Global resource consumption and security Flashcards
Define absolute poverty
Is the lack of money for basic needs: food, shelter and clothing.
Define relative poverty
Is when people have inadequate financial resources and thus fall below the prevailing standards of living in a particular society.
Define income poverty
Is when family income is below the nationally established poverty line (threshold).
What is poverty and how is it generally assessed?
Poverty is a broad, multifaceted concept that includes economic, social, political, and cultural elements. It is generally assessed on a family level, not an individual level. Poverty can be categorized as absolute poverty, which focuses solely on the economic component, or relative poverty, which incorporates social, political, and cultural elements.
How does the income poverty threshold differ between countries?
The income poverty threshold is significantly higher in High-Income Countries (HICs) than in Low-Income Countries (LICs) due to the higher cost of living in HICs. To account for these differences, the World Bank sets a global poverty line based on purchasing power parity (PPP).
What is the World Bank’s global poverty line and how has it changed?
The World Bank’s global poverty line is used to define extreme poverty. In 2008, it was set at US$1.25 per day. In 2015, it was raised to US$1.90 per day. Anyone living below this line is considered to be in extreme poverty.
Describe the distribution of extreme poverty in 2000-2007.
Most High-Income Countries (HICs) had a very low percentage (under 2%) of their population living in extreme poverty. In contrast, much of Africa had very high proportions, with most of East Africa having 61-80% of their population living in extreme poverty.
What progress has been made in global poverty reduction?
Significant progress has been made through the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The proportion of people living in extreme poverty halved between 1990 and 2010. However, over 80% of the global population still lives in countries where the income gap is widening.
What were the key achievements of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) regarding poverty reduction between 1990 and 2015?
- The proportion of people in LICs living in extreme poverty fell from nearly 50% to 14%, exceeding the target.
- The actual number of people in extreme poverty fell from 1.9 billion to 836 million.
- The number of people with access to over US$4 per day increased from 18% to 50%, indicating the growth of a new ‘global middle class’.
What is the main goal of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regarding poverty?
Goal 1 of the SDGs aims to “End poverty in all its forms everywhere” by 2030. This goal includes several targets such as eradicating extreme poverty, halving the number of people living in poverty, and implementing social protection systems.
What were some key poverty statistics when the SDGs took over from the MDGs in 2016?
- 836 million people were still living in extreme poverty
- One in five people in LICs lived on less than US$1.25 a day
- Sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia were at highest risk
- Around 10% of the world’s families were living on less than US$1.90 a day
- 18,000 children died every day from poverty-related causes
What are the main characteristics of the global middle class?
The global middle class typically consists of non-manual workers, middle management, and small business owners. They earn more than the working class but less than the upper middle and upper classes. A key characteristic is having approximately 33% of their income as discretionary, available for consumer goods or improving health care and education opportunities.
How does the growth of the middle class vary globally, and what factors contribute to this growth in emerging economies?
Growth is uneven globally. Emerging economies, especially in Asia, are witnessing an explosion of the middle class, while North America has seen a contraction. Growth in emerging economies is largely due to:
- Cheap labor producing cheap goods
- Decreased reliance on subsistence agriculture
- Rapid urbanization and industrialization
- These factors lead to rapid productivity increases when benefiting from international trade.
How does the middle class contribute to economic and social change?
The middle class is considered critical for economic and social development:
- It can drive growth by increasing consumption and domestic demand for goods
- It tends to be educated, leading to more participation in the political process
- It pushes for inclusive growth and social change
- In countries like South Korea, a large middle class (over 50% of the population) allowed a shift from export-driven growth to domestic consumption
Define resource/natural resources/natural capital
Anything that the Earth provides that is useful to humans (e.g. fossil fuels or plants).
Define non-renewable
The natural resources that humans are using at a rate that exceeds their replacement (e.g. fossil fuels).
Define renewable
The natural resources that humans are using at a rate that allows for their replacement (e.g. plants and animals).
Define ecological footprint
The area of land and water required to support a given human population at a particular standard of living. It takes into account the area of land and water required to provide all the resources needed by the population, and assimilate all waste.
Define biocapacity
The biological capacity of an area/region/country to generate the resources and absorb the waste of a given population.
What is resource consumption?
Resource consumption generally refers to the use of non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels, metal ores, and stone. It may also include renewable resources like water, soil, and biomass, which can become non-renewable if poorly managed. Resource consumption can be measured for individual resources or groups of resources, but a more comprehensive measure is the ecological footprint.
What is the ecological footprint (EF) and what does it measure?
The ecological footprint is a model used to estimate the demands that a human population places on the environment. It can be measured at any scale, from global to individual. The EF considers two aspects:
- Biocapacity: the Earth’s bioproductive land and sea, including forests, cropland, pastures, and fisheries.
- Demand: the amount of bioproductive land needed to provide resources, space for infrastructure, and absorb waste.
What was the global ecological footprint in 2010 according to WWF’s Living Planet Report 2014?
In 2010, the global ecological footprint was 18.1 billion global hectares (gha), which translates to 2.6 gha per person. However, the Earth’s biocapacity was only 1.7 gha per person, resulting in a shortfall of 0.9 gha per person.
What are the main aspects of the ecological footprint?
The main aspects of the ecological footprint include:
- Energy
- Travel
- Goods
- Settlements and infrastructure
- Food and fibre
- Forests
- Seafood
How do energy, travel, and goods impact the ecological footprint?
- Energy impact: Source of electricity generation, emissions controls, energy-efficient devices, and energy-saving measures.
- Travel impact: Public vs. private transport, fuel type, emissions controls, and air travel.
- Goods impact: Number of gadgets, built-in obsolescence, frequency of device replacement.
- Lower EF: Renewable energy, limited car ownership, alternative fuels, strict emissions policies, energy-efficient products, recycled goods.
- Higher EF: Fossil fuels, high car ownership, petrol vehicles, limited emissions policies, excessive air travel, non-energy-efficient products.
How do settlements and infrastructure affect the ecological footprint?
Settlements and infrastructure impact the ecological footprint by:
- Reducing space for crops, pasture, and forests
- Limiting the natural environment’s ability to deal with waste products
- Negatively impacting natural ecosystems and biodiversity
- High-density living (e.g., high-rise apartments or extended families in one house) generally has a lower ecological footprint compared to low-density living (e.g., single-family detached houses).
How does food and fibre production impact the ecological footprint?
Food and fibre production affects the ecological footprint through:
- Use of cropland and pastures for food and non-food items (e.g., biofuels, textiles, pharmaceuticals)
- Dietary choices (plant-based vs. meat-based diets)
Calorie intake
- Food miles (locally grown vs. imported produce)
- Lower EF: Plant-based protein, low calorie intake, locally grown produce
- Higher EF: Meat- and dairy-based diet, high calorie intake, imported food
How do forests contribute to the ecological footprint?
Forests impact the ecological footprint by:
- Providing timber and paper
- Sequestering carbon dioxide, which slows global climate change
- Affecting the EF through deforestation or reforestation rates
- Influencing the EF based on paper and timber usage rates
- Countries with high deforestation rates tend to have an increased EF, while those engaged in reforestation can decrease their EF.
What is the role of seafood in the ecological footprint?
Seafood contributes to the ecological footprint through:
- Wild catches from seas and fresh water (many facing serious problems)
- Farmed fish production
There is ongoing debate about the relative benefits of wild catch versus farmed fish in terms of their impact on the ecological footprint.
What are the different types of footprints within the overall ecological footprint?
The main types of footprints within the overall ecological footprint are:
- Carbon footprint: Total amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, city, event, flight, or country
- Water footprint: Amount of water in your EF, including direct and indirect water use
- Food footprint: Measure of how food intake impacts the EF, considering land use for food production, carbon emissions from food production, and sea area needed for fishing
What is the carbon footprint and how does it vary globally?
The carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by an entity. In specific contexts, the United States produces approximately 15.5 metric tons of CO2 per capita annually, compared to India’s 1.9 metric tons. China, as the world’s largest emitter, produces around 7.1 metric tons per capita. The carbon footprint varies dramatically between High-Income Countries (HICs) like the United States and Low-Income Countries (LICs) like Bangladesh, reflecting differences in industrial development, energy infrastructure, and consumption patterns.
How does the water footprint differ between countries?
The water footprint varies significantly globally. For instance, the United States has an average water footprint of 2,842 cubic meters per person annually, while India’s is 1,089 cubic meters. A specific case study is California, where agriculture consumes approximately 80% of the state’s water resources. In contrast, countries like Israel have developed advanced water-efficient agricultural technologies, reducing their water footprint through drip irrigation and water recycling techniques.
What is the water footprint?
The water footprint represents the amount of water in your ecological footprint. This includes both direct water use, such as for drinking and washing, and indirect water use, such as the water required to produce food and other goods you consume.
What is the food footprint?
The food footprint measures how food intake impacts the ecological footprint. It takes into account the land use for food production, carbon emissions from food production, and the sea area needed for fishing. The food and fibre component has more than doubled in 52 years, largely due to population growth and shifts towards meat- and dairy-based diets.
How has the carbon component of the ecological footprint changed over time?
The carbon component of the ecological footprint has shown the most dramatic increase, quadrupling over a 52-year period. It now takes up the largest proportion of the overall ecological footprint. This significant increase is due to various factors related to energy production, transport, manufacturing, agriculture, and deforestation.
What trends are observed in the food and fibre component of the ecological footprint?
The food and fibre component of the ecological footprint has shown a significant increase, more than doubling over a 52-year period. This increase is attributed to global population growth and changing dietary patterns, particularly the shift towards more meat- and dairy-based diets in many parts of the world.
How has the forest component of the ecological footprint changed?
The forest component of the ecological footprint shows the lowest percentage increase, at approximately 50% over the observed period. This relatively lower increase is likely due to reforestation programs in many High-Income Countries (HICs), which help to counteract increases in paper and timber product consumption.
What trends are seen in the fishing grounds component of the ecological footprint?
The ecological footprint of fishing grounds has increased by over 100%. This substantial increase is due to changing diets, population growth, and increased demand for fish. Additionally, the rise of fish farming, seen as a way to improve protein intake in Middle-Income Countries (MICs) such as the Philippines and India, has contributed to this trend.
What does the built-up land component of the ecological footprint include?
The built-up land component of the ecological footprint includes actual buildings as well as infrastructure such as communication networks and power-generation plants. This component represents the direct land use for human settlements and supporting structures.
How does the food footprint vary between developed and developing countries, and what specific examples illustrate this?
The food footprint varies significantly between developed and developing countries. For instance, the average American has a food footprint of about 1.1 global hectares, while in India it’s around 0.4 global hectares. A specific case study is Brazil, where the expansion of soybean cultivation for global markets has led to deforestation in the Amazon, increasing the country’s food footprint. In contrast, countries like the Netherlands have developed innovative vertical farming techniques, reducing land use and transportation emissions, thus lowering their food footprint despite high population density.
How has the carbon component of the ecological footprint changed over time, and what specific regions show the most dramatic changes?
The carbon component of the ecological footprint has quadrupled over a 52-year period. China exemplifies this trend, with its carbon footprint increasing by about 400% between 1990 and 2016 due to rapid industrialization. In contrast, the United Kingdom has reduced its carbon footprint by about 40% since 1990, largely due to a shift from coal to natural gas and renewable energy sources. The city of Shenzhen in China presents an interesting case study, having transitioned its entire public bus fleet to electric vehicles, significantly reducing its local carbon footprint.
What trends are observed in the food and fibre component of the ecological footprint, and how do these manifest in specific countries?
