GRE Vocab 005-30- Ielts Resources Flashcards
- A glaciologist is a person who studies glaciers and other natural phenomena involving ice
- Glaciologists believe that global warming is causing glaciers to retreat.
- Lake Imja was first photographed by glaciologist Fritz Muller in 1956.
- Glaciologists have documented large-scale shrinkage of mountain glaciers throughout North and South America
glacial valley
- A glacial valley is a type of valley formed by the erosive action of glaciers.
- Yosemite Valley in California is a classic example of a glacial valley, with its steep walls and U-shaped cross section.
- The Rocky Mountains feature numerous glacial valleys, sculpted by ancient ice sheets.
- As the glacier retreated, it left behind a wide, flat floor in the glacial valley, now covered in fertile soil.
surging glacier
- A surging glacier is a glacier that experiences a dramatic increase in flow rate, moving 10 to 100 times faster than its normal rate. These surge events usually last less than one year and occur periodically, with intervals ranging from 15 to 100 years
- 1) In 1941, the Hole-in-the-Wall Glacier surged, advancing rapidly and even knocking over trees during its movement.
- 2) Glacial surges are short-lived events, where a glacier can move at velocities up to 100 times faster than usual, reshaping the landscape.
- 3) Svalbard, in the high Arctic, hosts surging glaciers with long quiescent periods followed by intense, semi-periodical phases of rapid velocity
to the plummet
- The term “to plummet” means to fall or drop suddenly in amount, value, or intensity
- Stock prices plummeted 40 percent during the financial scandal.
- The TV show’s ratings have plummeted, leading to concerns about its future.
- As temperatures drop, they are expected to plummet even further this weekend.
inadequate relief
- The term “inadequate relief” refers to a situation where something is not enough or insufficient to address a particular need or problem
- Despite the disaster, the inadequate relief efforts left many families without proper shelter or food.
botanical family
- A botanical family is a group of plants that share common characteristics and evolutionary ancestry
- Asteraceae (the daisy family) includes sunflowers, daisies, and asters.
- Iridaceae (the iris family) encompasses irises, crocuses, and gladioli.
- Malvaceae (the mallow family) consists of hibiscus, cotton, and okra.
poisonous bread
The old witch offered the hungry traveler a loaf of poisonous bread, promising it would grant him eternal wisdom—but at a grave cost
dietary value
Spinach is known for its high dietary value, as it is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
The novelty of the interactive museum exhibit captured the visitors’ attention, making it a memorable experience
monarchs of Europe
- The term “monarchs of Europe” refers to the kings, queens, and other sovereign rulers who hold power in European countries. These monarchs may preside over kingdoms, principalities, or other forms of monarchy.
- Queen Elizabeth II is one of the most well-known monarchs of Europe, reigning over the United Kingdom for decades.
- King Felipe VI of Spain represents the continuity of a long line of European monarchs in the House of Bourbon.
- The principality of Monaco has been governed by a series of monarchs, including the famous Prince Rainier III.
unexpected potato blight
The farmer was devastated when an unexpected potato blight wiped out his entire crop just before harvest.
- 1) Diffused Matter: Vapors refer to diffused matter such as smoke, fog, or mist suspended in the air, impairing transparency.
- All four wore long coats and breathed ghosts of visible vapor into the cold February morning.
- After one such explosion last July, the coma—or cloud of vapor and dust around the comet’s rocky core—expanded to more than 7,000 times the size of the comet itself.
- The dense vapors from the factory obscured the entire skyline.
- 2) Gaseous State : In physics, vapors denote a substance in the gaseous state, distinct from the liquid or solid state.
- The chemist studied the behavior of vapors at different temperatures.
- When heated, the liquid nitrogen turned into vapor.
- The steam rising from the boiling kettle was a visible vapor.
- 3) Unsubstantial Ideas : Figuratively, vapors can represent something unsubstantial or transitory, like a foolish or fanciful idea.
- She dismissed his grandiose plans as mere vapors.
- She dismissed his grandiose plans as mere vapors.
- The artist’s abstract paintings evoked a sense of ethereal vapors.
barely relied on earnings
- Despite working multiple jobs, she barely relied on earnings to cover her basic expenses
- The struggling artist’s passion for creativity was so strong that he barely relied on earnings and continued to pursue his craft.
colonial land holding
- 1) Diffused Matter: Colonial land holding refers to the ownership and management of land within colonial contexts. It involves the acquisition, distribution, and control of land by colonial powers or settlers.
- During the era of European colonization, indigenous communities faced dispossession as their ancestral lands were taken over by colonial land holdings.
- The British Empire established vast colonial land holdings across Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
- The struggle for independence often centered around reclaiming control over colonial land holdings.
tenure system
- In academia, the tenure system provides job security for professors after a probationary period, allowing them to focus on research and teaching.
