Global Mindset Flashcards
Concept that stipulates that no individual is beyond the reach of the law and that authority is exercised only in accordance with written and publicly disclosed laws.
Rule of law
Concept that stipulates that no individual is beyond the reach of the law and that authority is exercised only in accordance with written and publicly disclosed laws.
Concept that laws are enforced only through accepted, codified procedures.
Due process
Concept that laws are enforced only through accepted, codified procedures.
Societies or groups characterized by complex, usually long-standing networks of relationships; members share a rich history of common experience, so the way they interact and interpret events is often not apparent to outsiders.
High-context cultures
Societies or groups characterized by complex, usually long-standing networks of relationships; members share a rich history of common experience, so the way they interact and interpret events is often not apparent to outsiders.
“No business, until I get to know you personally”
Right of a legal body to exert authority over a given geographical territory, subject matter, or persons or institutions.
Right of a legal body to exert authority over a given geographical territory, subject matter, or persons or institutions.
Legal system based on written codes (laws, rules, or regulations).
Civil law
Legal system based on written codes (laws, rules, or regulations).
Ability to take an international perspective, inclusive of other cultures’ views.
Global mindset
Ability to take an international perspective, inclusive of other cultures’ views.
Basic beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors, and customs shared and followed by members of a group, which give rise to the group’s sense of identity.
Basic beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors, and customs shared and followed by members of a group, which give rise to the group’s sense of identity.
Legal system in which each case is considered in terms of how it relates to legal decisions that have already been made; evolves through judicial decisions over time.
Common law
Legal system in which each case is considered in terms of how it relates to legal decisions that have already been made; evolves through judicial decisions over time.
Capacity to recognize, interpret, and behaviorally adapt to multicultural situations and contexts.
Cultural intelligence
Capacity to recognize, interpret, and behaviorally adapt to multicultural situations and contexts.
3 aspects: Cognitive, Motivational, Behavioural
Societies in which relationships have less history; individuals know each other less well and don’t share a common database of experience, so communication must be very explicit.
Low-context cultures
Societies in which relationships have less history; individuals know each other less well and don’t share a common database of experience, so communication must be very explicit.
“It’s not personal, it’s just business”
Travel, Teams, Training, Transfers
Strategic Perspective
Balance Priorities of headquarters & subsidiaries
Tactical Perspective
Develop programs that can deliver measurable success and work in different cultural + sociopolitical contexts
Practical Perspective
Day-to-day aspects of managing a workforce across borders & continents
Key Global HR SKills
- Strategic view of org
- Global org culture
- Talent supply chain
- HR Technology
- Meaningful metrics
- Policies & practices to manage risk
Layers of Culture
Artifacts & Products
Norms & Values
Basic Assumptions
Halls Theory of High & Low context cultures
High Context- No business until I get to you know you personally
Low Context- Its not personal, its just business
Hofstede Dimensions of Culture
- Power Distance
- Individualism/Collectivism
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Masculine/feminine
- Long/short term
- Indulgence/restraint
Trompenaars and Hampden-Turners Cultural Dilemma’s
- Universal/Particular
- Individualism/Communitarian
- Neutral/affective
- Specific/Diffuse
- Achieved/Ascribed
- Sequential/Synchronic
- Internal/External
Obstacles to cross cultural understanding
- Ethnocentrism and parochialism (there is only one way to do something)
- Cultural stereotypes
- Cultural determinism (culture excuses behaviors and makes change impossible)
- Cultural relativism (norms and values vary by situation and cultural perspective)
Trompenaars and Hampden Dilemma Reconciliation
Recognize. (Create awareness of cultural differences.)
Respect. (Appreciate the value of difference.)
Reconcile. (Resolve differences by finding a common path.)
Realize. (Implement solutions and institutionalize them in the organization.)