The food and fibre component has more than doubled over 52 years. In the United States, the average meat consumption is about 124 kg per person annually, contributing significantly to its food footprint. Conversely, India, with its largely vegetarian population, has a much lower meat-related footprint at about 4 kg per person. Brazil presents a unique case, where the expansion of cattle ranching in the Amazon rainforest has led to significant deforestation, increasing both the country’s carbon and food footprints simultaneously.
How has the forest component of the ecological footprint changed, and what specific countries demonstrate contrasting trends?
The forest component shows the lowest increase at approximately 50%. Costa Rica provides a positive example, increasing its forest cover from 21% to 52% between 1987 and 2013 through successful reforestation programs. In contrast, Indonesia lost about 15.8 million hectares of forest between 2000 and 2012, primarily due to palm oil plantation expansion. Finland presents an interesting case study, maintaining 75% forest cover while supporting a significant forestry industry through sustainable management practices.
What trends are seen in the fishing grounds component of the ecological footprint, and how do these manifest in specific regions?
The fishing grounds component has increased by over 100%. Japan, with its high seafood consumption (about 46 kg per capita annually), has a significant fishing footprint. In contrast, landlocked countries like Ethiopia have much lower fishing footprints. The South China Sea presents a complex case study, where overfishing and territorial disputes have led to depleted fish stocks, affecting the ecological footprints of multiple Southeast Asian countries. Meanwhile, Norway has developed one of the world’s most sustainable fishing industries through strict quota systems and advanced aquaculture techniques.
How does the built-up land component of the ecological footprint vary across different urban areas globally?
The built-up land component includes buildings and infrastructure. Hong Kong, with its dense urban development, has a high built-up land footprint relative to its size, with 25% of its land developed. In contrast, Brasília, the planned capital of Brazil, was designed with large green spaces, resulting in a lower built-up land footprint. Singapore presents an innovative case study, implementing vertical gardens and green roofs to offset its built-up land footprint, with a goal to make 80% of its buildings green-certified by 2030.
What is Peru’s ecological footprint and biocapacity as of 2013?
Peru’s ecological footprint in 2013 was 2.3 gha/person, with a biocapacity of 3.9 gha/person. This resulted in an ecological surplus of 1.6 gha/person. However, Peru’s biocapacity has been steadily declining since 1961, indicating potential unsustainable practices and environmental damage.
What are the key demographic facts about Peru?
Peru’s demographic facts include:
- Crude Birth Rate: 18 births/1000 people
- Crude Death Rate: 6 deaths/1000 people
- Population growth rate: 1.2%
- Population doubling time: 58 years
- Urban population: 78.6% with 1.7% urbanization rate
- Population without access to clean water: 13.3%
- Population without access to sanitation: 23.8%
- Population below poverty line: 25.8%
What natural resources contribute to Peru’s ecological capacity?
Peru has abundant natural resources, including:
- Minerals: copper, silver, gold, iron ore, coal, phosphate, potash
- Energy sources: petroleum, natural gas, hydro-power
- Biological resources: timber, fish
- Natural vegetation: tropical rainforest providing ample water supply
How does Peru maintain a low ecological footprint?
Peru maintains a low ecological footprint through:
- An Environment Minister utilizing international aid to reduce deforestation and pollution
- Abundant natural resources and reasonable equity levels maintaining basic development
- Various organizations working towards sustainability
- Signing international agreements like the Kyoto Protocol and Ozone Layer Protection
- Government assessment of development in relation to biocapacity and ecological footprint
- Dedicating funds to monitor the country’s demand on planetary biocapacity
What major environmental problems is Peru facing?
Peru faces several environmental challenges:
- Deforestation due to illegal logging
- Overgrazing leading to soil erosion and desertification
- Air pollution, particularly in Lima
- River and coastal water pollution from municipal and mining wastes
- Depletion of fisheries due to overfishing
- Declining biocapacity since 1961, indicating unsustainable practices
- Natural hazards: earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, and landslides
What is the significance of Peru’s Environment Vice Minister Ana María González del Valle Begazo’s statement?
Ana María González del Valle Begazo emphasized the importance of having information and indicators that account for Peru’s growing demand on the planet’s biocapacity to meet their needs. This statement highlights Peru’s commitment to monitoring and potentially managing its ecological impact.
How does Peru’s GDP compare to its ecological footprint?
Peru’s GDP was around US$13,000 in 2015, while its ecological footprint was 2.3 gha/person in 2013. This comparison suggests that Peru has managed to maintain a relatively low ecological footprint despite economic growth, though challenges remain in sustaining this balance.
Define physical water scarcity
Occurs when there is a lack of water supply from the natural sources: groundwater and surface water (e.g. deserts).
Define economic water scarcity
Results from lack of investment in water infrastructure such as pipes and water treatment plants (e.g. many LICs).
What percentage of Earth’s water is available for human consumption?
Only 0.007% of Earth’s water is available for human consumption. The vast majority (97.3%) is in oceans and other saline bodies. Of the freshwater, 68.9% is locked in glaciers and ice caps, while the rest is groundwater (30%), soil moisture, and surface water.
What are the main sources of water for human use?
The main sources of water for human use are:
- Groundwater: Found in aquifers up to 600 m below the Earth’s surface.
- Surface water: Streams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs.
- Desalination: Some countries, like Saudi Arabia, remove salts from seawater for human use.
How is water classified in terms of renewability?
Water is classified as:
- Renewable: Water that can be drawn from rivers and groundwater without exceeding replacement rates from precipitation and meltwater.
- Non-renewable: Water from deep fossil aquifers no longer recharged by precipitation, or when extraction rates exceed recharge rates, or when water bodies are polluted.
How has the availability of renewable water per person changed between 1962 and 2007?
The availability of renewable water per person decreased significantly from just over 190,000 m³ per year in 1962 to approximately 96,000 m³ per year in 2007. This represents a drop of over 1% per person each year, primarily due to population growth dividing a finite water supply among more people.
How does deforestation impact water availability?
Large-scale deforestation is changing the water cycle in many areas and contributing to the spread of desertification. This alters local and regional precipitation patterns, reduces water retention in soils, and can lead to increased runoff and erosion, ultimately affecting water availability and quality.
How does climate change affect snowpack and water supplies?
Warmer temperatures cause earlier snowmelt and reduced snowpack, affecting water supplies that rely on meltwater. In California, declining snowpack has contributed to long-term drought conditions.
What factors contribute to physical and economic water scarcity?
Factors contributing to water scarcity include:
- Unfavorable meteorological conditions
- Population growth
- Climate change
- Large-scale deforestation
- Water pollution
- Lack of infrastructure to distribute available water
Physical scarcity shows a latitudinal pattern linked to tropical deserts, while economic scarcity is severe in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of South Asia and South America.
What characteristics define areas with good water supply?
Areas with good water supply are generally in mid to high latitudes with:
- Moderate to high precipitation levels
- Moderate to low evaporation levels
- Annual precipitation distribution delivering more rainfall/snow in cooler months
These conditions favor the formation and retention of surface water and, if geological conditions are favorable, the development of aquifers.
Define embedded water
The water that is used to produce the products we use. For instance, it takes on average 200 litres of water to produce one glass of milk.
What are the three main categories of water consumption and their global averages?
- Agricultural: 69% (irrigation, livestock, aquaculture)
- Industrial: 22% (cooling in electricity generation, oil refineries, manufacturing)
- Domestic/Municipal: 9% (household uses like washing, cooking, cleaning)
- In Low-Income Countries (LICs), agricultural consumption is very high at 76%, while in High-Income Countries (HICs) it’s lower at 43%.
How does water consumption vary between HICs and LICs?
- HICs: Agricultural 43%, Industrial 39%, Domestic 18%
- LICs: Agricultural 76%, Industrial 10%, Domestic 14%
Key difference: HICs have much higher industrial water consumption, while LICs use significantly more for agriculture.
What factors contribute to the dramatic increase in global water withdrawal?
- Increasing population (more domestic and agricultural use)
- Increased affluence and living standards
- Dietary changes towards meat-based diets
- Industrialization in poorer countries
- Urbanization requiring water infrastructure development
- Meat production consumes more water than fruits and vegetables.
What is embedded (hidden/virtual) water consumption?
- Water used in the production of goods and services we consume, beyond direct usage.
- Food: 1 kg of chocolate requires 17,196 liters of water
- Clothing: 1 cotton t-shirt needs 2,700 liters of water
- Technology: Computers and mobile phones also have significant embedded water
How does the global per-capita water footprint correlate with water scarcity?
Areas with low water consumption (under 1200 m³/person/year) often coincide with economic water scarcity. However, some regions with physical water scarcity, like Nevada and California, still have high consumption (2500-3000 m³/person/year).
This indicates that water consumption patterns don’t always align with water availability.
How does population growth impact food production and land use?
As global population grows, more food must be produced through land expansion or intensive farming. However, urban expansion often takes prime agricultural land, necessitating farming intensification. This can lead to land degradation, especially in Low-Income Countries (LICs) facing rapid population growth. For example, in LICs, high use of fertilizers and pesticides can pollute land and ecosystems, while irrigation may cause soil salinization.
What are the global trends in agricultural land use and cereal production from 1961 to 2014?
- LICs: Agricultural land increased from 41% to 50%, with a 67% increase in production.
- MICs: 14% increase in agricultural land, but a 161% increase in production.
- HICs: 20% decrease in agricultural land, yet a 140% increase in productivity.
- This shows that higher production doesn’t necessarily correlate with more land use, particularly in HICs and MICs.
What was the Green Revolution and its impact on agricultural productivity?
The Green Revolution, led by agricultural scientist Norman Borlaug in the 1940s, was a period of significant agricultural transformation. It combined the development of high-yield cereals with synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation systems, and mechanization to substantially increase food yields. Borlaug is often referred to as the “father of the Green Revolution” for his work in developing agricultural technologies that dramatically improved crop production, particularly in developing countries, helping to address global food security challenges.
How do agricultural practices in LICs, MICs, and HICs differ in terms of land use and productivity?
LICs use the highest proportion of land for agriculture but show the lowest increase in production (67% from 1961-2014). MICs demonstrate a moderate increase in land use but the highest production increase (161%). HICs reduced agricultural land by 20% yet increased productivity by 140%. This highlights the disparity in agricultural efficiency between developed and developing nations.
What factors determine the amount of calories a person needs?
The amount of calories a person needs varies based on several factors. Age is significant because individuals require more calories during growth phases to maintain health. Gender also plays a role, as women generally need fewer calories than men. Activity level is another determinant; those with physically demanding jobs or who engage in regular exercise require a higher calorie intake. Additionally, climate affects calorie needs, with people living in colder climates burning more energy to maintain body temperature, thus necessitating a higher calorie intake.
What are the recommended mean calorie requirements for sedentary and active lifestyles?
According to guidelines, sedentary men typically require about 2,500 kilocalories per day, while active men may need around 3,000 kilocalories daily. Sedentary women generally need about 2,000 kilocalories per day, whereas active women require approximately 2,400 kilocalories. These values reflect the energy needs based on lifestyle and activity levels.
What is the recommended balance of macronutrients for a healthy diet?
A healthy diet should consist of approximately equal portions of fruits and vegetables and starchy carbohydrates such as potatoes, pasta, and rice. Adults should aim for about 50 grams of protein daily; this can come from meat or fish, while vegetarians can obtain protein from beans and pulses. Additionally, small amounts of sugars, fats, oils, and dairy products are recommended. Very small amounts of vitamins and minerals are also necessary for the healthy functioning of the body, alongside an intake of around 2 liters of water each day.
