Good Scientific Practice Flashcards
What is Good Scientific Practice?
It sets out the principles, values and the standards of behaviour and practise for the Healthcare Science workforce.
It uses the HCPC Standards of Proficiency as its benchmark but is tailored to CS and Biomed Scientists.
What makes a good journal paper?
- good cohort of patients past/present or both
- good introduction with some background info (what they’re gonna do)
- method (what they did/how)
- results (what they found)
- discussion (what it could mea)
- conclusion (closing thoughts)
- tables displayed in clear tables
- bulky data in a supplementary section.
What paper have you read recently?
Was analysing a prenatal which had a mosaic duplication of 1q and also an unusual pattern at the PAR2 region and had been called on the X.
Looked up on various sources including pubmed and a paper caught my eye about a der(Y)t(Y;1) x read the paper and the clinical manifestations matched my prenatal scan findings suspiciously well.
So to confirm this imbalance, we decided to try and culture and see if we could see it by cyto. We managed to see it & found a der(Y)!
What are the ethics of research?
Informed consent
Participant can withdraw at any time
Minimise risk of harm