CORRELATION COURSE (DAY 1) Final Exam Flashcards
The average geothermal gradient of the Earth is:
25 degrees Celcius/km
A break that separates older metamorphic rocks from younger sedimentary rocks immediately above them is a type of unconformity called a(n) ____________
This refer to a block of rock bounded by mineral veins or thrust faults. Stacks of this feature are called as
Horse ; Duplexes
What is the average thickness of the inner core?
1,278 km
When did coral reefs first appeared?
485 mya
Also known as stony corals
The deepest lake in the Philippines is ___________________. It is formed by ___________________ forces.
Lake Mainit ; transtensional
It refers to the process of shoreline migration out of a basin and onto land during retrogradation
Right-lateral faults are also known as
Dextral Faults
According to William Moris Davis, it is the ultimate stage of landform evolution.
It is dubbed as the twin planet of Earth.
These are wedge-shaped fluvial landforms developing adjacent to channels in response to changes in depositional energy attributed to episodes of flooding.
Natural Levees
Smoothly polished surfaces caused by fault movement are called
These are pressure dissolution seams.
Thick successions of interbedded shale and sandstone are called as ________. They are normal graded beds that progress from deep-water and turbidity flow deposits to shallow-water shales and sandstones.
Sigma 1 along reverse faults are oriented
horizontal inward
It is a coastal landform characterized by beach deposits that project narrowly towards the sea and is tied to the coast at one end.
Suppose that you conducted exploratory drilling on a moderately sloping hillslope, that is proximal from an identified intrusive body, and subsequently encountered a tilted mineralized carbonate unit. Determine the structure’s strike and dip using the following data:
Drill Hole: EDH-1, EDH-2, EDH-3
Elevation (masl): 300, 200, 180
Location: 100 m due West of EDH-2, 100 m due East of EDH-1, 250 m due South of EDH-1
Depth to Structure: 30 m, 55 m, 35 m
N 21.8 degrees E, 53.39 degrees SE
It is a structural landform that is characterized as having asymmetric ridges with one long gentle slope (<20 degrees) generally coinciding with the dip of the resistant beds.
Possible age of oldest oceanic crust?
> 200 myo
It is a carbonate texture classification scheme that is based on depositional texture and mud content.
It is an isostatic model that assumes that the Earth’s lithosphere, its outermost shell, is a series of blocks of constant density. While the density remains the same, the thickness of these blocks varies.
It is the oldest intact rock found in Earth reaching up to 4.02 billion years old.
Acasta Gneiss
These dunes develop through the saltation of sand grains up their gentle sloping windward slope, and settle by the angle of repose down the leeward or slipface.
It is a low saddle or gap across a ridge or between two peaks.
It is the combined action of frost shattering, gelifluction, and slopewash processes occurring around snow patches; and abrasion by snow patches and avalanching.
It is the lifting and removal of loose material from the earth’s surface.
It is an isolated rock hill, knob, ridge, or small mountain that rises abruptly from a gently sloping or virtually level surrounding plain
It is the part of the displaced material of the landslide that overlies the surface of rupture between the main scarp and the toe of the surface of rupture.
Main Body
In GIS, positive curvature values of a processed DEM correspond to what hillslope geometry?
It refers to the compass direction of a slope.
It is the boundary separating Earth’s atmosphere and outer space.
Karman Line
He is known for his theory of comsmogony and his discovery of Uranus. He also proposed that all stars were originally evenly distributed and gradually pulled into galaxies by gravitational forces.
William Herschel
Where is Juan de Fuca Plate located?
northwestern portion of North America
These are exposed rock surfaces that have been quickly broken up by frost action so that much rock is buried under a cover of angular shattered boulders.
What is the average thickness of the mantle?
2,900 km
These are folds with interlimb angle between 120 to 180 degrees.
It is also known as the North Bohol Fault.
Inabanga Fault
reverse fault with left and right lateral display (?)
What type of galaxy is Andromeda?
Barred Spiral
It is a minor lithospheric plate located south of the South American Plate?
Also known as the “Age of Reptiles”
It is the opposite process of subsidence where underlying soils expand and push the ground upwards causing damages to overlying structures.
It is a Y-shaped rift system located along a divergent plate boundary dividing the Nubian, Somali, and Arabian Plates.
Afar Triple Junction
Pure water expands around ____% when completely frozen.
What is the average age of basement rocks in the Philippines?
GEODYSSEA is an acronym for
Geodynamics of South and South-East Asia
What is the largest temperate desert of the world?
It is a scale that is used in raised-relief maps, plans and technical drawings (cross section perspectives), in order to emphasize vertical features, which might be too small to identify relative to the horizontal scale.
vertical exaggeration
Also known as the equal-angle stereo net.
The Magnitude 7.2 Bohol Earthquake was caused by the movement of what type of fault?