What are the main reasons for hunger in sub-Saharan Africa?
Hunger in sub-Saharan Africa is primarily driven by several interrelated factors. Poverty severely restricts people’s ability to afford food, while poor infrastructure limits access to and distribution of available food resources. Extreme weather events such as droughts and floods further exacerbate food insecurity. Additionally, conflicts and wars lead to the displacement of populations, making it difficult for them to secure adequate nutrition. Food waste is another significant issue; the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that approximately 33% of food produced globally is lost or wasted each year.
How has global calorie consumption changed since the mid-1980s?
Since the mid-1980s, global calorie consumption has increased across all regions. However, sub-Saharan Africa fell behind in calorie intake beginning in the 1970s and has struggled to catch up due to population growth outpacing agricultural developments. It is projected that Middle-Income Countries (MICs) and Low-Income Countries (LICs), excluding sub-Saharan Africa, will see an increase in calorie intake by over 40% by 2030. In contrast, High-Income Countries (HICs) are expected to experience only half that increase in calorie consumption due to already high levels of intake and growing concerns about obesity as a health issue.
How have global energy consumption patterns changed since 1965?
Global energy consumption has tripled since 1965. In 1965, nearly 95% of global energy came from fossil fuels, with hydro and nuclear power making up the rest. By 2019, fossil fuel use increased in absolute terms but dropped to 85% of total energy consumption. Nuclear, hydro, and renewable energy sources have increased their share. Nuclear power surged until 2006 but has since declined. Renewable energy sources, particularly solar and wind power, have shown rapid growth in recent years.
What are the main drawbacks of fossil fuels as an energy source?
Fossil fuels have several significant drawbacks: They are finite, non-renewable resources that will eventually be depleted, making their use unsustainable. Their combustion emits greenhouse gases contributing to global climate change. They release other pollutants harmful to human health and the environment, such as particulate matter. Power plants using fossil fuels require large amounts of water, competing with other uses and potentially harming ecosystems. The extraction and transportation of fossil fuels can cause extensive environmental damage, such as habitat destruction from mining and oil spills.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power?
Advantages of nuclear power include not producing greenhouse gas emissions during operation and providing safer working conditions compared to coal mines or oil rigs. However, nuclear power has significant drawbacks: High initial capital costs for construction, production of long-lasting radioactive waste, potential for nuclear weapons proliferation using waste materials, risk of catastrophic accidents (e.g., Chernobyl in 1986, Fukushima in 2011), and high decommissioning costs when plants are closed.
How does hydropower compare to other renewable energy sources?
Hydropower offers advantages such as increased water resources and reduced downstream flooding risk through dam construction. However, it has high set-up costs and can lead to loss of terrestrial habitat. In comparison, wind power has low operational costs but can cause noise and visual pollution. Solar power is useful in remote areas with low running costs but is ineffective at night and faces energy storage challenges. Geothermal energy is sustainable as water used for steam production can be reused, but it’s limited to areas near volcanic activity.
How has the use of renewable energy sources changed over time?
Biomass and geothermal energy have been used since the beginning of civilization for heat, cooking, and using hot springs. In recent years, solar and wind power have shown rapid growth. This shift towards renewables is driven by increasing awareness of climate change, technological advancements reducing costs, and government policies promoting clean energy. The change in energy sources is also linked to energy security concerns, with countries diversifying their energy mix to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and enhance sustainability.
What are the top three countries in total energy production (Mtoe) and how do they compare?
China, the USA, and the Russian Federation all have energy production levels over 1000 Mtoe. China produces more energy than the USA and the Russian Federation combined. This high production is driven by demand and the presence of large reserves of energy resources such as fossil fuels and uranium.
Which regions are not self-sufficient in energy according to overall energy self-sufficiency (%) data?
Most of Europe, south-east Asia, South America, and sub-Saharan Africa are not self-sufficient in energy. This means these regions rely on energy imports to meet their domestic energy needs, which can impact their energy security and economic stability.
What does low energy intensity (TPES/GDP) indicate, and which regions demonstrate this?
Low energy intensity values indicate a low cost for converting energy to GDP, suggesting higher energy efficiency. Europe and Australia have very low energy intensity values, meaning they are more efficient in using energy to generate economic output compared to other regions.
How does considering Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) affect the Russian Federation’s energy intensity?
The Russian Federation’s energy intensity improves when PPP is taken into account. This suggests that when adjusting for the cost of living and inflation rates, Russia’s energy use relative to its economic output appears more efficient than when measured by standard GDP alone.
Which countries have the highest and lowest TPES/population (toe per capita), and what does this indicate?
Qatar and Iceland lead with values of 20.290 and 17.940 toe/person respectively, indicating very high primary energy supply per capita. The bottom five countries in this category are all in Africa, suggesting significantly lower energy consumption per person. This disparity reflects differences in economic development, industrial activity, and energy access between countries.
What factors impact energy consumption in different countries?
Energy consumption is influenced by: 1) Type of industrial activity (primary and secondary industries consume more energy than tertiary and quaternary). 2) Climate (extreme climates require more energy for heating or cooling). 3) Level of development and affluence (higher disposable income leads to more energy-consuming devices). 4) Awareness and education (affecting the use of energy-efficient technologies). 5) Population size and growth rate (higher population generally means higher energy demand).
How does the availability of renewable energy resources vary by type and geography?
Renewable energy production depends on resource availability: Hydropower is important in countries with high rainfall and suitable topography. Solar energy is less common in higher latitudes with less solar radiation. Geothermal power is only possible in areas with tectonic and volcanic activity. Wind power has a broader distribution globally. This variability highlights the importance of geography and natural conditions in determining the potential for different types of renewable energy production.
What is the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus and when did it gain prominence?
The WEF nexus is the concept that water security, energy security, and food security are inextricably linked, with actions in one area impacting the other two. It first appeared in literature in the early 2000s and has since gained increasing attention in business, research, and policy spheres. The nexus emphasizes access to these resources rather than mean availability in a country.
What are the global statistics for lack of access to water, energy, and food?
According to the provided information, 1 billion people lack access to safe water, 1.4 billion do not have access to modern energy, and almost 1 billion do not have access to adequate food supplies. These numbers indicate large populations lacking security in one or all of these areas.
What are the main aims of the WEF nexus approach?
The WEF nexus aims to increase understanding of the interconnectedness between water, energy, and food security. It shows how these sectors influence each other and impact climate and biodiversity. The approach encourages interdisciplinary cooperation across sectors, allowing for development without compromising sustainability. This enables decision-makers to develop policies that maximize investment benefits across all sectors.
How does the nexus approach operate and what opportunities does it offer?
The WEF nexus approach operates across all sectors and scales through the integration of management and governance. It offers the opportunity to increase resource use efficiency and move towards a green economy (sustainability). Understanding the connections between key resources can reduce negative externalities and increase efficiency in all areas.
Which Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are directly related to the WEF nexus?
The WEF nexus is directly related to three SDGs: Goal 2, which aims to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture; Goal 6, which ensures access to water and sanitation for all; and Goal 7, which ensures access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. These goals underscore the importance of water, food, and energy security in global development efforts.
Define water security
Access to sufficient, sustainable quantities of clean water and sanitation. Sufficient in this context means enough water to sustain livelihoods, well-being, a food supply and socio-economic development as well protection from contaminated water (polluted water and water-linked diseases).
What did Margaret Catley-Carlson identify as the universal security risk underlying global threats?
Margaret Catley-Carlson, Chair of the World Economic Forum (2008-2010), identified fresh water as the universal security risk underlying various global threats including famine, terrorism, inequality, disease, poverty, and climate change.
How does water differ from food and energy in the Water-Energy-Food nexus?
Water is available in a known fixed amount that cannot be increased. While food production can be increased to a point and energy production can potentially be increased indefinitely through renewables, both ultimately rely on water. Water supply is impacted by food and energy production, but the total amount of water on the planet remains constant.
What are the key aspects of a water-secure world?
A water-secure world combines concern for water’s intrinsic value and all life’s well-being, reduces global disease burden, improves population health and productivity, ensures food and energy security, harnesses water’s productive potential while minimizing destructive forces, addresses environmental protection, recognizes sociopolitical issues surrounding transboundary water bodies, and reduces poverty for vulnerable populations.
What percentage of the world’s population lacks access to improved sanitation, and how many children die annually from water-related diseases?
30% of the world’s population does not have access to improved sanitation. Over 3 million children die each year from water-related diseases due to lack of access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation, equivalent to 5.7 children dying every minute from preventable causes.
What are the main causes of water insecurity?
Causes of water insecurity include: gap between supply and demand, population growth, increased affluence and changing lifestyles, water pollution, conflict, climate change causing shifts in water availability, poverty limiting access to clean water, and in some areas, women and children having to walk long distances to fetch water.
What are the three main types of strategies to improve water security?
The three main types of strategies to improve water security are:
- Increase the supply: through methods like desalination, water-transfer schemes, grey-water recycling, and fog harvesting.
- Increase the storage: using reservoirs, artificial recharge of aquifers, rainfall-harvesting schemes, and artificial glaciers.
- Decrease the demand: through water conservation and raising awareness.
What is desalination and where is it commonly used?
Desalination is the removal of salt from seawater to make it suitable for drinking. It’s an energy-intensive and usually expensive process. Historically, it has been used in arid regions with access to cheap energy, like Saudi Arabia. As technology advances, desalination is becoming more accessible globally. The most common method is reverse osmosis.
What are water-transfer schemes and what are their potential drawbacks?
Water-transfer schemes use pipes or canals to move water from river basins with surplus to those with deficit. They are typically large-scale, expensive projects. While solving water supply problems in one area, they may adversely affect the donor river basin by lowering water levels, starving wetlands, disrupting flow patterns, and reducing water for local populations.
What is grey water and how can it be used?
Grey water is used water clean enough to be reused, coming from baths, showers, wash basins, and washing machines. It can be collected and used for toilet flushing and gardening, but not for drinking due to some pathogens and contaminants. Grey-water recycling reduces wastewater production, water needing treatment, and water abstraction.
Define food security
Exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
What are the four dimensions of food security according to the FAO?
The four dimensions of food security are:
- Availability: Food must be physically available, depending on production, stock levels, trade, and aid.
- Access: People must have physical and economic means to get food, controlled by income, food prices, and access to land or shops.
- Utilization: Individuals must be able to make the most of food nutrients, depending on health, feeding practices, food distribution, preparation, and diet diversity.
- Stability: Food must be consistently available, accessible, and usable, threatened by climate change, political instability, unemployment, rising prices, and land loss.
What are the key facts about global food insecurity?
Food insecurity affects every ninth person globally (795 million people), impacts 13% of LIC populations, is highest in southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, causes 3.1 million child deaths annually, stunts growth in 25% of children, affects education of 66 million primary school children, and is mainly caused by poverty and drought.
What are the main categories of factors causing food insecurity?
The main categories of factors causing food insecurity are:
- Factors linked to agricultural production and practices
- Human factors
- Environmental and climate-related factors
How does global climate change impact food security?
Global climate change impacts food security directly by shifting suitable areas for crop production and changing rainfall patterns, temperature ranges, and seasonal shifts. It also indirectly affects food production by increasing the incidence and severity of extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, cyclones, and associated storm surges.
What is land grabbing and how does it affect food security?
Land grabbing is the practice of large business investors taking over traditionally owned family farms, typically in LICs. The acquired land is often used to grow food for export, depriving families and local communities of land needed for survival. This leads to poverty and social instability, negatively impacting food security in affected
What are the specific food security challenges in Burundi?
