GIT Flashcards
Lip structure
Vermilion border- cont w chin skin, ET
Blood vessels
Inner mucosal border- cont w vermilion border
Minor salivary glands
Gingiva- cont w mucosal border
Minor salivary glands use what secretion
Cementum to bone
Made by?
Derived from?
Enamel made by ameloblasts from ectoderm
Derived from oral epithelium
Dentin made by odontoblasts
Derived from neural crest cells
Cementum is secreted by cementocytes, that resemble osteocytes
A vascular
Bottle mouth syndrome
When baby teeth decay before they even erupt due to excess sugar consumption
Where does digestion begin
Oral cavity w salivary amylase
Oral cavity structure
- Strat squamous ET for abrasion
- Lamina propria w salivary glands
- Skeletal muscle
- Lymph tissue- diffuse tissue, nodes, and tonsils
Salivary glands are
Exocrine glands
Unit: salivon = acinus + intercalated duct + excretory duct
Acinus shapes
Sac of cells that make secretory portion of gland
Tubular- tube like
Alveolar- sac like
Intermediate- tubuloalveolar- mix of the two
Gland development
- Glands arise from epithelium into mesenchyme below
- Mesenchyme Cells dediff and proliferate
- Epithelial cells grow down into modified mesen cells
- Epithelial cells diff into duct and secretory cells
- These cells can become mucus, serous, or zero mucous
Three types of cells
Serous SAC- protein
*serious about protein
Alveolar glands have what cells
Tubular glands have what cells
Alveolar= serous SAC—-> wide base small apex
Tubular= mucous —-> cuboidal
Serous demilune
Found in tubular glands
Half moon shaped serous cell that secretes lysozyme to breakdown bacterial cell walls
Myoepithelial cells
Between epith cell and SM cell
Contract to expel products of acinus into duct
Order of ducts leaving acinus and tissue
Acinus Intercalated duct -sim squamous Striated duct- cuboidal or columnar, has striations Lobar duct- Stat columnar Main duct
*aisle M
Grapes comparison
Bunch of grapes lobule
One grape- acinus
Minor vs major salivary glands
Minor- constitutive secretion
Housed in lamina propria
Major- regulated secretion
Major salivary secretion
Nerve causes ACTIVE NaCl import
Water follows Passively
IgA, lysozyme, amylase are added to saliva
Intercalated duct: saliva is Isotonic
Striated duct: hypotonic saliva bc NaCl is actively pumped out
Bicarbonate buffer added
3 major salivary glands
Parotid salivary gland
Serous glands *serious about protein SAC Stain dark Many intercalated Some Striated ducts
Submandibular salivary gland
Mostly serous protein secreting, but mucus also
Serous demilunes visible on mucous cells
Some Intercalated ducts
Many striated ducts
Sublingual salivary gland
Mixed but mostly mucous secreting, stains lighter
Not many intercalated or striated ducts
How does saliva keep tooth integrity?
Slatherin and pellicle
Slatherin- calcium bind protein that prevent calcium precip, so it can be used to remineralize enamel
Pellicle - thing glycoproteins film that forms on enamel to prevent calcium deposition
M- virus, swollen salivary glands
Lith- stones from calcium deposits
Dent- inflamm of glands, in sjogrens disease
Papillae types
Circumvallate- posterior, very large, contain most of taste buds, glands of von ebner
Filiform- finger like, keratinized
Fungiform- mushroom shaped, rare in humans
Glands of von ebner
Located on circumvallate papillae
Serous/protein secreting salivary glands to break down food
3 types of taste buds in a taste pore
Sustentacular- Support and nourish “nurse cell”
Neuroepithelial- taste receptor cell, covered in microville and project out of taste pore to take in info
Basal cells- adult stem cells