Grading Fancy Cuts (Chapter 16, Key Terms & Key Concept) Flashcards
The slightly curving center of the long side of
a pear, marquise, heart, or oval.
A dark area across the center of an
elongated brilliant cut.
A cutting style in which triangular and
kite-shaped facets radiate from a gem’s center
toward its girdle.
Brilliant cut
The arrangement of a gem’s facets.
Cutting style
Any gemstone shape other than a
standard round brilliant.
Fancy cut
A faceting style that replaces the large
bezel facets at the points of marquises, pears, and
hearts with star and upper half facets.
French tips
A numerical expression of
the relationship between the length and width of a
fancy cut, where the value for width is one.
Length-to-width ratio
A cutting style that combines step-cut
and brilliant-cut facets.
Mixed cut
Outward curve of the pavilion facets
of a step-cut diamond.
Pavilion bulge
The face-up outline of a gem.
A diamond’s overall attractiveness in
relation to others of the same shape and cutting
Shape appeal
A cutting style with long, narrow, four-sided facets in rows parallel to the girdle on both
the crown and pavilion.
Step cut
Shape is often the major selling point of a fancy-cut diamond.
Key concept
Because fancy cuts are different from one another, each one
has its own set of variables.
Key Concept
The factors that make a fancy cut appealing are often as
much emotional as they are practical.
Key Concept
To color-grade fancy cuts, graders look at them face-down
and diagonally, and also consider face-up color.
Key Concept
The bow-tie’s darkness and size determine its effect on a
diamond’s appearance.
Key Concept
Excess pavilion bulge increases unplanned light leakage and
adds weight.
Key Concept
The grading report is a useful guide to a particular fancy
cut’s identifying characteristics.
Key Concept
Fancy cuts are more important than ever, and attract buyers
looking for something unique.
Key Concept