Burundi faces severe food insecurity with over 70% of the population undernourished. The country is landlocked, which slows economic growth by 6% due to higher transport costs. Over 50% live below the poverty line, with 35% unemployed. Food insecurity stems from overpopulation, soil degradation, climate change, high food prices, and civil war. The civil conflict has caused internal displacement, preventing people from growing their own food. The country has a trade deficit exceeding US$500 million.
What are the key food security issues in Haiti?
Haiti experiences extreme food insecurity with 40% of the population accessing less than 6% of national income, while 2% control 26%. 38% of people are food-insecure, with 77% living below the poverty line in rural areas (rising to 88%). Only 10% of rural populations have electricity, and 8% have access to safe drinking water. The country must import 50% of its food, with global prices rising. Most farms are less than 1 hectare, with 80% unable to produce enough food for their families. The country has been devastated by climate-related disasters, including a magnitude 7 earthquake in 2010 that killed 220,000 people and a subsequent cholera outbreak.
What are the food security challenges in Afghanistan?
Afghanistan suffers from extensive food insecurity due to natural disasters and decades of civil war. In 2016, 750,000 people in conflict-stricken areas required humanitarian food assistance. Natural disasters including flooding, earthquakes, avalanches, landslides, and droughts affect 250,000 people annually. 39% of the population lives below the poverty line, with an extremely high infant mortality rate of 113 deaths per 1,000 live births and maternal mortality rate of 396 deaths per 100,000 live births. Over 40% of children under 5 are underdeveloped and underweight, with 10% acutely malnourished. 33% of the population is food-insecure, with a 35% unemployment rate and only 2% economic growth.
What global factors contribute to food insecurity?
Food insecurity is caused by multiple interconnected factors. Agricultural production challenges include lack of farmland access, limited education about modern farming techniques, and climate change impacts. Human factors involve increasing population, poverty, and food wastage. Global issues include market domination by multinational agribusinesses, land grabbing, and biofuel production diverting farmland. Conflict and war disrupt food production, while changing diets in Middle and High-Income Countries increase pressure on global food resources. The FAO estimates enough food is produced to feed 10 billion people, yet food insecurity persists due to these complex challenges.
What are the global statistics on food insecurity?
Food insecurity impacts approximately 795 million people globally, affecting every ninth person on the planet. It is most prevalent in Low-Income Countries, impacting nearly 13% of their population, with the highest rates in southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. The consequences are severe: 3.1 million children under 5 die annually, one in four children suffers from reduced growth, and 66 million primary school-age children have their education negatively impacted. The primary causes are poverty and drought, with the problem mainly stemming from inadequate food distribution and access rather than total global food production.
How has Singapore achieved water security despite high water stress?
Singapore has a baseline water stress level of 5 (extremely high), with no freshwater lakes or aquifers. Despite these challenges, the country has achieved water security through strategic investments in technology, international water agreements, and comprehensive management strategies. The government has developed innovative approaches to water management, ensuring stable water supplies for its densely populated urban environment.
What is the South-North water transfer project in China?
The South-North water transfer project is one of the world’s largest water redistribution schemes, consisting of over 14,000 km of canals. The project aims to transfer water from the Yangtze River in Southern China to the industrial north through three canal systems: eastern, western, and central routes. The central route specifically carries water to Beijing and Tianjin. This massive infrastructure project has taken more than 12 years to construct and represents a significant effort to address water scarcity in China’s northern industrial regions.
What are artificial glaciers and how do they work?
Artificial glaciers are an innovative water storage technique developed in regions like Ladakh, India. These structures store water during winter months for use in dry spring seasons. By creating artificial ice reservoirs, communities can address water scarcity challenges in mountainous regions with extreme seasonal variations. The technique provides a double benefit of water storage and gradual release, helping local communities manage limited water resources in challenging climatic conditions.
What is fog harvesting and where is it used?
Fog harvesting is a simple water collection technology using single or double layers of netting supported by two posts. As fog moves across the nets, it condenses into water droplets that flow into catch pipes and storage tanks. This technique is particularly useful in arid coastal regions like Chile, where atmospheric moisture can be captured as a water source. The method provides an innovative solution for water-scarce areas with frequent fog or cloud cover.
Define solar irrigation
Mobile photovoltaic cells are connected to a pump which draws water from wells and rivers.
What innovations are necessary to ensure future food security according to Bill Gates?
Bill Gates emphasizes that innovations guided by smallholder farmers, adapted to local circumstances, and sustainable for both the economy and environment are essential to ensure food security in the future. This highlights the importance of localized solutions that consider the unique challenges faced by different communities.
What is covered under Goal 2 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
Goal 2 of the SDGs aims to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030. It outlines the current state of affairs regarding food security and establishes targets for improvement, but achieving these targets depends on the actions taken by individual countries.
What are the three areas that impact food security?
The factors impacting food security can be grouped into three areas: those linked to agriculture itself, economic and political influences, and those linked to people. Each area presents unique challenges and requires targeted strategies for improvement.
What was the Green Revolution and its significance?
The Green Revolution was credited with saving over a billion people from starvation in the 1960s. Led by Norman Borlaug, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for his work, it focused on increasing global agricultural production, particularly in Low-Income Countries (LICs), through high-yield varieties of crops, agrochemicals, improved irrigation techniques, and mechanization.
How did the Green Revolution impact agriculture in Mexico?
In Mexico, following land redistribution during the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920), agricultural productivity fell. However, from 1940 to 1946, efforts supported by the Rockefeller Foundation led to new plant breeds being developed. The Green Revolution (1950-1970) saw significant success in wheat production; by 1968, approximately 90% of wheat came from new varieties due to government support and financial initiatives like the Mexican Agricultural Program (MAP).
Why was the Green Revolution less successful in Sub-Saharan Africa?
The Green Revolution faced challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa due to factors such as corruption, lack of government investment, inadequate infrastructure, insecurity from unrest, harsh climatic conditions, poor soils, and insufficient water for irrigation. An attempt to introduce a new rice variety (NERICA) yielded limited success due to difficulties in reaching farmers
What is the ‘blue revolution’ in agriculture?
The ‘blue revolution’ aims to increase fish production through aquaculture. This initiative seeks to enhance food security by promoting sustainable fishing practices and improving aquaculture technologies as a means of addressing global food shortages.
What is hydroponics and how does it contribute to food production?
Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil using nutrient-enriched water. This technique provides water and nutrients directly to plants while using an inert medium for anchoring. Hydroponics allows for efficient use of water resources and can be implemented in areas with poor soil quality or limited land availability.
How does solar irrigation address the water-energy-food nexus?
Solar irrigation provides a reliable, low-cost clean energy solution for effective agricultural water management in water-scarce areas with abundant sunshine. Solar-powered pumps can supply energy for other uses in remote rural areas. However, there is concern that these pumps may lead to overuse and depletion of groundwater if not managed properly.
What strategies can farmers implement to adapt to climate change impacts on agriculture?
Farmers can adapt to climate change by diversifying crops to ensure some survive low rainfall conditions, integrating livestock with crop production for better resilience against flooding or droughts, and improving irrigation practices to cope with changing weather patterns.
What economic and political factors affect food security?
Economic and political factors affecting food security include trade issues dominated by multinational companies, high trade tariffs disadvantaging LICs, inadequate infrastructure for food distribution in remote areas, land grabbing practices that displace local farmers, and policies that do not support small-scale farmers’ access to markets.
How do changing diets impact food security globally?
Changing diets towards higher calorie consumption and increased meat intake in Middle-Income Countries (MICs) and High-Income Countries (HICs) can exacerbate food insecurity in LICs. Increased demand for meat requires more land and water resources for production, which can strain global food supplies.
What are some specific statistics about food insecurity in Burundi?
In Burundi, over 70% of the population is undernourished. The country is landlocked, slowing economic growth by 6% due to higher transport costs. More than 50% live below the poverty line with civil war causing many people to become internally displaced without land for cultivation.
What are some specific statistics about food insecurity in Haiti?
In Haiti, 38% of the population is food-insecure while an average of 77% live below the poverty line in rural areas. Only 10% of rural populations have access to electricity and only 8% have access to safe drinking water. Climate-related disasters frequently disrupt agricultural productivity.
What are some specific statistics about food insecurity in Afghanistan?
Afghanistan faces significant challenges from natural disasters and civil war; approximately 33% of the population is food-insecure. The country has a high infant mortality rate of 113 deaths per 1,000 live births and a maternal mortality rate of 396 deaths per 100,000 live births. Over 40% of children under five are underdeveloped or underweight.
Define energy security
Access to clean, sustainable, reliable, affordable, modern energy to meet the needs of all sectors, such as domestic, commerce, industry, municipal and communications.
What is essential for modern economies regarding energy access?
Access to low-cost energy is essential for modern economies. Limited or non-existent energy supplies can create issues for countries, especially if demand exceeds national supply. In such cases, countries must rely on imports to meet their energy needs, which can make them vulnerable to political changes in the exporting nation.
What are the three key elements necessary for a country to achieve energy security?
The three key elements necessary for energy security are reliability, which ensures a consistent and uninterrupted energy supply; accessibility, meaning everyone has physical access to an adequate and modern energy supply; and affordability, where energy is available at a price that the population can afford.
How does energy security relate to environmental sustainability?
Many definitions of energy security now include the condition that the energy supply is environmentally sustainable, emphasizing the importance of renewable energy sources. This perspective effectively excludes non-renewable sources like fuel wood and highlights that energy security operates more at the national level compared to food and water security.
Which countries are major exporters of fossil fuels?
Major exporters of fossil fuels include Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Canada, which together account for over 30% of the global oil supply. Additionally, China, the USA, and India produce over 60% of the world’s coal, while the USA, Russia, and Iran account for nearly 45% of global natural gas production.
What percentage of the global population lacks access to modern energy supplies?
Approximately 20% of the global population lacks access to modern energy supplies. For about 3 billion people, fuel wood, coal, charcoal, or animal waste are their only accessible fuels for heating and cooking.
What are some threats to energy security?
Threats to energy security include fossil fuel depletion since fossil fuels are finite resources expected to run out eventually. Reliance on imports creates vulnerabilities due to political instability in exporting countries. Natural disasters can disrupt energy supplies, as seen with the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident in Japan in 2011, which led to significant energy insecurity.
What challenges do developing nations face regarding energy needs?
Rapid development in countries like China and India significantly increases their demand for energy resources. This heightened demand is projected to deplete non-renewable resources much faster and strain the planet’s ability to replenish renewable resources such as food and water.
What specific issues do Sierra Leone, Gambia, and Guinea-Bissau face regarding energy security?
Sierra Leone, Gambia, and Guinea-Bissau experience extreme energy security risk due to high levels of political conflict, civil war, corruption, and violence. In Sierra Leone specifically, more than a decade after civil war ended in 2002, only 5% of the population had access to electricity; this figure drops to just 1% in rural areas.
Why is the USA considered high-risk in terms of energy security?
The USA is categorized as high-risk due to its reliance on importing large amounts of fossil fuels and electricity to meet demand. Nearly one-quarter of its oil imports come from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, making it vulnerable to supply interruptions and price increases.
How has Japan’s energy security been affected by natural disasters?
Japan’s energy security was severely impacted by the earthquake and tsunami in 2011 that caused the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident. This disaster led to the closure of all nuclear reactors in Japan, dropping its power supply by 31%. Since then, Japan has transitioned towards solar energy and is now one of the world’s largest users of solar power.
