grade 11 p block Flashcards
Borazine formation
B2H6 + NH3 —-> B3N3H6 + H2
B2H6 prep from LiAlH4 and NaBH4
LiAlH4 + BF3 ——–> B2H6 + LiF + AlF3
NaBH4 + I2 —–> B2H6 + NaI + H2
Prep of boric acid from borax
Na2B4O7 + HCl + H2O ———–> H3BO3 + NaCl
Na2B4O7 + H2O ——> NaOH + H3BO3
Prep of boric anhydride
B2H6 + O2 ——> B2O3 + H2O
Heating of borax
Na2B4O7 ————–> B2O3 + NaBO2
Fullerene structure
Smooth structure with no dangling bonds
Even no of carbon atoms
H3BO3 on heating
H3BO2, then B2O3
Silicate structure
SiO4 4-
Only single bonds between Si and O
Zeolite charge
ZSM 5 use
Alcohols directly converted to gasoline
Grp 13 element having high MP
Shape of dimer of AlCl3
does not exist
Borax bead test for Co
Co(BO2)2 is formed which is blue in color
H3BO3 solubility in water
Sparingly soluble in normal water, highly soluble in hot water
Flux for soldering metals
Cu vs Al conductivity
On a weight to weight basis, Al has twice the conductivity of Cu
Electronegativity of grp14
C > Si = Ge = Sn = Pb
Grp 13 BP
B > Al > Ga > In > Tl
SiCl4 + H2O
silicilic acid
Oxides nature of grp14
CO2: acidic
Si: acidic
Ge: acidic
Sn, Pb: Amphoteric
SiO can exist only at
high temp