Golden Years Flashcards
When were the Golden Years?
Nightlife positive (GY)
Produced Marlene Dietrich (actress) and Fritz Leung (director)
How many dance bands were there in Berlin?
In 1927 there were 900
Revolts negative/ positive (GY)
Many of the parties who had revolted now cooperated with the government, but there were 4 different chancellors from 1924-29
Culture positive (GY)
Artists and writers were allowed free expression, George Grosz produced many powerful paintings
Design positive (GY)
Bauhaus design college was set up; its first exhibition attracted 15,000 visitors
Wages positive (GY)
Industrial workers’ wages rose and there was an overall higher standard of living; the government was able to welfare benefits and wages for state employees
US loans negative (GY)
The US loans could be called in at any time
Economy negative/ positive (GY)
Big businesses did well- they owned about half of Germany’s industrial production; small businesses did not
Land negative/ positive (GY)
The value of land in Berlin rose by 700%- although landowners did well, it was very difficult for people looking to buy a property
Employment negative (GY)
Unemployment began to rise- it was 6% in the working population by 1928; many farmers were over producin
Wages negative (GY)
A university lecturer in 1913 earned 10 times as much as a coal miner, but in the 1920s it was only twice as much
Culture negative (GY)
Many villages and towns saw the city culture as moral decline, made worse by American immigrants and Jewish artists; new organisations such as the Wandervogel movement were founded who wanted the return of simple country values
Reichstag negative (GY)
Around 30% of the vote regularly went to parties which were opposed to the Republic; the Right-Wing Nationalist Party and the Nazis started to collaborate and make themselves more respectable
Design negative (GY)
The Bauhaus college had to be built in Dessau as officials forced it out of Weimar
When did Stresemann sign the Locarno Treaty, and what was it?
It was signed in 1925 and it said that he would not try to change Germany’s borders with France and Belgium
Foreign Policy negative (GY)
Many Communists attacked the Locarno Treaty as they saw it as part of a plot against the Communist government in Russia
When was Hindenburg elected as President, and why was this worrying?
1926, and he was opposed to democracy
When was Germany accepted into the League of Nations?
1926- many Nationalists attacked Stresemann for this as they saw it as an acceptance of the ToV
In what year did Germany reach the same levels of production as it had before the war?
1928- it was the world’s second greatest industrial power
When was the Wall Street Crash?