What factors influence a country’s choice of energy sources?
A country’s choice of energy sources is influenced by several factors, including availability of resources, sustainability, scientific and technological developments, and cultural, political, economic, and environmental impacts. These factors determine how a country achieves energy security and the types of energy it utilizes to meet its needs.
What are the three key elements necessary for energy security?
The three key elements necessary for energy security are reliability, which ensures a consistent and uninterrupted energy supply; accessibility, meaning everyone has physical access to an adequate and modern energy supply; and affordability, where energy is available at a price that the population can afford.
How does the availability of energy sources depend on a country’s geography?
The availability of an energy source depends on a country’s location and geological conditions. Factors include whether there are fossil fuels, geothermal power, or uranium deposits; topography suitable for wind or hydropower; climate conducive to solar energy; and agricultural capacity for biofuels or coastal access for tidal energy.
What role do technological developments play in energy choices?
Technological developments facilitate long-term energy choices by improving the efficiency and affordability of alternative energy sources. For example, advancements have significantly decreased the cost of photovoltaic panels needed to harness solar energy, making it more accessible for countries seeking sustainable options.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuels?
Fossil fuels have significant advantages, including established infrastructure for their use, high energy content, low cost compared to renewables, current abundance (though this is short-term), and versatility in producing electricity and heating. However, they also have disadvantages such as contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation.
How is nuclear power generated?
Nuclear power is generated by mining uranium from countries like Kazakhstan, Canada, Australia, Namibia, and the USA. The uranium undergoes processing to form fuel elements used in nuclear reactors. A chain reaction initiated by neutrons produces energy through nuclear fission. The heat generated turns water into steam that drives a turbine to generate electricity.
What are some common advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources?
Common advantages of renewable energy include being usable in remote areas, low running costs once operational, sustainability that reduces reliance on fossil fuels, and no greenhouse gas emissions during operation. Disadvantages include high capital set-up costs, potential noise (from wind) and visual pollution (from solar panels), location specificity (e.g., geothermal requires volcanic areas), and underdeveloped technology affecting efficiency and storage.
What is the significance of the “blue revolution” in relation to food security?
The “blue revolution” focuses on increasing fish production through aquaculture as a means to enhance food security. This initiative aims to address global food shortages by promoting sustainable fishing practices and improving aquaculture technologies.
What threats can impact energy security?
Threats to energy security include fossil fuel depletion due to finite resources; reliance on imports which can be affected by geopolitical instability; natural disasters that disrupt supply; and climate change impacting water supply and agricultural productivity. Political instability in exporting countries can also threaten supply chains.
How do developing nations’ rapid development affect global energy demand?
Rapid development in countries like China and India significantly increases their demand for energy resources. This heightened demand is projected to deplete non-renewable resources faster while straining the planet’s ability to replenish renewable resources such as food and water.
What is covered under Goal 7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
Goal 7 of the SDGs focuses on improving energy security, outlining the current state of affairs and establishing targets for achieving universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy services by 2030. However, how these targets are achieved is dependent on the individual countries involved.
What actions can reduce threats to energy security?
Threats to energy security can be reduced by actions such as reducing imports and becoming more self-sufficient in energy supply through diversifying energy sources and increasing the use of renewable alternatives. Countries can also exploit indigenous resources and reduce demand by enhancing energy efficiency and conservation measures. Additionally, relying on multiple exporters instead of one or two can spread out risk.
How does availability influence a country’s energy choices?
The availability of energy sources is influenced by a country’s geographical conditions. Factors include geological suitability for fossil fuels or uranium, topography for wind or hydropower, climate for solar energy, and agricultural capacity for biofuels. These factors determine the types of energy a country can realistically utilize.
What role do technological developments play in energy security?
Technological developments are crucial for enabling countries to invest in sustainable energy sources. As technology improves, it expands the range of affordable alternative energy options available. For example, advancements have significantly reduced the cost of photovoltaic panels necessary for harnessing solar energy.
What are some advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuels?
Fossil fuels have established infrastructure in most countries, high energy content, low costs compared to renewables, and versatility in producing electricity and heating. However, they also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation. Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas, each with specific advantages and disadvantages that should be investigated further.
How is nuclear power generated?
Nuclear power is generated by mining uranium from countries like Kazakhstan, Canada, Australia, Namibia, and the USA. The uranium is processed into fuel elements used in nuclear reactors. A chain reaction initiated by neutrons produces energy through nuclear fission, generating heat that turns water into steam to drive turbines for electricity production.
What are some common advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources?
Renewable energy sources offer advantages such as being usable in remote areas, low running costs once operational, sustainability that reduces reliance on fossil fuels, and no greenhouse gas emissions during operation. Disadvantages include high capital set-up costs, location specificity (e.g., geothermal requires volcanic areas), potential noise and visual pollution (from wind), and underdeveloped technology affecting efficiency and storage.
Which countries are leading in renewable energy usage?
Countries leading in renewable energy usage include Sweden (aiming to eliminate fossil fuel usage), Costa Rica (meeting 99% of its energy needs from renewables), Nicaragua (54% electricity from renewables), Scotland (97% domestic energy from wind), Germany (78% daily electricity demand from solar), Uruguay (95% from renewables), Denmark (aiming for 100% fossil-fuel-free by 2050), China (highest installed wind capacity), Morocco (largest concentrated solar plant), and Kenya (51% from geothermal power).
What challenges does the USA face regarding energy security?
The USA is one of the largest consumers of energy globally but remains a net importer of oil. In 2014, it imported about a quarter of its oil from over 40 countries. To improve energy security, the USA aims to increase indigenous fossil fuel production through shale gas extraction while diversifying its energy sources to include renewables like wind and solar.
What impact do natural disasters have on energy security?
Natural disasters such as floods, cyclones, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis can disrupt energy supplies temporarily or permanently. For instance, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident in Japan in 2011 led to significant energy insecurity as all nuclear reactors were shut down following the disaster.
What challenges does Jordan face regarding water, energy, and food security?
Jordan is a small country in the Middle East facing severe limitations in water, energy, and food due to high internal population growth and the influx of 1.4 million Syrian refugees. The country requires an integrated approach to planning and policy for managing these critical resources effectively.
What are some key facts about Jordan’s climate and natural resources?
Jordan has an arid desert climate with rainfall occurring from November to April. The country possesses natural resources such as phosphates, potash, and shale oil. Agricultural land comprises 11.4% of the land area, with only 2% classified as arable land. The GDP per capita is US$11,000 (PPP adjusted), with annual exports totaling US$7.124 billion and imports amounting to US$17.86 billion.
What is the current water situation in Jordan?
Water supply in Jordan is extremely limited at 145 m³ per person per year, with demand exceeding renewable resources by approximately 187 million cubic meters (MCM). Access to improved drinking water is nearly universal at 97%, but only 92.3% in rural areas. The country relies on four major water sources: precipitation, surface water, groundwater, and wastewater.
How does climate change affect Jordan’s water resources?
Climate change threatens to make Jordan’s already low precipitation more uncertain and variable. High evaporation rates (over 90%) from high temperatures exacerbate water scarcity issues. The River Jordan Basin faces geopolitical challenges as much of its water is used before reaching Jordan.
What are the main sources of electricity in Jordan?
Approximately 99.5% of Jordan’s population has access to electricity, primarily sourced from fossil fuels (99.6%), with minimal contributions from hydropower (0.3%) and other renewables (0.1%). Political unrest jeopardizes energy imports, leading to frequent blackouts and necessitating diesel imports to supplement gas shortages.
What is the agricultural situation in Jordan?
Agriculture in Jordan is mainly concentrated in the Jordan Valley, consuming over 50% of the country’s limited water supplies but contributing only 6% to GDP and 12% of exports. While the government supports self-sufficiency in fruits and vegetables, staple grains must be imported due to declining local production since the 1960s.
What integrated management strategies is Jordan pursuing for resource security?
To improve water, energy, and food security, Jordan is implementing integrated management strategies that include large-scale projects like the Al-Disi Aquifer Agreement and the Red-Dead project combined with a desalination plant. Resource management prioritization involves collaboration among institutions like the Ministry of Water and Irrigation and the Water Authority of Jordan.
How does Jordan plan to enhance its energy security?
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources implemented a national energy strategy aiming to diversify energy resources by expanding renewable projects, increasing local resource use (such as oil shale), reducing dependence on imported oil through nuclear power (despite high water requirements), and improving energy efficiency through a dedicated fund for renewable initiatives.
What role does wastewater treatment play in addressing water scarcity in Jordan?
Due to severe water scarcity, Jordan increasingly treats, recycles, and reuses wastewater. Greywater recycling is becoming common in households, with treated domestic wastewater accounting for up to 80% of irrigation water for agriculture.
What is the geographical composition of the UK?
The UK is not a single country but consists of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It is located off the north-western coast of continental Europe and has medium water stress, low food security risk, but high-risk energy security.
What are some key facts about the UK’s climate and natural resources?
The UK has a temperate climate with over half the days being overcast. Its natural resources include fossil fuels, metal ores (iron, lead, zinc, tin, and gold), building materials (limestone, slate, clay, silica sand, and gypsum), potash, and arable land. Agricultural land accounts for 71% of the land area, with 25.1% being arable land.
What are the economic statistics for the UK according to the CIA World Factbook?
The GDP per capita in the UK is US$42,500 (PPP adjusted). Annual exports total US$412.1 billion, including chemicals, drinks, food, manufactured goods, and tobacco. Annual imports amount to US$581.6 billion, primarily consisting of fuel, foodstuffs, machinery, and manufactured goods.
What is the water supply situation in the UK?
The UK has a very good water supply with 14.5 million m³ available daily for domestic and commercial use. Each household uses approximately 145 liters per person per day. Access to improved drinking water is universal (100%), while improved sanitation is accessible to 99.2% of the population.
How does rainfall affect water supply in the UK?
All water in the UK comes from rainfall, which supplies surface water (rivers, lakes) directly and aquifers indirectly through infiltration. Rainfall distribution is uneven; it rains one in three days with higher precipitation in the west than in the east. Climate change is increasing drought frequency and severity in eastern and southeastern England.
What are some key issues regarding water security in the UK?
Key issues include maintaining critical flow rates during dry conditions, increased frequency of droughts, poor replenishment rates of aquifers, rising sea levels causing salinization of aquifers, and increased demand for irrigation and industrial use. By 2035, it is expected that 45% of water resource zones could fall short of demand.
What is the current energy situation in the UK?
Electricity production in the UK exceeds consumption by 26 billion kilowatt hours (kWh), with significant dependence on non-renewable sources such as coal and natural gas (30% each) and nuclear power (19%). In 2016, crude oil reserves were estimated at 2.8 billion barrels with a production level of nearly 900,000 barrels per day.
What challenges does the UK face regarding energy security?
The UK faces a high energy security risk due to its reliance on non-renewable energy sources and imports. The impending closure of coal-fired power stations and aging nuclear facilities contributes to an expected ‘energy gap.’ Strategies include increasing nuclear power usage and transitioning to renewables.
How has renewable energy usage changed in the UK?
By 2013 nearly 15% of electricity generation came from renewable sources. The UK government aims to meet EU directives for renewable energy use; however, renewables currently have low penetration in heating and transport sectors. Wind power has become increasingly important with significant installed capacity.
What role does agriculture play in food security in the UK?
