Globalisation Set 2 Flashcards
Global shift
International relocation of different types of industrial activity, especially manufacturing industries
Changes associated with the global shift in emerging Asia - Pros
- Worldwide 1 billion people have escaped $1.25 a day poverty since 1990 - majority in Asia
- Demand for raw materials has risen
- Average incomes have risen e.g. China’s per capita income has risen from $300 in 1990 to $7500 in 2015
- Education has improved with around 2500 universities in China, India and South Korea
Changes associated with the global shift in emerging Asia - Cons
- Expected Asia will be home to 3 billion middle class citizens by 2030
- Forested land sacrificed for urbanisation with Togo losing 60% of it’s forested areas
- From 1990, urbanisation has helped drive a ‘commodities super cycle’ which has increased the demand for raw materials significantly
Global outsourcing to India
Bangalore is known as the call centre of the world - By 2040 India is expected to have the second largest economy in the world
Pros of outsourcing in India
- Earn a good wage by Indian Standards
- Outsourcing companies have become very profitable e.g Infosys has revenues of $9 billion in 2015
Cons of outsourcing to India
- Workers are exploited working 10 hour shifts 6 times a week
- Work is highly repetitive and is often undertaken at night due to time zone differences
- Gap between rich and poor in India has widened - has more billionaires than the UK but more people in absolute poverty than Africa
Clark Fisher Model
Shows the employment structure of a country
Spiral of deprivation
describes how the loss of industry leads to job losses, forcing people out of the area, leading to more job losses etc.
What is meant by Culture
Ideas, beliefs, customs and social behaviours of a group or society
Cultural Traits
Held in common by different local or national societies - defined as individual components of culture such as clothes and language
Cultural diffusuion
Spreading of cultural traits e.g. language and religion from one country to anther
- Specific cultural influence of the USA on other places
- Can cause places to lose individuality as franchises e.g. McDonald’s build more stores
- However it can lead to new architecture, more jobs and more money for a place etc
European and North American countries spreading cultural influence on other places
Has Globalisation gone into reverse - Yes
- UK leave the EU
- Slowdown in emerging economies - growth falling from 4% in 2007 to 2% in 2016
- USA becoming more independent, creating it’s own shale gas etc
Has Globalisation gone onto revers - No
- More connections have led to a shrinking and border less world
- Facebook registers 1 billion users
- China’s investment into USA and Europe reaches $40 billion
- International migrant reach 250 million
Cultural Imperialism
Practice of promoting the culture of one nation in another
Development measures
- Income per Capita
- Gender Inequality Index (GII)
- Economic sector balance
- Environmental Performance index
Gini Coefficient
Number between 0 and 100 with the higher the value indicating greater income inequality
Gini Coefficient - Examples
UK = 38
China = 37
Uganda = 44
Lorenz Curve
Shows the Line of perfect equality and the Lorenz curve which is the country’s data - the closer the Lorenz curve is to the line of perfect equality then the better the income equality is in that country
How is deforestation linked to Globalisation
- Brazil become worlds largest exporter of beef and Soya - Deforestation is needed to make way for farmland - 1/3 of global deforestation is for the production of these materials and Palm oil
- Westernised diets require large amounts of meat
- Deforestation also allows for better transport networks to be created
What impact will deforestation have on the environment
- 1.7 billion tonnes of co2 is transferred overseas via globalised markets
- Deforestation in Brazil has increased by 450% in 2014 compared to 2013
Paris Climate Agreement
Keep global temperature rise below 2 degrees and to help countries deal with the effects of climate change
Melting pot
Positive view of American Culture - absorbs and adapts new migrant values