Good Governance Quiz 1 (Part 2) Flashcards
is defined a plan of action taken to achieve objective.
the process of strategy involves three steps:
- Formulation
- Implementation
- Evaluation
it is a process of creating a competitive advantage over its competitors and sustaining this advantage in the long term.
Strategic Management
this is initially performed by creating and/or clarifying your business vision/mission and identifying goals/objectives
Establish Goals
what the company envisions itself to be in the future or to become (Future Goals)
describes what the company is all about, who they are, what and how they do things, and for whom
Desired Outcome of planning
Aimed Targets
Perform a through analysis and assessment of internal and external environment of the company
Scan Environment
Develops top-level strategies that can be tricked down to the rest of the organization
Executes developed plan by providing detailed objectives and action plans
Measures and assesses results, and recommends changes for improvement if necessary
are individuals or groups of people who can be affected by the activities engaged in by corporations in achieving their goals.
states that companies are responsible for
generating reasonable profits for their shareholders but should also be responsible for their stakeholders well-being.
Stakeholder Theory
starts within an organization when it embeds and
aligns its CSR initiatives as part of the company’s overall strategy.
Strategic CSR
This simply means that a company’s objectives, strategies and core values take into consideration the impact its operations have on the stakeholders.
Strategic CSR
has always been a cornerstone of effective
organizations. Numerous studies have supported the role of “________” in organizational outcomes, including CSR.
Companies pave the way for employees to engage in the programs voluntarily and some companies even give incentives to employees who participate in these activities.
Employee Engagement
CSR is not and cannot be operated and implemented in a vacuum. It will take cooperation from various institutions to make it work effectively and efficiently.
stated that it would have an immediate effect on
strengthening buy-in within the company and encourage participants to perform better. Furthermore, informing the various stakeholders in these success stories, no matter how small, will increase public trust and legitimacy
The ultimate goal of business is to create sustainable value for its stakeholders. Companies, now more than ever, must be aware of how they operate in today’s volatile and uncertain environment and how they eventually affect our daily lives.
Value Creation