Agriculture uses nearly 70% of land in the UK and employs about 1.5% of the workforce while providing around 60% of the food consumed domestically. The sector is concentrated mainly in East Anglia for crops and South West England for livestock. Farmers are diversifying into organic farming and biofuels due to poor income.
What are consumer goods and how are they categorized?
Consumer goods refer to anything bought to satisfy the needs and wants of consumers, excluding raw materials or goods used in industry. They are categorized into three types: durable goods (long lifespan over 3 years, e.g., cars and appliances), non-durable goods (short lifespan under 3 years for immediate consumption, e.g., food and clothing), and services (intangible actions like haircuts and gardening).
What are the four main methods of waste disposal?
The four main methods of waste disposal are landfill, incineration, composting, and recycling (the 3Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle). Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages that countries consider when managing waste.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of landfill as a waste disposal method?
Advantages of landfill include being a cheap method for disposing of various materials, creating local jobs, and potential for future site reuse. Disadvantages include dangerous gas emissions (methane), potential leachate leakage into groundwater, limited lifespan due to filling up, and negative impacts on local property prices from pollution.
How does incineration work as a waste disposal method?
Incineration involves burning waste to reduce its volume by 80-85%. The process converts waste into ash, flue gas, and heat. While it is effective for clinical waste and generates electricity, it produces toxic fly ash and heavy metals. Newer technologies have reduced dioxin emissions, but older incinerators still pose environmental risks.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of incineration?
Advantages of incineration include significant volume reduction of waste, usefulness for clinical waste, potential for energy generation, and reduced methane emissions compared to landfills. Disadvantages include toxic ash disposal challenges, emissions of heavy metals, high setup costs, property devaluation in surrounding areas, and potential loss of livelihoods for those living off waste.
What is composting and how has it evolved over time?
Composting is the process of recycling organic waste into nutrient-rich soil. Historically practiced since Roman times, it has regained popularity in the UK through local authorities collecting biodegradable waste for composting. Modern composting incorporates scientific methods to improve efficiency by controlling size, carbon-to-nitrogen ratios, moisture levels, and heat.
What are the benefits of composting as a waste management strategy?
Composting is an effective waste management strategy that reduces landfill waste by removing organic material from the waste stream. The decomposed organic matter is recycled as soil fertilizer. It aligns with the principles of the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) and provides an environmentally sound solution to increasing food waste.
What does the term “consumer goods” refer to?
Consumer goods encompass anything bought to satisfy the needs and wants of consumers, excluding raw materials or goods used in industry. They are the end result of the manufacturing process and are available for purchase in shops. Consumer goods are categorized into durable goods, non-durable goods, and services.
What are the three main categories of consumer goods?
Consumer goods are categorized into three main types: durable goods (with a long lifespan, generally over 3 years, such as cars and appliances), non-durable goods (with a short lifespan under 3 years for immediate consumption, such as food and clothing), and services (intangible actions like haircuts and gardening).
What are the six Rs in modern waste management?
The modern waste management strategy includes six Rs: Reduce (minimizing material use), Reuse (using items multiple times), Repair (fixing broken items), Refurbish (returning electronic products to manufacturers for repair), Recover (retrieving materials from unusable products), and Recycle (transforming materials into raw materials for new products).
Why is reducing waste considered the most important strategy?
Reducing waste is considered the most important strategy because it decreases the amount of waste produced, which in turn reduces the need for reuse or recycling. Initiating waste reduction at the design phase of products leads to less raw material use, lower energy consumption, and decreased overall waste.
How can items be reused effectively?
Items can be reused in various ways; for example, glass fizzy drink bottles can be returned for cleaning and refilling. Other items like jars can serve as stationery holders, old tires can be transformed into swings, and paper can be repurposed as packing material. Books can also be donated to libraries or schools.
What is the process of composting?
Composting involves recycling organic waste by decomposing it into nutrient-rich soil. Modern composting practices have improved efficiency through scientific methods that control moisture levels, carbon-to-nitrogen ratios, and heat to speed up decomposition while killing pathogens.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of landfill as a waste disposal method?
Advantages of landfill include being a cheap disposal method with low set-up costs, job creation, and potential future reuse of old sites. Disadvantages include dangerous gas emissions (methane), potential leachate leakage into groundwater, limited lifespan due to filling up, and negative impacts on local property values.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of incineration?
Advantages of incineration include significant volume reduction of waste, effectiveness for clinical and hazardous waste, potential energy generation, and reduced methane emissions compared to landfills. Disadvantages include toxic ash disposal challenges, emissions of heavy metals and dioxins, high setup costs, and potential property devaluation.
How does recycling benefit waste management?
Recycling prevents the loss of useful raw materials, reduces consumption of new raw materials, lowers energy usage in some processes, reduces pollution during extraction phases, and decreases greenhouse gas emissions. Curbside recycling programs facilitate efficient separation of recyclables for collection.
What strategies can individuals implement to reduce waste effectively?
Individuals can reduce waste by using reusable bags, choosing products with returnable containers, using rechargeable batteries, composting organic waste when possible, shopping at second-hand stores, buying items made from recycled materials, utilizing toner cartridge refill services, participating in local recycling schemes, and donating electrical items for renovation.
How can items be reused effectively?
Items can be reused in various ways, such as:
- Glass fizzy drink bottles that are returned for cleaning and refilling.
- Jars used as stationery holders or packing material.
- Old tires repurposed into swings or flip-flops in Tanzania.
- Books donated to libraries or schools.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of incineration?
Advantages of incineration include reducing waste volume by 80-85%, effectiveness for clinical and hazardous waste, potential energy generation, and reduced methane emissions compared to landfills. Disadvantages include toxic ash disposal challenges, emissions of heavy metals and dioxins, high setup costs, and property devaluation in surrounding areas.
What benefits does recycling provide in waste management?
Recycling prevents loss of useful raw materials, reduces consumption of new materials, lowers energy usage in some processes, decreases pollution during extraction phases, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Curbside recycling programs facilitate efficient collection of recyclables.
What challenges do low-income countries (LICs) face with landfill practices?
In LICs, landfill sites may not be well sorted, leading to hazardous materials ending up in landfills. Communities often form around these sites to sort through waste for usable items, putting individuals at risk of injury or death due to unsafe conditions.
What strategies can individuals implement to reduce waste effectively?
Individuals can reduce waste by:
- Using reusable bags when shopping.
- Choosing products with returnable or refillable containers.
- Using rechargeable batteries (most effective with renewable energy).
- Composting organic waste when possible.
- Shopping at second-hand stores to save money and reduce waste.
- Buying items made from recycled materials.
- Utilizing toner cartridge refill services.
Participating in local recycling schemes.
What are international flows of waste, and how can they be categorized?
International flows of waste can be mutually beneficial, such as Germany and Sweden importing waste from other EU countries to sustain their recycling and waste-to-energy plants. However, flows of toxic waste from high-income countries (HICs) to low-income countries (LICs) are contentious, with some viewing it as an opportunity for economic transactions and others labeling it as “toxic colonialism.”
What is “toxic colonialism”?
Toxic colonialism refers to the exportation of hazardous wastes from developed countries to weaker or poorer nations for disposal. This practice is criticized for exploiting vulnerable communities that often lack the resources to manage such waste safely.
How does Sweden manage its waste?
Sweden recycles 47% of its waste and incinerates 52% to generate heat in waste-to-energy plants. Due to insufficient domestic rubbish, Sweden imports over 800,000 tons of waste from the UK and Norway to meet the heating plants’ needs.
What is Germany’s approach to waste management?
Germany has a high recycling rate of 65%, but its waste-to-electricity incineration plants are short on rubbish. To address this, Germany imports waste from Italy, the UK, Ireland, and Switzerland.
What are the four major categories of toxic waste?
The four major categories of toxic waste are:
- Incinerator ash
- Chemical waste
- Ship breaking
- Electronic or e-waste
What challenges are associated with incinerator ash?
Incinerators reduce waste volume by up to 85%, but they produce ash containing heavy metals and other non-combustible materials. An infamous case involved the Khian Sea ship, which dumped incinerator ash near Haiti after being rejected by multiple countries, leading to a ban on all waste imports by Haiti and the establishment of the Basel Convention.
How is chemical waste typically managed in HICs?
Chemical waste generally comes from large factories in HICs, which have strict environmental controls for disposal. This makes it expensive for companies to dump chemical waste domestically, leading them to seek cheaper disposal options elsewhere.
Describe the ship breaking process in LICs.
In LICs, ship breaking often occurs on sandy beaches without proper safety measures. Workers dismantle ships containing toxic substances like asbestos and lead without protective gear. This practice poses significant health risks and environmental hazards.
What is e-waste, and why is it a growing concern?
E-waste refers to discarded electrical and electronic devices, and its volume is rapidly increasing due to advancing technology and planned obsolescence by manufacturers. Most e-waste ends up in LICs due to lax regulations, leading to environmental contamination and health risks for local populations.
What are some environmental impacts of e-waste disposal in places like Guiyu, China?
In Guiyu, China, improper disposal of e-waste has led to toxic chemicals leaching into groundwater, poisoning local water supplies. Around 50% of computer components contain hazardous elements like mercury and arsenic, posing serious health risks to residents.
Define carrying capacity
The maximum number of individuals of a species that the environment can sustainably support in a given area.
What is the concept of carrying capacity in relation to humanity?
Carrying capacity refers to the maximum number of people that planet Earth can sustainably support without causing environmental damage. It considers whether there are enough necessities of life, such as food, space, and water, to support the population indefinitely.
Why is establishing human carrying capacity complex?
Establishing human carrying capacity is complex because humans produce non-biodegradable waste that can degrade the environment and reduce resource availability. Unlike other animals, humans consume a wide variety of resources, including luxuries, which vary significantly between and within countries. Additionally, human populations can import goods from other regions if local resources are insufficient. Technology enables humans to modify their environment, and humans have the ability to control fertility and mortality rates, which means that carrying capacity estimates can change rapidly.
What is waste assimilation, and why is it important for carrying capacity?
Waste assimilation refers to the environment’s ability to handle the waste produced by a population. For humans, waste production often exceeds local environmental capacities, leading to damage to complex natural systems. This factor must be considered when calculating humanity’s carrying capacity. Global climate change is one example of how human activities related to waste production impact global systems that sustain life.
What determines human carrying capacity?
Human carrying capacity is determined by several factors, including waste production levels and their impact on local environments. The range of resources used by humans is far more varied than those used by other species because humans consume both necessities and luxuries. For example, while food, water, and shelter are essential for survival, sanitation and waste disposal must also be considered as integral parts of human carrying capacity. Additionally, technological advancements can either increase or decrease carrying capacity.
How has technology influenced human carrying capacity historically?
Technology has influenced human carrying capacity for centuries. The invention of agriculture during the Neolithic period allowed a shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to sedentary farming, significantly increasing carrying capacity. Extensive use of technology in agriculture through mechanization and chemicals has also increased food production in many areas. However, reliance on fossil fuels in agriculture decreases carrying capacity due to non-renewable resource depletion. Industrialization of the fishing industry initially boosted catches but led to the collapse of many fisheries, reducing overall carrying capacity.
What did the United Nations report in 2001 say about human carrying capacity estimates?
The 2001 United Nations report indicated that two-thirds of all estimates of human carrying capacity fell between 4 billion and 16 billion people, with a median estimate around 10 billion. These estimates have been declining as resource depletion and consumption rates continue to rise.
How do different lifestyles affect estimates of Earth’s carrying capacity?
Estimates of Earth’s carrying capacity vary significantly based on lifestyle choices. A world where people live a middle-class lifestyle would have a lower carrying capacity due to higher resource consumption levels. In contrast, higher estimates are only feasible with much lower rates of resource consumption.
