Global Challenges for the Future Flashcards
What are 2 main advantages of globalization?
- tiger economies, India / China = high purchasing power
- South Korea OECD
- UK has post industrial economy to remain globally competitive = quaternary sector jobs = disposable income
What are the 2 main negatives of globalization?
- deindustrialization in Manchester , Liverpool = unemployment rates decrease, never social recovered = crime
- widens wealth gap in Asia, two speed India
How is India using globalization to its advantage?
Tata, local TNC bought UK steel firm Corus
What are two statistics that show the wealthiest in India & poorest?
- 32 billionaires
- ⅓ population live in poverty
How has Indias death rate per 1,000 changed since 1945?
ITS DECREASED!!!! to a shocking 25, in 2005
What is a static to show how densely populated Dharavi is?
600,000 people crammed in one square mile
How does globalization lower working conditions in factories?
Outsourcing of materials - dengue fever
Why do rural workers still want to migrate to work in bad factory working conditions?
30 million people died of famine in China…people in urban areas now have higher life expectancies
How does globalization negatively impact the environment?
- increase ecological footprint
- driven consumption levels higher = more GHG emitted from transport
- Fiji water travels 16,000 km to UK
- asparagus Peru
What are ways to offset the impacts of global trade on the environment?
- organic + local buying
- refuse plastic bags Devon
- carbon credits: airport tree people
- biofuels
- green taxes £25 congestion charge
- research: Stern report, IPCC
What are ways individuals with high carbon footprints can stop social costs of globalization in the developing world?
- buy fair trade
- buy ethically sourced goods (NOT GAP)
What are ways nationally the UK can help stop the social impacts of globalization on the developing world?
- charity donations: Oxfam, Christian Aid
- international aid: Band Aid, Ebola
- trade reforms: WTO make import tariffs lower for African countries
What is the downside to giving international foreign aid to developing places?
Why have coffee prices lowered in recent years?
GLOBAL OVERPRODUCTION: poor Ethiopia lost much money
What is an argument against buying locally to reduce Carbon emissions?
- aero planes packed efficiently, small cars not
- takes more energy to get greenhouse to temp to grow tomatoes in UK than in Spain
- many developing nations dependent on export profits (Kenyon’s run with their runner beans)
What is global shift?
Global relocation of manufacture industries & economic power over time