Glossary / Notes Flashcards
Critical Chain Scheduling (2)
Limited resources taken account of. and includes buffers to manage project
- project buffer before due date
- feeding buffer before tasks on critical path
Pareto Chart
Histogram, ordered by frequency of occurrence, that shows how many results were generated by each identified cause.
Precision vs Accuracy
- Precision is consistency little scatter & clustered
- Accuracy is correctness that measures close
Quality vs Grade
- Quality is number of defects
- Grade is number of features
“Total Quality Management” TQM (W.Edwards Deming)
Uses the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle (PDCA). Focus on finding ways to continuously improve the quality
“Zero defects” and “Right first time“
Advocated prevention over inspection - Philip **Crosby **(or Continuous Improvement)
Quality is planned in, not inspected in!
Fitness for Use (Joseph Juran)
80% of problems are caused by 20% of the causes The vital few and the trivial many“
Cost of Quality include
- Prevention costs
- Appraisal costs
- Failure costs
- Cost of poor quality, both internal and external
Quality Control
- Quality Assurance checks standards and procedures are being followed,
- Quality Control uses specific measurements to check if the project and its processes are in control
Quality Control Cause and Effect Diagram
Ishikawa diagram or “fish bone” diagram because of its shape Illustrates how various factors might be linked to potential problems or effects
Quality Control Chart
statistically ‘out-of-control’ - data point falls outside the upper or lower control limit - ‘Rule of seven’
3 or 6 Sigma
- 6 sigma represents less than 1.5 problems out of 1,000,000
- 3 sigma represents about 2,700 problems per 1,000,000
Normal Distribution
Occurrences within limits
- +/- 6 sigma is 99.99985%
- +/- 3 sigma is 99.73%
- +/- 2 sigma is 95.46%
- +/- 1 sigma is 68.26%
Project Management Information System
Delphi Technique
Used to build consensus of experts who participate anonymously. Facilitator send out a request for information to the group of experts
SWOT Risk analysis
Enterprise Environmental Factors
Seller - Contract Life
- Bidder Selected Source
- Contracted Supplier
- Vendor
Contracted Supplier or Vendor
- Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF)
- Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee (CPIF)
- Cost-Plus-Award-Fee (CPAF)
Contract Types
- Fixed Price (FP)
- Lump-Sum contracts
- Cost-reimbursable contracts
- Time and material (T&M) contracts
Negotiation Tactics
Conduct Procurements
- Attacks : Attack on the company’s credibility
- Personal insults : Attack on the person’s cred
- Good Guy / Bad Guy
- Lying Deadline : Imposing a deadline to reach agreement
- Surprise : Surprising the other party with new information
- Limited authority : Claiming inability to decide
- Strategic delays : Request for a recess
- Fait accompli : Claiming that a topic of dispute has already been decided
PDM (Precedence Diagram Method)
- Also know as AON (Activity on Node) S-S F-F F-S S-F (rare)
- Critical Path LF-LS or EF-ES=0
Theory X
basically holds the belief that people do not like work and that some kind of direct pressure and control must be exerted to get them to work
Theory Y
strong desires to participate in the decision making process. Theory Y workers are comfortable in a working environment which allows creativity and the opportunity to become personally involved in organisational planning