Grade 5: Social Studies Ch. 2 Flashcards
Which American Indian group most identifies with the following:
Desert SouthWest
Which American Indian group most identifies with the following:
Pacific NorthWest
Which American Indian group most identifies with the following:
The Plains
Which American Indian group most identifies with the following:
Eastern Woodlands
Which American Indian group most identifies with the following:
Which American Indian group most identifies with the following:
Desert SouthWest
Which American Indian group most identifies with the following:
The Plains
What was the major purpose of the Iroquois League
To settle disputes among the people peacefully
How were the Eastern Woodlands divided into either the Iroquois or Algonquian?
Iroquois lived in the NorthEastern part of the Eastern Woodland; area around the Great Lakes, in what is now Pennsylvania and New York and Lake Ontario region of Canada.
Algonquian lived in the Southern part of the Eastern Woodland; mainly lived on the Coastal Plain near the Atlantic Ocean
How was a Plains Indian Chief chosen?
Any man could become chief by proving himself a good hunter and a good leader of people;
Chief are chosen by the people who they trust;
What kinds of activities made up the economics of the American Indian groups you read about in Chapter 2?
Southwest Indians grew cotton & weaved blankets and clothing, made clay pottery & baskets for storing food & water, grinded corn into meal.
Pacific Northwest Indians used wood to make dishes, spoons, utensils, and totem poles;
Pacific Northwest Indians also traded or bartered their goods with other indians
Plains Indians used buffalo parts to make blankets, clothing, moccasins, bags (from stomachs), needles and tools (from bones)
Eastern Woodlands Indians wove baskets from reeds, used deer skin to make clothing, used animal bones and wood to make hooks and fishing traps.
Arctic Indians used seal parts to make clothing, made oil from seal blubber, made sharpened bone tools
What do all the the things you mentioned (the activities) have in common?
Used natural resources to improve their way of life
What is the main reason that American Indians in the Pacific Northwest did not farm?
Cool ocean winds brought heavy rains to the region, so forest grew tall and thick. Forest and rivers were filled with animals and fish.
Indians of the Pacific Northwest did not farm but rather fished, hunted and gathered plants and nuts.
Name the staple food, shelter, climate, and most important natural resource for each American Indian group:
Food: seals, walruses, whales, foxes, hares, caribou, polar bears
Shelter: Igloos - homes made of ice (used during winter)
Tents made of animal skin during the summer
Climate: extreme cold winter and cold summer
Natural Resource: seals
Name the staple food, shelter, climate, and most important natural resource for each American Indian group:
Food: Maize (corn), Beans, Squash
Shelter: Adobe house; sun-dried bricks made of clay mixed with straw
Climate: Dry Summer heat; Bitter Winter cold; little rainfall
Natural Resource: clay, straw, maize, cotton
Name the staple food, shelter, climate, and most important natural resource for each American Indian group:
Eastern Woodland
Food: corn, beans, squash, fish
Shelter: Smaller Longhouses made of poles from young trees, bending poles and covering them with bark
Wigwams: round (dome shaped), bark-covered shelters
Climate: 4 season: winter, spring, summer, fall
Natural Resource: Trees
Name the staple food, shelter, climate, and most important natural resource for each American Indian group:
Pacific Northwest
Food: Salmon, whales, plants & nuts
Shelter: Longhouses (rectangular homes 60 feet long); had slanted roofs that allowed rainwater to run off. Removed planks from roof to clear the air inside.
Climate: Cool, heavy rain,
Natural Resource: trees, whales, salmon
Name the staple food, shelter, climate, and most important natural resource for each American Indian group:
Food: buffalo, beans, corn, squash, sunflowers, deer, elk
Tepees (coned shaped tents) used by nomadic Great Plains Indians
Lodges; built of earth over a shallow pit; covered with grasses or animal skins
Climate: dry hot summer and cold winter
Natural Resource: Buffalo, Water
What does the word Economy mean?
The way the people of a state, region, or country use resources to meet their needs