Grease - Jan Flashcards
(after Rydell song)
Jeez, I wish it was still summer. God, it’s only a quarter after twelve and I feel like I been here a whole year already.
MARTY: Yeah, what a drag. Hey, you wanna sit here?
Yeah. Rizzo’s coming and Frenchy’s bringin’ that new chick. Hey Marty, who’d ya get for Economics? Old man Drucker?
MARTY: Yeah, what a drag. He keeps makin’ passes.
For real? He never tried nothin’ with me!
MARTY: Huh. You want my coleslaw?
I’ll see if I have room for it.
RIZZO: Hey, hey, hey! Hey, where’s all the guys?
Those slobs. You think they’d spend a dime on their lunch? They’re baggin’ it.
MARTY: Hey Jan, who’s that chick with Frenchy? Is she the one you were tellin’ me about?
Yeah, her name’s Sandy. She seems pretty cool. Maybe we could let her be in the Pink Ladies?
FRENCHY: Hi, you guys, this is my new next-door neighbor, Sandy Dumbrowski. This here’s Rizzo and that’s Marty and you remember Jan.
Sure. Hi.
MARTY: How d’ja like rice pudding down your bra?
i’ll take it!
FRENCHY: Ah, I just touched it up a little.
You gonna eat your coleslaw Sandy?
MARTY: Up yours Rizzle!
How do ya like the school so far, Sandy?
SANDY: Oh, it seems real nice. I was going to go to Immaculata, but my father had a fight with the Mother Superior over my patent leather shoes.
What do ya mean?
MARTY: Swear to God?
Hey, where do ya get shoes like that?
SANDY: I spent most of the summer at the beach.
What for? We got a brand new pool right in the neighborhood. It’s real nice.
KENICKIE: She Catholic
`What if we said that stuff about Danny Zuko?
SONNY: She’s pretty sharp. I think she’s got eyes for me, didja notice?
Gee, he was so glad to see ya, he dropped his lunch.
MARTY: Hey listen, how’d you like to come over to my house tonight? It’ll just be us girls.
Yeah, those guys are all a bunch of creeps.
FRENCHY: Hey, it says here that Fabian is in love with some Swedish movie star and might be gettin’ married.
Oh no!
FRENCHY: Yeah, then I’ll show ya how to French inhale. That’s really cool. Watch
Phtyyaaagghh! That’s the ugliest thing I ever saw!
RIZZO: Sure it is. Jeez, you guys, I almost forgot! A little Sneaky Pete to get the party goin’
Italian Swiss Colony. Wow, it’s imported!
MARTY: I didn’t say I didn’t want any, it just don’t taste very strong, that’s all.
Hey, I brought some Twinkies, anybody want one?
MARTY: Twinkies and wine? That’s real class, Jan.
It says right here, it’s a dessert wine!
RIZZO: Hey, no! Ya gotta chug it! Like this! Otherwise you swallow air bubbles and that’s what makes you throw up.
I never knew that.
MARTY: Sure, Rudy from the Capri Lounge told me the same thing.
Hey, Sandy, you ever wear earrings? I think they’d keep your face from lookin’ so skinny.
FRENCHY: Wouldja like me to pierce your ears for ya, Sandy? i’m gonna be a beautician, y’know.
Yeah, she’s real good. She did mine for me.
MARTY: He, how about my virgin pin!
Nice to know it’s good for somethin’
MARTY: What’s that crack supposed to mean?
Forget it Marty. I was just teasin’ ya!
FRENCHY: it only bleeds for a second. Come on.
Aaawww! We miss all the fun!
SANDY: Okay, come on… Frenchy.
Hey, Sandy, don’t sweat it. If she screws up, she can always fix your hair so your ears won’t show.
RIZZO: That chick’s gettin’ to be a real nerd.
Ah, lay off, Rizzo.
FRENCHY: Hey, Marty. Sandy’s sick. She’s heavin’ all over the place!
‘Dja’ do her ears already?
MARTY: Jeez, it’s gettin’ kinda chilly. I think I’ll put my robe on.
Her, Marty. Where ‘dja get that thing?
FRENCHY: No kiddin’!
You goin’ with a Japenese guy?
FRENCHY: Oh wow? Hey, Marty, can you get me one of those things?
You never told us you knew any Marines.
RIZZO: Endsville.
What’s this guy look like, Marty?
MARTY: Yeah, but it’s not too good. He ain’t in uniform. Oh, here it is… next to Paul Anka.
How come it’s ripped in half?
MARTY: Oh his old girl friend was in the picture.
What’s this guys name, anyway?
MARTY: Oh! It’s Freddy. Freddy Strulka.
Is he Polish?
MARTY: Pretty much. Every time I get a present.
Whattaya say to a guy in a letter anyway?
ROGER: Ah, for cryin’ out loud. What’dja remind me for? Now I gotta go to confession.
Well, I can eat anything. That’s the nice thing about being a Lutheran
ROGER: Yeah, that’s the nice thing about bein’ Petunia Pig.
Look who’s talkin’ Porky.
SONNY: You oughtta know, Foam-Doams.
You want another cheeseburger?
ROGER: Nah, I think I’ll have a Coke
You shouldn’t drink so much Coke. It rots your teeth.
ROGER: Thank you, Bucky Beaver
I ain’t kiddin’. Somebody told me about this scientist who once knocked out one of his teeth and dropped it in a glass of Coke, and after a week, the tooth rotted away until there was nothing left.
ROGER: For Christs sake, I ain’t gonna carry a mouthful of Coke around for a week. Besides, what do you care what I do with my teeth? It ain’t your problem.
No. I guess not.
DANNY: Hey, better hobby than yours, Rump.
How come you never get mad at those guys?
ROGER: Why should I?
Well, the name they call you. Rump!
ROGER: That’s just my nickname. It’s sorta like a title.
Whattaya mean?
ROGER: I’m the king of mooners.
The what?
ROGER: I’m the mooning champ of Rydell high
You mean showm’ off your bare behind to people? That’s pretty raunchy.
ROGER: Nah, it’s neat! I even mooned old Lady Lynch once. I hung one on her right out the car window. And she never even knew who it was.
Too much! I wish I’d been there. I mean… y’know what I mean.
ROGER: Yeah. I wish you’d been there, too.
You do?
ROGER: You got a date for the dance tommorrow night?
Tomorrow? Let me see - No I don’t. Why?
ROGER: You wanna go with me?
You kiddin me? Yeah sure Roge!
RIZZO: Drop dead!
ROGER: Why dont’cha let me lead, for a change.
I can’t help it, I’m used to leading.
ROGER: Oh, yeah.
Oh, Roger, wouldja’ get me some punch?
FRENCHY: It ain’t so bad, Rizz - you get to stay home from school.
Hey, you want to stay over tonight, Rizz?
RIZZO: Hey, why don’t you guys just flake off and leave me alone?
It’s getting late, anyway - I guess it might be better if everybody went home. C’mon. let’s go!
SONNY: Tell her I didn’t mean anything, will ya.
Just leave that stuff, Rizzo. I’ll get it.
FRENCHY: Gee, the whole crowd’s together again. I could cry.
Gee, me too!