What part of the Earth has the weakest magnetism?
Some of the oldest microfossils are dated at about ______ years of age.
3.1 Billion
The extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs occurred about:
65 Ma
If all geological time was condensed into one year, then the evolution of the first multi-celled animals occurred in:
November 15
During radioactive decay, what will be the parent/daughter ratio after three half-lives?
Bud Dajo is an example of a/an:
cinder cone
The Pacific plate is moving at:
7-11 cm/yr, NW
Among the following islands in the Hawaiian-Emperor volcanic island chain, which is the oldest?
This is an extremely explosive eruption, producing ash columns that extend many tens of miles into the stratosphere and that spread out into an umbrella shape.
The largest daily tidal ranges are associated with ___________ tides.
The layer called as the subsoil is:
B Layer
These are moderately leached soils that have relatively high native fertility. These soils have mainly formed under forest and have a subsurface horizon in which clays have accumulated.
The supercontinent of Pangaea formed during the late _________.
Deep-ocean circulation is referred to as __________ circulation.
A cone of depression results from:
The beginning of the Paleozoic era is marked by the appearance of the first life forms with:
hard parts
Which one of the following events is NOT associated with the late Paleozoic era?
A. establishment of land plants
B. evolution of amphibians
C. evolution of bony fishes
D. first flowering plants
D. first flowering plants
A pinch-and-swell structure characterized by the segmentation of a competent layer within a less viscous matrix due to ductile deformation is known as
Which type of trace fossil indicates feeding behavior in soft sediment, characterized by a spiral or U-shaped burrow?
The Indochina block is a terrane that forms the mainland of Southeast Asia. It includes the following countries, EXCEPT:
A. Cambodia
B. Laos
C. Myanmar
D. Malaysia
D. Malaysia
Which of the following microorganisms is made up of calcium carbonate?
A. diatoms
B. foraminifera
C. radiolaria
D. all of the choices
B. foraminifera
At the CCD
calcite begins to dissolve
The stable interior portion of a continent is called the:
Which eon of the geologic time scale means “visible life”?
The Barringer Crater, also known as Meteor Crater, is an impact crater found in which state of the US?
Which is NOT a moon of Jupiter?
A. Callisto
B. Thebe
C. Io
D. Triton
D. Triton
Triton is a moon from Neptune
The Zambales Ophiolite Complex is composed of two distinct blocks with different ages. The Acoje block has an age of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, while the Coto block has an age of:
What is the percentage of the radius of the Earth that is the core?
(2900 km radius of core / 6378km) × 100% = 45%
**Earth’s radius at the equator is 3,963 miles (6,378 kilometers)
Earth’s original atmosphere consisted of gases expelled from within the planet during a process known as:
The beginning of the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea occurred during the ___________ era.
Large “core areas” of Precambrian rocks, called __________ exist on each continent.
The Giant Impact Hypothesis is the widely accepted theory of the formation of the:
Based on the groupings in the Lexicon by Peña (2008), how many volcanic arcs, contain the active volcanoes identified by PHIVOLCS.
On a drill log, you noticed that the basement material is overlying a unconsolidated material this structure is a?
Reverse Fault
This is the structural control for the volcanism along Bicol region/Southeast Luzon Arc
Legazpi Lineament
Waterfalls can form through, except:
A. Volcanic Activities
B. Faulting
C. Glacial Recession
D. Karst Processes
E. None, all may influence the formation of waterfalls
E. None, all may influence the formation of waterfalls
These are blocks of rocks transported by glaciers over a vast distance:
When two parallel normal faults are dipping towards each other the center block is called:
Which formation contains index fossil for Jurassic Ammonites?
Mansalay Formation
This inactive basaltic volcano is the northernmost extent of the Sangihe Arc.
This encompasses all four limbed vertebrates:
Which of these fish classes are believed to be the origin of land terrestrial vertebrates?
A. Actinopterygii
B. Sarcopterygii
C. Chondrichthyes
D. Placodermata
B. Sarcopterygii
Which part of a hogback is erosion most effective?
Lee side
Archeopteryx was discovered in this Lagerstatte:
Burgess Shale
There are how many inferred major extinctions in the course of the Earth’s history?
These are the basis of the earth’s layered composition, except?
A. Meteorite samples
B. Ophiolites
C. Seismic evidence
d. None, all provide evidence of Earth’s layered composition
d. None, all provide evidence of Earth’s layered composition
This particular landform results from the erosion of a headland to a flat table-like landform approximately at sea level.
Tidal Platform
The first detailed geological map was produced in what country?
United Kingdom
The following are geologically active terrestrial planets, except:
A. Mercury
B. Venus
C. Earth
D. Mars
A. Mercury
An index fossil must be _________, except:
A. distinct
B. abundant
C. wide geographic distribution
D. long time range
E. None, all describe an index fossil
D. long time range