- The tenure system ensures that experienced civil servants retain their positions despite changes in political leadership.
- Under the feudal tenure system, land was granted to vassals in exchange for military service to the lord.
five-acre plots
Five-acre plots refer to parcels of land that cover an area of five acres. An acre is a widely used unit of land measurement, equivalent to 43,560 square feet or approximately 4,840 square yards. Visualizing five acres helps understand its size and potential uses.
subdivided into
- The large estate was subdivided into smaller lots, each suitable for building a single-family home.
- The city zoning plan subdivided the industrial area into separate zones for factories, offices, and residential buildings.
- The land surveyor marked the property boundaries, ensuring that the acreage was subdivided into equal portions for the new owners.
smaller parcels
- Smaller parcels refer to land divisions or plots that are smaller in size compared to larger tracts of land. These parcels are often more manageable and suitable for specific purposes.
- The real estate developer divided the large estate into smaller parcels, each suitable for building a cozy cottage.
- Smaller parcels of land near the riverbank were ideal for community gardens and recreational spaces.
- The zoning regulations allowed for smaller parcels in the historic district, preserving the neighborhood’s character.
overdue rent
- The landlord sent a notice to the tenant regarding their overdue rent, urging them to pay immediately.
- The struggling artist faced eviction due to overdue rent on their studio space.
- The property management company imposed late fees for the overdue rent payments.
- Laissez-faire is an economic and political concept that advocates for minimal government intervention and maximum individual freedom
- The economist argued that a laissez-faire approach would allow the market to regulate itself without excessive rules.
- The company’s management adopted a laissez-faire leadership style, giving employees autonomy to make decisions.
- Some critics believe that complete laissez-faire policies can lead to inequality and exploitation.
- Governments often debate the merits of noninterventionist policies, allowing markets and individuals to operate with minimal interference.
- The doctor’s nonintervention approach emphasized self-healing and natural remedies rather than aggressive medical treatments.
- During the conflict, the international community grappled with the question of military nonintervention, balancing humanitarian concerns with respect for national sovereignty.
to repeal
-To repeal” refers to the act of officially revoking or abolishing a law, regulation, or policy. When something is repealed, it is formally canceled or removed, often due to changes in circumstances,
- The government decided to repeal the outdated tax law, aiming to simplify the tax system.
- The parliament voted overwhelmingly to repeal the controversial legislation, addressing citizens’ concerns.
- The city council is considering a proposal to repeal the curfew ordinance, allowing more flexibility for residents.
to providence
- To providence refers to the care, guidance, or control attributed to a force or influence that is not human in origin. It often implies a divine or higher power overseeing events and shaping destinies
- The sailor attributed their safe return from the stormy sea to providence, believing it was a divine intervention.
- In times of uncertainty, people often turn to providence for guidance and protection.
- The unexpected job offer came as a pleasant surprise, almost as if it were to providence.
food depots
- Food depots” refer to centralized storage facilities where large quantities of food, goods, or equipment are stored
- Food depots serve as central storage facilities for distributing essential supplies during emergencies or crises.
- The government strategically places food depots across the country to ensure timely access to provisions in times of need.
- During natural disasters, relief organizations rely on well-stocked food depots to provide sustenance to affected communities.
- The government decided to redirect the outdated tax law, aiming to simplify the tax system.
- During budget cuts, resources were strategically redirected into critical areas of education.
- The company received a shipment of urgent medical supplies, which is expected to arrive very soon
- Last week, a shipment of vegetables arrived at the local market
- They are waiting for a new shipment of grain to restock their inventory
- The government promised to implement a new system to control financial loan institutions.
- Our task-based approach is presented in view of a rigorous mathematically-based optimization formulation, where cost functions characterizing human performance measures are implemented.
- The country had been slow to implement the new European directive.
tore apart families
- The bitter feud over the inheritance tore apart the once-close-knit family, leaving lasting scars.
- The civil war tore apart families, separating loved ones who ended up on opposing sides.
- The devastating earthquake not only destroyed homes but also tore apart families, scattering relatives across different shelters.
- Descendants are individuals who are related to you and live after you, such as your children or grandchildren. For instance, she’s a descendant of Charles Darwin.
- Lemurs, as descendants of the earliest primates, share a common ancestry with their ancient relatives.
- The Pennsylvania Dutch are descendants of early German immigrants, preserving their cultural heritage across generations.
animosity toward
- I have no animosity toward him whatsoever.
- The deep animosities that exist between certain ethnic and religious groups sometimes seem as if they will last forever.
- The bitter feud over the inheritance tore apart the once-close-knit family, leaving lasting scars.