gluteal region/pelvis = lecture Flashcards
what makes up the iliopectineal line?
arcuate line and pectin pubis
whats the difference between the male vs female pelvis and inlet/outlet of pelvis
male: heart shaped pelvis, the coccyx turns under towards the pelvis
female: round, sacrum is shorter and wider, and coccyx comes back further to facillitate opening
men: urine, feces, semen (oval shaped)
female: baby
male pubic arch: ‘peace sign’ small sharp angle, ischial spine jet out into the pelvis
female: greater than 90 deg; ischial spinal is more rounded (out of the way from the inlet)
what are the q-angles for male vs female
female: 15.8 deg
male: 11.2 deg
what complication can a larger q angle cause
patellar dislocation–so females tend to dislocate patella more than males
genu varum (bow legged):Small Q angle
and genu valgum: high Q angle
which ligament delinate between the greater and lesser sciatic foramen
sacrospinus ligament
what are the attachments of the sacrospinus ligament
spinal process of ischium to sacrum
attachments for sacrotuberous ligamnet
sacrum–>ischial tuberosity
when does the pubic bone fuse?
what 3 bones make up the pubic bone
between 12-14
ilium, ischium, pubis
what makes up the greater sciatic notch
ilium and ischium
the auricular surface of the ilium articulates with what
auricular surface of the sacrum
what attaches at the iliac crest
tensor fascia lata (external), iliacus (internal)
what attaches at the ASIS
sartorius, iliacus, tensor fascia lata, inguinal ligament
what attaches at the AIIS
iliofemoral ligament, straight head of the rectus femoris, and part of the iliacus muscle
what attaches at the PSIS
posterior sacral iliac ligaments
where does the gluteus muscles attach in relation to the gluteal lines
glut max attaches above the posterior gluteal line
Gluteus medius is between posterior gluteal line and anterior gluteal lien
gluteus minimus is between the anterior gluteal line and inferior gluteal line
what attaches at the ischial tuberosity
- Semimembranouses
- Semitendonousous
- Long head of bicep femoris
- Adductor magnus
- Quadratus femoris
- Inferior gemellus
- Sacral tuberous ligament
what attaches at the ischial spine
sacral spinus ligament, superior gemellus
what attaches to the body of the pubis
Gracillis, adductor longus and brevis
what attaches to the superior pubic ramus
what attaches to the inferior pubic ramus
gracillis , adductor brevis and magnus, obturator EXTERNUS
what attaches the two halves of the pubis
pubic symphisis
spinal level for medial thigh and leg
thigh: L1-L3
Leg: L3-L4
spinal level for:
big toe
digits 2-4
little toe
big toe: L4
Digits: L5
Little toe: S1
spinal level for lateral thigh and leg
thigh: L1-L5
leg: L5, S1
posterior thigh spinal level
S1 and S2
patellar ligament reflex
Calcaneal tendon reflex
EDL and EHL reflex level
trandelenburg due to damage to what nerve? if left hip drops,, what is weak?
damage to superior gluteal n
right glutes are weak