Grade 4: History_MoveWest_Ch5 Flashcards
Why did fur trappers move west?
Lesson 1: trappers were looking for new places to trap beavers and other animals, because there was a high demand for beaver furs. The supply of fur was low and people willing to pay alot for them.
Who are Trailblazers
Lesson 1: Trailblazers are people who make a new path for others to follow
Who was the first American Trailblazer to enter California
Lesson 1: Jedediah Strong Smith
How did most people get to California before overland routes
Lesson 1: by ships
What is an immigrant
Lesson 2: immigrants are someone who comes from one country to live in another
What is a pioneer
Lesson 2: pioneer is one of the first people to settle in a new land
What were some of the challenges settlers faced when traveling overland to California
Lesson 2: crossing high mountains, snow storms during winter travel, and rough terrain
Who were the Bartleson-Bidwell and Donner parties
Lesson 2: Bartleson-Bidwell expedition was one of the first groups to make the overland trip to California using the Oregon Trail.
Donner party was a larger group that used Hasting’s new route that took a month longer to travel and half the party survived the winter.
What does the term “Manifest Destiny” mean
Lesson 3: an idea that United States should expand to reach from Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean
Why did Americans want California
Lesson 3: so that citizens would have more places to live and work, because the trade was rapidly growing there. Also control the ports along the Pacific Coast
Why did Mexico lose control of California
Lesson 3: Mexican government and economy in California were weak.
Rancho owners had more power by owning more land and some did not support Mexico.
There were fewer Mexican soldiers keeping order in California.
could not stop American settlers from moving to California.
Who is John C. Fremont and what is he known for
Lesson 3: John C. Fremont was a mapmaker and explorer of the Oregon Trail and Old Spanish Trail. He later wrote a book about California that became very popular.
What is the significance of the Bear Flag Revolt and where did it occur
Lesson 3: Bear Flag Revolt was when a group of 30 American settlers, named Osos (means ‘bear’), marched to Sonoma to take control of California away from Mexico. Rebels declared California a free republic (where people elect the government leaders). Rebels took over Sonoma and announced California Republic.
California State Flag was based on The Bear Flag where there’s a bear, a lone star, red stripe and words “California Republic”
What ended the Bear Flag Republic
Lesson 3: The arrival of American troops in California quickly brought an end to the California Republic
What significant event occurred at Dominguez Rancho
Lesson 4: Californios rebelled against US Soldiers, Gillespie’s & Stockton’s soldiers marched back to Los Angeles to fight against Californios at Dominguez Rancho. The Californios won the fight.
What were the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Lesson 4: Mexico agreed to give up California, Utah, Nevada and parts of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Wyoming. United States paid Mexico $15 Million.
Also made Californios citizens of United States and allowed them to keep their land before the war.
Fact is what..
a statement that can be checked and proved to be true. Fact may contain dates & numbers that can be checked in a reference book
Opinion is what…
a statement that tells what a person thinks or believes. Opinion is a statement that cannot be proven. Opinion usually has adjectives like best, worst, and greatest. Also, if it contains word like “I think”, “I believe”, or “In my opinion”
Opinion or Fact: In 1834, Joseph Reddford Walker became the first American to cross Sierra Nevada from the east
Fact because there’s a Year you can look up
Opinion or Fact: the Old Spanish Trail was the best route into California
Opinion because best route cannot be proven
Opinion or Fact: Governor Encheandia should have let Smith explore California
Opinion because “should have” cannot be proven
In the 1820s, the demand for beaver fur was high, but the supply of it was low
Fact because there’s a Year you can look up
Fiction is what….
Fiction is something that is made up writing. Writers would add words that people did not say.