What are the contrasting views on human carrying capacity held by Malthus and Boserup?
Thomas Malthus believed that Earth has a finite carrying capacity for humans due to limited resources, suggesting that population growth would inevitably outstrip food supply. In contrast, Ester Boserup argued that human ingenuity and technological advancement could expand carrying capacity beyond traditional limits, allowing for sustainable growth despite increasing populations.
What is the fundamental question regarding population growth and resource consumption?
The fundamental question is whether planet Earth has a human carrying capacity, which examines how many people it can sustainably support without causing environmental damage. This involves assessing if there are enough necessities of life, such as food, space, and water, to support the population indefinitely.
What are Malthusian theories?
Malthusian theories focus on the problems that arise when population growth outstrips the resource base, specifically when the population exceeds carrying capacity. Thomas Malthus, in his 1798 work “An Essay on the Principle of Population,” argued that population growth is exponential while food production increases arithmetically.
What are the two types of ‘checks’ proposed by Malthus?
Malthus proposed two types of checks to control population growth: preventative or negative checks, which are within people’s control (such as sexual abstinence and delayed marriage), and positive checks, which occur outside people’s control (such as disease, death, starvation, and war). These checks would return the population to a lower, more sustainable level.
What criticisms have been made against Malthusian theories?
Criticisms of Malthusian theories include that population growth rates in high-income countries (HICs) have not been as rapid as predicted and advances in technology have changed the situation. Additionally, the model is limited to food as the only resource and does not account for wealthier countries having access to resources beyond their immediate surroundings.
What is “The Limits to Growth” model?
Back: “The Limits to Growth,” published in 1972 by D.H. Meadows and others, follows Malthusian ideas and uses computer simulations to show how exponential population growth will lead to problems with finite resources, pollution levels, and food production. The model explored five variables: population, food production, industrialization, pollution, and resource depletion.
What did Graham Turner’s research reveal about “The Limits to Growth”?
In 2008, Graham Turner found that actual observed data from 1970 to 2000 closely matched the overshoot and collapse scenarios predicted by “The Limits to Growth.” This suggests that many of the concerns raised by the model regarding resource depletion and environmental degradation are still relevant today.
What are neo-Malthusian theories?
Neo-Malthusian theories build upon Malthusian ideas but emphasize promoting population control programs to ensure sustainability with resources for present and future needs. Neo-Malthusians advocate for contraception use and express concern over environmental degradation and widespread famine.
What predictions did Paul Ehrlich make in “The Population Bomb”?
In “The Population Bomb” (1968), Paul Ehrlich predicted that overpopulation would lead to disaster for humanity, with 10 million deaths per year from starvation in the 1970s. He suggested that luxury taxes should be placed on child-related items and proposed ‘responsibility prizes’ for individuals who do not have children.
How have Ehrlich’s predictions been evaluated?
Ehrlich’s predictions have not materialized as he forecasted; global food production increased significantly between the late 19th century and late 20th century. However, concerns about overpopulation remain relevant today due to ongoing issues of famine in various parts of the world.
How do Malthusian and neo-Malthusian theories differ?
Malthusian theories focus on the relationship between population growth and resource limitations, predicting that unchecked population growth will lead to shortages. In contrast, neo-Malthusian theories emphasize the need for proactive measures like family planning and resource management to prevent overpopulation from leading to crises.
What is the general view of the relationship between population growth and resource consumption?
The optimistic view of the relationship between population growth and resource consumption is one of hope for the future and faith in humanity’s ingenuity. This perspective suggests that human innovation can address challenges posed by increasing populations.
Who is Ester Boserup and what was her contribution to population theory?
Ester Boserup (1910–1999) was a Danish economist specializing in agricultural development. She challenged Malthusian theories by arguing that population growth motivates agricultural innovation. Her work emphasized that as populations grow, farmers will find ways to increase food production, such as making previously unused land viable.
What was the central argument of Boserup’s theory regarding agricultural productivity?
Boserup argued that the threat of starvation drives agricultural innovation. For example, if a farmer has four hectares of land but only three are productive, an increase in family size will motivate the farmer to find ways to make the fourth hectare viable.
How did Boserup’s observations during her work with the UN shape her theories?
Working in low- and middle-income countries allowed Boserup to gather firsthand data on food production and population growth. She observed that advances in agriculture due to initiatives like the Green Revolution increased food production significantly, allowing it to keep pace with population growth.
What are some examples of agricultural advances that support Boserup’s theory?
Examples of agricultural advances include the Green Revolution, hydroponics, and aquaponics, all of which increase food production and help avoid famine and starvation. Additionally, advancements in contraception have helped reduce population growth, lowering the immediate need for increased food production.
What are some criticisms of Malthusian theories?
Criticisms of Malthusian theories include that population growth rates have not been as rapid as predicted in high-income countries (HICs) and that advances in technology have altered resource availability. Malthus’ model is limited to food as the only resource and does not account for wealthier countries having access to resources beyond their immediate surroundings.
What is “The Limits to Growth” model, and what did it predict?
“The Limits to Growth,” published in 1972 by D.H. Meadows and others, follows Malthusian ideas by using computer simulations to show how exponential population growth will lead to problems with finite resources, pollution levels, and food production. The model explored five variables: population, food production, industrialization, pollution, and resource depletion.
How did Graham Turner’s research contribute to understanding “The Limits to Growth”?
In 2008, Graham Turner found that actual observed data from 1970 to 2000 closely matched the overshoot and collapse scenarios predicted by “The Limits to Growth.” This suggests that many concerns regarding resource depletion and environmental degradation remain relevant today.
What are neo-Malthusian theories?
Neo-Malthusian theories build upon Malthusian ideas but emphasize promoting population control programs to ensure sustainability with resources for present and future needs. Neo-Malthusians advocate for contraception use and express concern over environmental degradation and widespread famine.
What predictions did Paul Ehrlich make in “The Population Bomb”?
In “The Population Bomb” (1968), Paul Ehrlich predicted that overpopulation would lead to disaster for humanity, with millions dying from starvation in the 1970s. He suggested implementing luxury taxes on child-related items and awarding ‘responsibility prizes’ for individuals who do not have children.
How have Ehrlich’s predictions been evaluated?
Ehrlich’s predictions have not materialized as he forecasted; global food production increased significantly between the late 19th century and late 20th century. However, concerns about overpopulation remain relevant due to ongoing issues of famine in various parts of the world.
How do Malthusian and neo-Malthusian theories differ?
Malthusian theories focus on the relationship between population growth and resource limitations, predicting that unchecked population growth will lead to shortages. In contrast, neo-Malthusian theories emphasize proactive measures like family planning and resource management to prevent overpopulation from leading to crises.
What is the optimistic view regarding population growth and resource consumption?
The optimistic view suggests that humans can take better care of the planet and use its resources more sustainably. This perspective emphasizes the potential for human ingenuity to address challenges posed by population growth and resource depletion.
How are sustainability and stewardship related?
Sustainability and stewardship are closely linked concepts. Stewardship promotes responsible planning and management of resources to ensure they are available for future generations. Sustainability refers to the ability to maintain certain behaviors indefinitely without compromising future resource availability.
What is sustainable development?
Sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It includes two key concepts: prioritizing the essential needs of the world’s poor and recognizing limitations imposed by technology and social organizations on the environment’s capacity to meet needs.
What is natural capital, and how is it classified?
Natural capital refers to natural resources that provide goods (like plants and animals) and services (such as clean air and water replenishment). It is classified based on how long it takes to be replaced, ranging from non-renewable resources, which take millions of years to form (e.g., fossil fuels), to renewable resources, which can be replenished quickly (e.g., crops).
How does sustainable natural income work in resource management?
Sustainable natural income refers to the annual yield of resources that can be harvested without depleting the natural capital. For example, in a pond with 500 fish, if 150 fish can be harvested while maintaining a population of 500, this represents sustainable natural income. Only renewable resources produce sustainable natural income.
What are some consequences of unsustainable resource exploitation?
Unsustainable resource exploitation leads to increased grain prices due to biofuel production replacing food production, rising oil prices prompting fracking that damages ecosystems, worsening effects of global climate change, loss of agricultural land to development, food riots in countries like India, and depletion of aquifers faster than they can replenish.
What were the objectives of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment initiated by the UN in 2001?
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment aimed to assess links between ecosystem change and human well-being while establishing strategies for sustainable ecosystem use. The assessment revealed significant issues with ecosystem management globally.
What were some key findings from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment?
Key findings included that 60% of ecosystems studied were being used unsustainably, changes were reaching tipping points with unpredictable consequences, and ecosystem degradation disproportionately impacted poorer countries. Additionally, it was found that up to 25% of important commercial fisheries were over-exploited.
How do nonlinear changes affect ecosystems?
Nonlinear changes are difficult to predict because once a tipping point is reached, future outcomes become uncertain. For example, deforestation can lead to regional climate change that creates positive feedback loops affecting broader areas.
Why is loss of species and genetic diversity concerning for ecosystems?
Loss of species and genetic diversity decreases ecosystem resilience. If this trend continues, tipping points may be crossed, leading to unpredictable declines in ecosystem health and functionality.
What is the main message of the video “The Story of Stuff”?
“The Story of Stuff” emphasizes the urgent need for resource stewardship strategies in light of unsustainable consumption patterns. It critiques the traditional linear economy, which follows a “take-make-dispose” model, and highlights the necessity for a shift towards more sustainable practices that can mitigate environmental degradation.
How does the linear economy operate?
The linear economy operates by extracting natural resources from the ground, processing them into products that typically have short lifespans (lasting only a few minutes to a few years), and then disposing of them in landfills or incinerators. This model is wasteful and detrimental to the environment, as it leads to significant resource depletion and pollution.
What is built-in obsolescence, and how does it relate to the linear economy?
Built-in obsolescence refers to the design strategy where products are made difficult to repair or upgrade. Many electronics, such as smartphones and tablets, are designed as integrated units that cannot be easily disassembled. For example, Apple’s iPhone and iPad are sealed designs that complicate repairs, contributing to waste generation when these devices become outdated.
What is the reuse economy, and how does it differ from the linear economy?
The reuse economy allows for some materials to be used multiple times but is still less efficient than ideal. In this model, original products were not designed for reuse. For instance, waste glass must be collected, broken down, and re-smelted for new use, which consumes considerable energy. While better than a linear approach, it still has limitations in efficiency.
What are the three principles of a circular economy?
The circular economy is based on three principles:
- Design out waste by creating products that can be easily disassembled and reused.
- Differentiate between consumable components (biological nutrients) that can safely re-enter the biosphere and durable components (technical nutrients) that should be kept within the economic system.
- Power all processes with renewable energy sources to reduce pollution and mitigate climate change impacts.
How does the concept of “technical materials” change consumer behavior in a circular economy?
In a circular economy, “technical materials” require a shift from viewing individuals as consumers to seeing them as users. Durable products should ideally be leased or rented rather than sold outright. Agreements should ensure that these products are returned after use for repair or disassembly into reusable components, promoting resource efficiency.
What does “circling for longer” mean in terms of product lifespan?
“Circling for longer” refers to maximizing how many times a product can be repaired, reused, and remanufactured while extending its lifespan within circulation. The longer products remain in use before disposal, the greater savings can be achieved in terms of materials, energy consumption, and labor costs.
Explain the concept of cascading in resource management.
