Distingush Serological finding seen in the ff:
Irritable bowel syndrome-
Ulcerative colitis-
Crohn’s Disease-
- Usually present anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody (ASCA)
- None of these antibodies is common
- Usually present perinuclear-antineutrophic cytoplasmic antibody (p-ANCA)
- Usually present both antibodies
Irritable bowel syndrome- Usually present both antibodies
Ulcerative colitis- Usually present perinuclear-antineutrophic cytoplasmic antibody (p-ANCA)
Crohn’s Disease- Usually present anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody (ASCA)
This test can be used to detect whether the patient is really having diarrhea or had just ingested Phenolphthalein laxative:
Stool alkalization
A patient was subjected to an oral glucose tolerance test, & the ff blood results: Fasting plasma glucose is 135mg/dL, 1 1/2 hour level of 270mg/dL, & a 2hr gluocse value of 110mg/dL. What is your diagnosis?
diabetes mellitus
The normal person loses _____ of blood into the GI daily in association with the normal shedding of epithelial cells
0.5 - 1.5 mL
Complications of gestational diabetes on the baby include the ff except?
Type 1 diabetes later in life
The currently mainstay in the diagnostic testing for h pylori include the ff:
- biopsy tissue sampling
- urea breath tests
- fecal antigen detection
- CAG-A gene detection
- serum antibodies
First 3
Symptos of hypoglycemia include the ff except:
increased thirst
Intraoperative testing for gastrin has the ff benfits over serum testing:
- patients w/ gastrinomas cannot tolerate serum testing
- gastrinomas can be multiple & maybe located surgically
- gastrin has a short half-life & a drop in its levels post-resection is indicative of cure
gastrinomas can be multiple & maybe located surgically
- gastrin has a short half-life & a drop in its levels post-resection is indicative of cure
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is indicated in cases of the ff EXCEPT:
- unexplaind glycosuria particularly in pregrancy
- unequivocal fasting or r&om blood glucose concentrations
- galactose intolerance
- in the diagnosis of acromegaly
galactose intolerance
Which specimen should be tested for the presence of C. difficile toxin A or B virulence factors?
Which of these staining would you request to identify the presence of H. pylori in gastric biopsy specimens of your patient?
Steiner silver staining
A patient came complaining of passing out a watery, sour-smelling stool this morning. He suspected it was the milk that he drank earlier. After challenging him to drink another glass of milk, which Stool Analysis result, using Clinitest Tablet, will most confirm his suspicion?
0.45 g/dL suspicious
Which features of the organism has linked H. pylori infection to gastric cancer?
Cytotoxin-associated gene A
What is “Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy”?
adults administered laxatives to young children
The level of glucose in a fasting individual is maintained w/in the range of:
50-110 mg/dL
These orally administered medications can cause a secondary disaccharidase deficiency:
- Neomycin
- Kanamycin
- Methotrexate
- Penicillin
- Cephalexin
These tests are used to confirm eradication of H. pylori after treatment.
rapid urease testing –
hydrogen breath tests —
urea breath testing –
The highest rise in blood glucose level after a meal is only
10-15 mg/dL
Which does NOT refer to hypoglycemia in a first week old baby?
< 55mg/dl in a 24 hours old infants
The Pathogenesis of this Diabetes involves destruction of B-cells of the Pancreas by the patient’s own immune system:
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1.5 Diabetes
These ingested vegetables & fruits may give a False Postive result to Fecal Occult Blood Testing Except:
horseradish turnips black grapes oranges plums bananas
Fecal Occult Blood Testing are useful only for screening blood of the ____
lower intestinal tract bleeding
These FBS levels taken on two occasions are suggestive of diabetes mellitus.
> 126 mg/dL
This level of C-peptide already suggests hyperinsulinism which is characterized by severe hypoglycemia:
> 1.9 ng/mL