GP Week 2 Flashcards
Exam Prep
HAS-BLED: A tool for identifying risk factors for bleeding in patients with AF.
- H - Hypertension - Systolic > 160 mmHg.
- A - abnormal liver or renal function.
- S - stroke history
- B - bleeding history or predisposition to bleeding
- L - labile INRs
- E - elderly > 65 years
- D - drugs, antiplatelets, NSAIDs, or alcohol > 8 units per week
CHA2DS2-VASc: A tool to further risk stratify low-risk people with non-valvular AF.
- C - congestive heart failure/ LVF = 1
- H - hypertension = 1
- A - age > 75 years = 2
- D - diabetes mellitus = 1
- S - stroke or TIA history = 2
- V - vascular disease, prior MI, PAD, aortic plaque = 1
- A - age 65-74 years = 1
- Sc - sex category, female = 1
CHADS2: Stroke risk assessment in people with non-valvular AF.
- C - congestive heart failure history = 1
- H - hypertension, include controlled = 1
- A - age > 75 years = 1
- D - diabetes mellitus = 1
- S - stroke or TIA history = 2
Australian prescriber indications for Rivaroxaban.
- AF
2. VTE
Australian prescriber indications for Dabigatran.
- AF
Australian prescriber indications for Apixaban.
- AF
2. VTE
Australian prescriber indications for Warfarin.
- AF
- Valvular heart disease
Concomitant medications that increase effects of anticoagulants.
- Amiodarone (Warfarin)
- Erythromycin (Apixaban and Rivaroxaban)
- Verapamil (Dabigitran)
Concomitant medications that decrease the effect of anticoagulants.
- Rifampicin (all)
Medication choice for management of hypertension in myocardial infarction patients and symptomatic patients with angina.
- ACEi with beta blocker or calcium channel blocker
Medication choice for management of hypertension in chronic heart failure patient.
- ACEi with beta blocker
2. ARB if ACEi not tolerated
Medication choice for management of hypertension in the patient with peripheral vascular disease.
- ACEi or ARB
Medication choice for management of hypertension in older patients.
- ACEi or ARB
Classifications of clinical blood pressure in adults.
- Optimal = < 120 / < 80
- Normal = 120-129 / 80-84
- High-normal = 130-139 / 85-89
- Grade 1 HTN = 140-159 / 90-99
- Grade 2 HTN = 160-179 / 100-109
6 Grade 3 HTN = >180 / > 110
Diagnosis of asthma in adults is based on:
- History
- Physical examination
- Considering other diagnosis
- documenting variable airflow limitations