Glossary page 3 Flashcards
galvanic skin response
a change in the electrical properties of the skin, often in
response to stress or anxiety, which is measured by recording the electrical
resistance of the skin
refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours and activities that a
given society considers appropriate for men and women
gender dysphoria
a disorder where the individual is uneasy with having the
physical characteristics of their sex. They usually identify strongly with the
opposite sex and have a desire to live as or become a member of the
opposite sex
extend the findings of research beyond the sample to the target
grounded theory
a qualitative analytic technique that roots theory in the
observations or data gathered
rules of thumb
a part of the brain that controls many basic functions, such as
hunger and thirst, and that may also be involved in the control of bodily
learning that occurs at a particular age or life stage. The best-known
example is that of young animals imprinting on their parents to learn their
indigenous psychology
psychology that studies important and relevant features
to the culture in question
individualistic cultures
cultures where the focus is on independence and the
individual, as opposed to the group. Compare this to collectivist cultures
the scientific process of drawing conclusions and constructing
theories from observations
using induction, so the inductive process is the process of
constructing theories and conclusions from observed data
inferential test
a statistical test that psychologists use so that they will be able
to make inferences about the population from which their sample was
the process whereby people start to become addicted
an inability to sleep, get to sleep or stay asleep; can be defined as
problems with sleep patterns, in particular with getting to sleep, staying
asleep or waking up too early
internal reliability
a measure of how consistent a test or measure is within itself
internal validity
the extent to which the research has tested what it set out to
inter-rater reliability
the degree of agreement or correlation between two raters’
scores when rating or observing behaviour
intersexual selection
when selection within the same sex occurs – for example,
males competing with other males