Global circulatory disroder: causes and manifestations Flashcards
disorders affecting endocardium
- thrombosis
- endocarditis
- blood clot including bacteria effect in cardiac lining - disorders of heart valves
-stenosis and insufficiency
disorders affecting myocardium
- chronic ischemic heart disease(atherosclerosis)
- heart infarction-most sevre of ischmia
- myocarditis-rheumatoid myocarditis
- cardiomyopathies
disorders affecting pericardium
- Inflammatory exsudate
- acc of pluid in pericardium
-ventricle cant dilate during diastole–>decreased CO
-after inflammaion–>exsudate in reabsorbed–>ahesions in pericardium–>cardiac failure - Tamponade
- fluid in pericardium–very voluminous–>compress cardiac muscle
- bleeding from aorta rupture
- compression of myocardial muscle–>no movemnet–>diastolic cardiac failure
disorders of heart beat
- disturbanves of peripheral blood ions
-K(POTASSIUM INHIBITION) and Ca(RIGOR MORTIS) - diseases of myocardium
- conductive system
- blockage of spread impulses - disease of conductive system of heatt
congenital malformaiton of heart: without shunt
-less ocmmon
-no micture of blood form small and large
balcgae of this blood leakage
- pulmonary stenosis, aortal stenosis, contarction of aorta
ccoarction/contraction of aort
-distal form ducts arteriosus (post ductal-adult or proximal (preductal/infantile
- hypertension in upper extremetises
-weak pulse and decreased BP in lower
-claudication and coldness
-right ventricular hypertorphy, left is samlles
-cyanosis in lower hald
, upper is unaffected
aortic stenosis and atresi
-bicuspid valve
-valcular, subvalvular and supravalvular steanosis
-pressure hypertrophy of left, dialtion of aortic root
pulmonary stenosis
-no cyanosis
- fusion of cusps of pulmonary valve–>obstruction
-dilation of pulmonary trunk
-atresia: no communication btw right heart and lungd–<blood form right go thorugh intramitral septal defect, … PDA
congenital disorders-with shunt
- more commen
-from systemic(left) to pulmoanry(right)
Left-right shunt -55%
- bc systemic BP is higer
- septal defects
-ductus arteriosus perisstent
right-left shunt-20%¨
- increase pulmonary pressure
- with reduced pulmonary perfusion: tetralogy of fallot
- increased p.perfusion: transporition of large veessles
VSD-ventricular septal defect
increased pulmonary flow
^volume of left=hypertrophy
pressure hypertrophy of right
ASD-atrial septal defect
-pulmonary hypertension–>late cyanotic heart disease and rihgt heart failure
- fossa ovalisa/ostium secundum
right volume hypertrophy
-volume atrophy of left
coarctioon of aorta, VSD, pulmonary or aortic stenosis
tetralogy of fallot
- reduced pulmonary perfusion
-gretaer pulmonary stenosis, VSD mild–>^resistance of outflow form rihgt
- right pressure hyperthrophy
-smalle tricuspid
-smaller left side
-enlarged aortic orifice
transposition of large vv
^pulmonary perfusion
- ^pulmonary flow and ^volume of left
-no cyanosis
-^pressure hypertorphy of right
-volume hypertrophy of left
disorders affecting small/pulmonary circulaiton (BP)
- pulmonary hypertension
-sudden increase of pulmonary BP by massive embolism of lung
- lead to acute load on cardiac act and acute cardiac failyre(heart to weak to comrpess blood fomr high pressue)
a. vasoconstriciton of pulmonary arteries by hypoxia
- by constriciton of pulmanry arteries
-hypertension of lungs
-chronic bronchitis and sleep apnea
b. vasculitis, collagenosis, chronic interstitial pneumonias
- inflamamition of CT btw alveoli aka interstitium
- no place form blood–>leave lung
-destruction of pulmonary vv
c. succesive or repeated lung embolism
d. primary pulmonary hypertension- unkown and rare
disroders affecting the large/systemic circualtion- chronic systtemic hypertensions
-more than 140/90
- essential hyoertenion
- most common in miidle and elderly
- brain center is affected
- risk factors: body consittution, familair predisposiotion, diet, stress - seconadry hypertension
a. reno-aprenchymatous hypertension-destruction of kidney parnechyme
-acc of salt and watter–>chronic hypertension
b. reno-vascualr hypertension-stenosis/blocakge of renal artery
-act of RAA systemt
c. endocrine hypertension-pheochromocytoma, cushings syndrome, conns syndrome, androgenital syndrome,acromegaly
d. hypertension in preganncy-preclampsy/eclampsy
disroders affecting the large/systemic circualtion- acute systemic hypertension
- pheochromocytoma
- ## hypertension crisis
disroders affecting the large/systemic circualtion- chrincic systemic HYPOTENSION
- unkown and rare
- young female wiht reduced BP
- utretaed yntil symptomatic
disroders affecting the large/systemic circualtion-acute systemic hypotension
collapse and shock
-collapse bening
-acute systemic hypotenison
-imbalance btw effective BV and volume of vv
- not sufficicnet blood volume to filll the vv
- maybe acc or sudden dialtion, but no blood is lost
- acute failure of sympatico adrenergic system–<acc of blood in venous system of legs
2.increased sti of paarsymoptetic
-irritation of peripherl brnaches of vagal nerve-plexus solaris, testes, ear, pressure on bulb of eye - emotions, stress, fear , pain
-acute systemic hypotension
- alteration of vital fucntion of body beacuse of sudden reduction of CO or effectivve circulaiton BV