Cascading involves expanding the ways in which products and components can be utilized across different applications. For example, cotton cloth may initially serve as clothing but can later be repurposed as stuffing for toys or returned to nature as compost. This approach reduces reliance on virgin materials by maximizing existing resources’ utility.
What were the objectives of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment initiated by the UN in 2001?
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment aimed to assess links between ecosystem changes and human well-being while establishing strategies for sustainable ecosystem use. It revealed significant issues with global ecosystem management and highlighted how unsustainable practices disproportionately affect poorer countries.
What key findings were reported by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment?
Key findings indicated that 60% of ecosystems studied were being used unsustainably, with significant degradation impacting poorer countries more than wealthier ones. The assessment noted that while human well-being had improved due to ecosystem changes, these gains came at increasing costs to ecosystem services.
What challenges do we face regarding sustainability today?
Current challenges include rising grain prices due to biofuel production replacing food crops; increasing oil prices prompting environmentally damaging fracking practices; loss of agricultural land to urban development; food riots in regions such as West Bengal in 2007; depletion of water resources faster than they can replenish; and air quality issues exacerbated by pollution.
How does loss of biodiversity impact ecosystems?
Loss of species and genetic diversity decreases ecosystem resilience, making it harder for ecosystems to recover from disturbances. Continued loss may lead to crossing tipping points where future declines become unpredictable and potentially irreversible.
What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were established by the UN General Assembly to replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which expired in 2015. The SDGs broaden the scope of the MDGs and focus on overall sustainable development, aiming to create a better planet for current and future generations through global cooperation.
How many SDGs are there, and what is their target year?
There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals with a total of 169 targets that need to be achieved by 2030. These goals are considered universally applicable Global Goals, emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts across nations.
What is the definition of sustainable development according to the Brundtland Report?
Sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It emphasizes two key concepts: prioritizing essential needs, particularly for the world’s poor, and recognizing limitations imposed by technology and social organizations on the environment’s capacity to meet those needs.
What is SDG 2, and what are its targets?
SDG 2 aims to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. Key targets include ensuring no hunger by 2030, eliminating all forms of malnutrition, doubling agricultural productivity for small-scale farmers, implementing sustainable food production practices, maintaining genetic diversity in agriculture, and increasing investment in agricultural productivity.
What progress has been made regarding global hunger since 2000?
Since 2000, progress has been made in reducing hunger and malnutrition. By 2016, the proportion of undernourished people dropped to 11% (approximately 793 million people), a decrease of 137 million people since 2000. However, challenges remain, particularly in Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, where chronic malnutrition affects many children.
What challenges does SDG 6 address regarding water and sanitation?
SDG 6 aims to ensure access to water and sanitation for all. Today, over 90% of the global population has access to improved water supply. However, challenges include reducing water contamination and protecting water-related ecosystems.
What is the current state of global energy access according to SDG 7?
SDG 7 seeks to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. Currently, about 20% of the global population lacks access to electricity. This goal emphasizes the need for increased use of renewable energy sources.
What does SDG 12 focus on regarding consumption and production patterns?
SDG 12 focuses on ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns. This includes halving food waste and promoting resource reuse and recycling. Every year, over 1.3 billion tonnes of food are wasted globally.
What urgent actions does SDG 13 call for regarding climate change?
SDG 13 calls for urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. This includes ensuring that people are prepared for natural hazards and urging governments to tackle climate change effectively while providing necessary resources.
What was one significant finding from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment regarding ecosystem services?
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment found that changes made to ecosystems have led to substantial net gains in human well-being but at growing costs due to degradation of ecosystem services. It highlighted that while progress has been made economically, it has often come at the expense of environmental health.
How does overpopulation relate to resource consumption challenges?
Overpopulation exacerbates resource consumption challenges by increasing demand for food, water, energy, and other resources. As populations grow, competition for these limited resources intensifies, leading to potential conflicts and environmental degradation.
Describe a case study related to SDG implementation in Rwanda.
Rwanda has made significant strides in social and economic development since starting from a low base after its genocide in the mid-1990s. Poverty levels fell from 60% in 2000 to 38% in 2019. The country’s commitment to improving health care and education has contributed to its progress toward achieving the SDGs by focusing on inclusive growth strategies.
Discuss Nigeria’s progress towards achieving the SDGs.
Nigeria has made good progress on development amid rapid population growth. Between 2000 and 2015, extreme poverty was reduced by approximately 20 percentage points while health indicators improved significantly. However, Nigeria still faces challenges such as low life expectancy at birth (49 years) and limited access to safe water supplies (only about 4%).
What initiatives have been implemented in Cambodia related to sustainable development?
Cambodia has achieved remarkable progress in meeting some SDG targets by eradicating extreme poverty. Over the past decade, spending on health and education has doubled and tripled respectively. The country has incorporated the SDG framework into its National Strategic Development Plan (2019–2023), focusing on relevant national targets and financing sources.
How does Costa Rica promote sustainable agriculture?
Costa Rica promotes sustainable agriculture through initiatives like agroforestry systems that combine crop cultivation with tree planting. This approach enhances soil fertility while providing additional income through timber sales. The country’s commitment to environmental conservation helps protect biodiversity while improving food security.
What is Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6)?
Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) aims to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. The goal emphasizes the importance of clean water access and adequate sanitation as fundamental human rights essential for health, well-being, and economic development.
What are the key targets of SDG 6?
The key targets of SDG 6 include ensuring universal access to safe and affordable drinking water, achieving adequate sanitation for all, improving water quality through pollution reduction and safe water recycling, enhancing water-use sustainability by improving efficiency, introducing integrated water management including transboundary cooperation, expanding international cooperation to support least developed countries (LICs) in water management solutions, and promoting local community involvement in water and sanitation management.
What is the current global status regarding access to clean water and sanitation?
Globally, one in four people lacks access to fresh water primarily due to economic reasons, resulting in inadequate infrastructure. At least 1.8 billion people drink faecally contaminated water. Over 80% of used water is discharged into rivers and seas without treatment. While access to improved water sources reached 90% by 2015, disparities remain between urban and rural areas.
What progress has been made toward achieving SDG 6?
Progress toward SDG 6 includes a rise in access to improved water sources from 64% in 2000 to 90% in 2015. However, challenges persist as open defecation remains common in many regions of Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. The percentage of those with improved sanitation facilities increased from 64.7% in 2010 to 71.1% in 2020.
What are some challenges faced by countries in achieving SDG 6?
Challenges include significant inequalities in access to clean water between urban (96%) and rural (72%) populations, with poorer regions experiencing lower access rates. Additionally, many countries face high domestic food prices due to declines in agricultural output and rising fuel prices.
Describe a case study highlighting progress in Ghana regarding SDG 6.
In Ghana, the population with access to at least basic water services increased from below the regional average to surpassing it by more than 10 percentage points by 2020. As of that year, approximately 86% of the population had access to basic services, with significant improvements attributed to public-private partnerships and donor support. However, challenges remain due to variable water quality caused by illegal mining and limited wastewater treatment.
What initiatives have been implemented in South Africa related to SDG 6?
South Africa has developed national integrated water resource management plans that align with SDG targets. The country has revised indicators for sustainable water supply delivery based on WHO guidelines for drinking water quality. This approach aims to ensure equitable access to safe drinking water while addressing sustainability issues.
How does Jordan address challenges related to SDG 6?
Jordan has made progress in providing safely managed drinking water services, surpassing the regional average for Northern Africa and Western Asia. By expanding non-piped supply options such as tankers and bottled water, around 82% of the population had access to safely managed sanitation by 2022. The country implements innovative solutions like telemetry and irrigation apps supported by local partnerships.
What role does “Water for Africa” play in addressing clean water issues?
“Water for Africa” is a UK-based charity focused on providing communities across Africa with sustainable water sources. The organization installs boreholes and wells while ensuring ongoing maintenance of these resources. They aim to combat the failure of many existing water sources due to lack of upkeep by focusing on infrastructure development and community engagement.
How does “Drop In The Bucket” contribute to achieving SDG 6?
“Drop In The Bucket” is a non-profit organization that builds wells and sanitation systems at schools in sub-Saharan Africa. Their mission is to ensure that clean water is accessible as a basic human right necessary for breaking the cycle of poverty. By providing schools with reliable water sources, they enable students to focus on education rather than spending time fetching water.
What is Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12)?
Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12) focuses on ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns. It aims to minimize resource use and waste generation while promoting responsible resource utilization. SDG 12 is essential for achieving sustainable livelihoods for current and future generations.
What is the significance of the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus in SDG 12?
The WEF nexus highlights the interconnectedness of water, energy, and food resources, which are critical for sustainable development. Effective management of these resources is essential to address challenges related to population growth, environmental degradation, and resource scarcity.
What are the key targets of SDG 12?
The key targets of SDG 12 include achieving sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources, halving food waste at all stages of the supply chain, ensuring environmentally sound management of chemicals and waste through the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), encouraging sustainable practices across all sectors, promoting awareness of sustainable development, supporting LICs in enhancing their capacity for sustainable production and consumption, and rationalizing inefficient fossil fuel subsidies.
What progress has been made toward achieving SDG 12?
Progress toward SDG 12 includes a domestic material consumption rate of 1.3 kg per unit of GDP in 2010, indicating ongoing reliance on natural resource consumption. Multilateral agreements like the Basel Convention address hazardous waste disposal. However, there is still a lack of a circular economy as resource extraction costs have decreased since 1990.
How does water pollution impact resource management?
Humans are polluting water faster than natural cycles can clean it, leading to excessive water use and global water stress. While water itself is free from nature, the infrastructure required to deliver it is costly. This pollution threatens both human health and ecosystems.
What role does energy consumption play in achieving SDG 12?
Energy consumption significantly impacts SDG 12 as transport is the highest consumer of energy. If all light bulbs were energy-efficient, it could save approximately US$120 billion annually. The reliance on fossil fuels for energy generation contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
What are some challenges related to food production under SDG 12?
Food production faces challenges such as inadequate harvesting, storage, and transportation facilities leading to significant food waste. Over-consumption poses health risks as well; approximately two billion people are overweight or obese. Food production consumes about 30% of global energy and produces around 22% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Discuss a case study related to food waste reduction efforts.
In South Korea, a comprehensive food waste management system was implemented that includes mandatory separation of food waste from general waste. The collected food waste is processed into animal feed or composted. This initiative has led to a significant reduction in food waste generation and has raised public awareness about sustainable consumption practices.
How does the concept of “natural capital” relate to SDG 12?
Natural capital refers to the world’s stocks of natural assets including geology, soil, air, water, and all living things. It provides essential goods (like timber and fish) and services (such as clean air). Sustainable management of natural capital is crucial for achieving SDG 12 as it ensures that resources are available for future generations without depleting ecosystems.
What findings were reported by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment regarding resource use
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment found that about 60% of ecosystem services assessed are being degraded or used unsustainably. Additionally, it highlighted that up to 25% of important commercial fisheries are exploited beyond sustainable levels, emphasizing the urgent need for improved resource management practices aligned with SDG targets.
Describe how renewable energy contributes to achieving SDG 12.
Increasing the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix is a key target under SDG 12. By transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, countries can reduce greenhouse gas emissions while promoting sustainable energy practices that support economic growth without depleting natural resources.
How does overconsumption affect global resources?
Overconsumption leads to unsustainable extraction rates that exceed the planet’s regenerative capacity. If global population reaches an estimated 9.8 billion by 2050, it would require nearly three Earths’ worth of resources to sustain current lifestyles. This unsustainable pattern threatens biodiversity and ecosystem health globally.