Grade 6,Class Science, Chapter 3 Flashcards
Relative dating is..
Relative dating is a method of putting events in order in which they happened
Relationships does not try to determine the exact age of an object but instead….
Instead of which the events they happened
Oringinal horizontality is when …
Sediment perticalls that fall to the bottom of water in response of gravity
Lateral Continuitiy is ….
Lateral Continuity is the idea that when layers of sediments are formed they extend in all the directions horizontally
Cross cutting relationship states that a vein of a rock cuts across a rocks layer is…..
The vein is the youngest part of the rock
How are rock inclusion formed..
Rock inclusions are formed melted rock surrounded the inclusion and then solidified
Faunul succession mean that….
Faunul succession means that fossils can be used to identify the relative age of the layers of a rock foundation
Geologic time divided into…
Geoglic time is divided into eras and periods
During the Precumbian era layers of rock formed the Grand Canyon and only single celled …..
During the Precambian era layers of rock formed the Grand Canyon and only single celled organisms lived on Earths
How many eras are there? Which is bigger?
There are 4 eras. The biggest one is the Paleozoc era
Radioactive decay refers to_____. As a result of radioactive decays an ______. An element is______
Radioactive decay refers to how unstable atoms was discovered. As a result of radioactive decays an element. An element is a sustance composed of only one kind of atom
Scientists know that it takes us billion years for one half of urainium atoms in a specium to turn into lead
Scientists know that it takes us billion years for one half of urainium atoms in a specium to turn into lead
Dendrochronolog is…..
Dendrochronolog is tree ring dating
Elevation means….
Elevation is the height of an objets measured from a reference level
Scale of a map helps you…
A scale of a map helps you relater the small distance on the map to the larger real life distance
Topographic map helps use special lines called____ to show ____
called contour line to show mountains and other land features
Contour lines indicate…
Contour lines indicate all points where the elevation is the same
A bathymetric map shows….
Shows the dephs of a body of water such as a lake or ocean
The prime meridian is….
Is an imaginary line that goes threw Grenich, England and is perpandiculer to the equator
Longititude is…
goes from north to south
Ladtitude is..
goes from east to west