Global Development Flashcards
Change and growth. Which is associated to improving peoples life or standard of living
Social Development
Putting people at the centre of development . A commitment that developing processes need to benefit people
Economic Development
Efforts that seek to improve the financial well-being for a community by creating jobs, supporting and increasing tax base
Political Development
Concern or equality , with the system of Government. at the centre of development
Factors affecting human development
•social- access to healthcare, education, housing recreation, pop density
•Cultural- Happiness now happening feel like have a place in the world,balances between traditions and improved cultures + a work life balance
•Technological- access to internet , efficiency of farming, electrification
•Water security- 405 of world pop have no access to water 840,000 people a year die due to water related diseases
•Economic- income, job security,standard of living, GDP
Human development index- Measures Life expectancy at birth, mean years of schooling for adult aged 25, expected years of schooling for children of school entering age gross national income (GNI) per capita (US$ ppp)
Gross domestic product- major economic indicator of development . It is the total value of goods and services within a country inn a year
Global patterns which structure should be used to describe them
P- General pattern
Q- qualifications (examples etc)
E- Exeptions
8 marker - suggest what diiferent levels of development may exist
Inequalities in development - factors why people live in poverty
SEEP- social/society , Economic, Environmental, Political
Social Factors
•Water insecurity/ drinking dirty water + diesel such as typhoid
Sick people don’t work, pay no taxes costs money- so not paying taxes helps
•pay inequality - some countries and institutions men get more than women
•Child education= education+qualifications+better jobs+good quality of life+ increases development of a country
•Unstable GOVT
Might not invest in support and services such as healthcare, education or improving the economy
Leads to slow development or none at all
Country at war loses money that could be spent on development
Equipment is expensive, buildings destroyed fewer people work
•War also directly reduces the quality of life in a country
Corrupt officials
Some people richer by breaking law
Others stay poorer and have low QOL(Quality of life)
Steep land
Limited water supplies
No water _ hard to produce food water vital for life
•Few raw materials . E.g coal oil natural gas
Fewer products to sell= less money to spend on development
•Poor climate+ less food produces malfunction
•Natural disasters e.g floods
•Countries that trade primary products often make little profit and unstable income as prices flucatuate
•Poor trade links
Trade+ exchange of goods and service is between countries
Poor trade links + little money+ less to spend o development
Lots of debt
Very poor courtiers borrow money from other countries
Absolute poverty
A condition characterised by severe deprivation of basic human needs( food, safe drinking water, Health, shelter)
Relative poverty
A condition which is defined within the standard of the society a person lives within
Effects of poverty in Uk
To be poor in Uk society it means the be living in an untangle condition
Limited money - e.g limited closets
There is a poverty cycle which is hard
Poverty cycle
Poverty cycle =
Family are in poverty = child grows up in poverty= struggles in school due to hunger etc or not enough resources= struggles to get a job due to lack of qualification = struggles on lo income to support their own family= family are in poverty(the cycle is repeating here)
How to break the poverty Cycle
If struggling in schools due to hunger schools should intervene with free school meals and ensure they have breakfast by making breakfast
Govt support
Impact of uneven development on quality of life
In developed countries, the majority of the
population work in tertiary and quaternary
industry. In developing countries, the majority
of the population work in primary industry.
As a country becomes more
developed, the level of
technology in the country
improves. One way of
measuring this is by looking
at the internet users in the
Literacy levels relate directly
to the level of development
of a country. The lower the
country’s GDP, the lower
the country’s literacy rate.
The lower the development levels
in a country, the higher the
number of people per doctor. As
a country develops, the number of
doctors increases with the increase
in levels of education.
Access to housing
In developing countries, a large percentage
of the population live in poor quality
houses without proper water or sanitation.
in developed countries people live in
houses with a fresh water supply and
Food and water security
As a country develops, it
becomes more secure in its
food and water supply, partly
because it has the technology
to improve the intensity of
agricultural production and to
provide water supplies, but also
because it has the wealth to
buy in food if it cannot
produce enough itself.
