october 29, 1929. predicted by other economic troubles, including collapse of southern agriculture, corporate debt, and widespread greed/economic inequality.
__% of people were unemployed during the great depression
the dust bowl
occurred during the depression, due to over farming. killed people and animals as well as crops, and revived the labor movement
president from 1929-1933, republican, limited government intervention and thought people were poor because they had done it to themselves. tried fixing the depression by restricting immigration
smoot-hawley tariff 1930
raised tariffs to try and generate revenue
reconstruction finance corporation 1932
corporate bailouts during the depression
federal home loan bank system 1932
aid for foreclosure
president from 1933-1945, instituted the new deal, democrat
national recovery administration 1933
meant to bring business and labor industried together by setting prices, establishing minimum wage, and set hours to stabilize the industry
the first new deal (1933-1935)
focused on RECOVERY
federal emergency relief administration 1933
grants for state government distributed to local relief programs
civilian conservation corps 1933
gave jobs to single young men between 18-25. worked on public projects and were given educational opportunities, but reinforced traditional gender roles
tennessee valley authority 1933
oversaw construction of dams, reforestation, and provided electricity and transportation to the tennessee valley
the second new deal (1935-1938)
focused on ECONOMIC SECURITY, was far more aggressive and increased federal spending. created a social safety net and said that economic security was an american right
works progress asministration 1934-1943
job creation, infrastructure (roads), arts and culture. wage workers, white-collar, and artists were all employed.
social security act 1935
pension for retired workers, unemployment/disability insurance, and general public assistance. excluded farm and house workers, which were black, and did that shit on purpose.
the raw deal
blacks. 60% of men and 85% of women were totally excluded and assigned the most dangerous jobs. encouraged redlining and didn’t provide loans.
indian new deal
indian reorganization act of 1934 tried to create jobs while also giving tribal sovereignty. however they ended up limiting independence, since tribes could write a constitution but they had to align with the federal government.
political impacts of the new deal 3
- transformation of democratic party
- redefined liberalism
- redefined role of federal government in the economy