GOPSEA Quiz 1 Flashcards
The Pacific Plate is entirely composed of an oceanic lithosphere create since:
150 Ma
There are two generally accepted models of the origin of the West Philippine Basin. These are:
back arc basin and trapped oceanic basin
which of the following is an active submarine ridge in the Philippine Plate?
-Palau-Kyushu ridge
-west mariana ridge
-parece vela shikoku ridge
-east mariana ridge
east mariana ridge
The Pacific Plate have undergone a major kinematic reorganization, involving a 50 degree clockwise rotation with respect to hotspots, at around:
43 Ma
This basin is divided into NW and SE subbasins by the Cagayan Ridge
Sulu Sea basin
The Taiwan collision zone is an example of
Continent-arc collision
The age of the Philippine Trench, based on the consideration of the length of the subducting slab and the displacement rate of Philippine Sea Plate, is:
3.1 Ma
The eastern limit of the Shikoku Basin is
Izu-Bonin ridge
Eurasia has been considered fixed since
50 Ma
The most recent Mt. Pinatubo eruption occured on
June 15, 1991
The Apolaki Caldera which is considered as the world’s largest caldera is located within:
Benham Rise
The South China Sea, according to some authors, formed by this model. In this model, India would impinge northwards against Eurasia which would cause the southeastward expulsion of the Indo-Chinese Block along large strike slip faults where pull-apart extensional zones may be created and form basins
Extrusion tectonics
Which of the following is NOT CORRECT about the Philippine Trench?
-it is formed by the subduction of the PSP under the Philippine arc
-this subduction zone is young
-it has a well-developed accretionary prism
-the southern closure is still poorly known
it has a well-developed accretionary prism
This is the morphologic expression of the subduction of the oceanic crust of the South China Sea under the Luzon arc.
Manila Trench
Which of the following subduction zones DOES NOT have a corresponding active volcanic arc?
-Philippine Trench
-Negros Trench
-Cotabato Trench
-East Luzon Trough
East Luzon Trough
In the Negros Trench, which oceanic crust is being consumed?
Sulu Sea Basin
The metamorphic rocks of insular arc affinity are of what age?
The oldest known magmatic rocks in the Philippines are found in:
The thickest sedimentary basin, which has a sedimentary fill of more than 12,000 m is the:
Agusan-Davao basin
The term “Philippine Fault” was first propsed by which author
The July 16, 1990 north Luzon earthquake, caused by the movement of the northern segment of the Philippine Fault had a magnitude of
The central segment of the Philippine Fault is located from
Bondoc Peninsula to Leyte
According to the shear partitioning model of the Philippine Fault, the fault accommodates a component of the _ convergence between the Philippine Sea plate and the Philippine arc.
This fault consists of two NE-trending faults. Based on paleo seismological studies, there have been approximately four earthquake occurrences in the past 1500 years
Marikina Valley Fault
The northern continuation of the Mindanao Fault towards the northern Zamboanga is:
Sindangan Fault
The oldest basement rock, which is of Middle Permian in age is the
Minilog Limestone
The youngest basement rock of the Philippines is the
Amnay Ophiolite
The oldest ophiolitic rocks is of what age:
The base of the sedimentary basins formed over the PMB is what rock type?
The Palawan-Mindoro microcontinent collided with the west central portion of the PMB during what age?
The base of the Davao Basin section of the Agusan-Davao basin is the
Kabagtican Formation
This formation is unconformably overlain by Wawa Formation. Its type locality is found in Ampayon, Prosperidad , Agusan del Sur. It was named by the San Jose Oil Company.
Adgaoan Formation
The age of the Upian Limestone was assigned Early Miocene by Quebral, 1994, based on which fossil group?
The basement of the Northern Pacific Cordillera section of the Mindanao Pacific Cordillera is the
Dinagat Ophiolite
This unit consists of a poorly consolidated sequence of interbedded sandstone and shale with conglomeratic portions. Exposures may be encountered along Lasang and Davao Ricers on the western flank of the basin and the Mawab and Makgum anticlines
Mandog Formation
This formation consists of highly porous coralline limestone and coral breccia, and is unconformable on the Mandog Formation
Bunawan Limestone
This formation describes the metasedimentary and metavolcanic sequence along the western coast of the Surigao Peninsula. It is unconformable over the Dinagat Ophiolite and the Nueva Estrella schist.
Sohoton Greenschist
The lower member of the Manay Formation is
This unit corresponds to a massive cliff-forming conglomerates best exposed near the mouth of the Baguan river in a municipality in Davao Oriental. These conglomerates are highly resistant to erosion and form ridges around Mayo Bay
Taragona Conglomerate
This batholith found in the upper reaches of the Caraga and Cateel Rivers also outcrops in the Masara mine area in Mabini, Davao de Oro.
Cateel Quartz Diorite