GRAT 2 Flashcards
vascular tone
how contracted SM is at any time
increase tone= increase constriction
vavor receptor
located throughout body
detect stretch degree and directly related to sodium channels
goes from outside
needs help from transmembrane proteins
usually have transporters
in between adjacent cells
force driving movement is chemical gradient
fluid, gas filled areas gone
hives filled with serous fluid
P cap
blood pressure, not same as arteriole bp
hydrostatic pressure within capillary
what affects Pcap
Increase/ decrease bp
loss of blood
Pi Int
oncotic pressure, low number especially compared to Pcap
What effects Pi Int
blunt force trauma
by product of filtrate and contains intracellular debris etc
dynamic compression
when organism can move limbs and b/c of movement can compress and displace fluid in one direction
dead space ventilation
represents airflow without gas exchange
-blood does not get oxygenated, no CO2 exchange
alveolar ventilation
amount of air that gets to alveoli per unit of time
important with no underlying disease for gas exchange
rib cage recoil
in 2 directions, usually outward b/c low lung volume but can recoil inward if high lung volume