Addressing uneven development
Foreign Direct investment- Overseas investment in physical capacity transnational corps
Remittances- Money sent back by migrants to their family in the home community
Debt relief-Reduction or cancellation of money owed by a country to another country, private credits or the international agencies such as the world bank or IMF
Fair Trade- a movement that aims to create direct long-term trading link with producers in developing countries to ensure they recieve a guaranteed price for their product
Aid- Assistance in the form of grants and loans t below market rate
More in aid as a strategy to address and reduce uneven global development
Rebuilding homes
Water+ food supplies temporary heater
Rescue teams money
Clearing debris
Two main types of aid long term and short term
Short term- Rescue teams
Food+ water
Long term- clearing up
Rebuild houses
Examples of long term Aid are
Work in Zambia improving literacy this is becuase in Zambia females stay home and clean so CAMFED offers opportunity for. The girl to become educated. They will et a job then they wil pay tax - improves economy
More on Fairtrade
Fair Trade
Poor counties argue that the way trad e operates is unfair
Most large stores in developed counties stock fair trad e product
The fair trade system groups together to form a cooperative which deal directly with retaielrs9cutting out middle man)
Farmers get enter standard of living and some money to re-invest
•Advcoates of the fair trade system say that it is a model of how worl trade can and should be organised to tackle poverty——— an issue with this is people want products for as cheap as possible so aren’t always willing to pay extra
More on debt relief
Annual debt repayments ammount to a conspirator part of a countries income
Debt relief under the HIPC initiative was approved by 36 counties, 30 of them in Africa providing US$76 billion in debt-service relief over time. Examples of countries being helped include - Afghanistan , Ethiopia , Nigeria
Top down Development
-Government lead
-Large Scale
-Often requires foreign borrowed money
-Little community involvement
-Usually expensive
Bottom Up development
-lead from ground from local pip
-community controlled but work with various NGOs
-Usually small scale
-Often focus on local business or improving housing
E.g South Sudan ,Yrir region with MAI charity (building latrines and santituation)
What does water aid do ?
-WaterAid is a ngo and was set up in 1981
-It provides aid to help people set up sustainable projects in areas with water issues and use’ approaches technology
-Water Aid also campaigns ti change policy and practice to ensure that water + sanitation is recognised as the first strategy for tackling poverty
Water Aid Projects
Gravity Fed water supply
-people have to carry water long distances- hard
-Reservoir tanks built to hold enough water from communtity and its placed at higher ground
-Pipes concreted- clocals help fit them
-Water goes down hill due to gravity
-supplies clean water to community
Composting toilets
-people poo into a pit
- after they add soil and ash into the pit
-leave it for months to fill
-close iff that pit and use second pit
-the first pit is thej left for a couple months
- it is then used as clean,safe souls which can ge used on crops
Top down
Government led
Large cable
Little community involvement
Top down
Government led
Large cable
Little community involvement
Bottom up
Led form ground
Lower cost
Can train community
Water aid
NGO provided help
Think of gravity fed water sheet,s
Economic sectors
Primary - extracting raw materials from earth e.g farming
Pros= provides job
1/2 pop
Less access to healthcare
Manufacturing goods e.g textiles
Pros - employs 35 million
14% o dusting production + 21% foreign exchange
Employees unskilled expel for low prices
Tertiary- an industry providing services such as banks shops schools hospitals eg tourism
Pros growing rapidly
7th largest tourism economy
45 million jobs
An industry that provides intellectual services such as R and D and information gathering
E.g IT idaudty taxi booking
Easier to travel
Simple for people to use
3m Indians work
Cons need 1 million olacabs overcome everyday problems
Indias trading characteristics
In 1990 changes i Indias trading policies led to rise in imports(coming in) and exports(going out)
Exports are oil and jewellery exports to USA 13.47%
Imports from Saudi Arabia imports china 12%
Also imports are crude oil
Changi balance in tnc and public invers
Trade- fewer barriers since have been integrated into global economy
Also bricks and g20
India aid
Historically biggest recipient
Now not so much
Did India
Recent economic owes money increases level o fading
Demographic meaning
9differcne sin aging pop
Differences in ageing pop
Family planning as pop as too high
Rescued death rate shealhcar e improved
Family planning incentives
Life expectancy had icnrasred since 19990 to 20129
Decreased fertility in 2030 as bettter healthcare and protection
Indian Geopolitics
Muslims led India to Pakistan Hindus to India
Easter part of origin Pakistan became Bangladesh
Fought 3 wars 1947, 1965,1999)
Over Kashmir region
Both nuclear powers
Had difficult period
Fought brief war in 1962 sinoIndian war
Current oases ad concerns in Indian Ocean and water resource conflicts
Himalayan ratio and increasing Chinese influence
Former British colony
Independence 1947
Relationship had changed but in recent years stinger
Uk want to export more goods to India in return get stuff from it
931 / 11.3 bn
In Uk we have 81 million phones
Tech and connectivity
Developed its own ice indiyst
High level and second largest wireless network after china
Clear digital divides
In economic core and periphery
Rural pop 66%
Internet dentist 25.3
Urban po[ 34
Density 97
Smart phones
educate farmers
Indian call centres
Biometric identifies project
Tackle crim e
And easier to didtuigsh peopl and for security
Swasthya slate
Revolutionising healthcare
Into footprint of an android
Doe electro cardio gram measure , be, blood sugar
Urine protein
Manufactured for $800 only available in India
Impact of rapid development
Socialbetter healcthac3
Improved community spirit
Cons lack of housing slums and statins
Rise in consumeris
Strong eco in
Better jobs= better income
Cons pressure and. OST to provide more service
Cost of dealing with social problem e
Envirment Pros
Portntial to invest i technologies - renewable energy
Cons more chemicals used
Managing impacts of rapid urbanisation
Cities mission
New intitiative to Crete smart cities
Adequene water supply
Improving health
Bus derives
Improving global status
Brings together world 20 leading industrial emerging economy
Accounts 85% gdp