GO # 51 Sworn Personnel Grooming Flashcards
Members shall present an image of _______, ________ and ________ in PF&R.
Competence, efficiency and pride
Sideburns shall not extend downward beyond the lower part of the ________. They shall not be bushy and shall not be flared more then __”.
Mustache hair shall not extend more then __” horizontally, or extend closer then __” to the horizontal line of the lower jaw and shall be no more then __” wide at any point.
1/2” horizontally
1/4” horizontal line of the lower jaw
1/2” wide at any point
Hair below the lip can be no bigger then:
1/2” x 1/2”
When are people exempt from the tattoo rule?
When it is unable to be covered by uniform items.
Hair shall not be worn in fad styles such as:
Mohawk Ducktail Bowl cut Mullet Spikes
Hair, while on duty, cannot extend down below the _______ in front and cannot extend more than ___” over the top of the ear or below the collar of the ____ _____.
One-inch over the top of the ears
Duty shirt
Hair can be restrained in what four manners?
Single ponytail
Single braid
Single bun
For women, hair shall not extend below the horizontal ______ to _______ seam of the duty shirt.
Shoulder to shoulder
All hair accessories must be what color?
Natural hair colors or transparent
Earrings shall be limited to what style? Earrings fronts shall be no larger than __.”
Ear Post
In no case shall fingernail length extend more than __” beyond the end of the fingertip.
Fingernail polish must be what colors?
Transparent or the color of the nailbed.