GI motility Flashcards
Which phase of swallowing is voluntary?
Oral phase
What happens in the oral phase of swallowing?
The tongue separates a bolus of food from the mass of food in the mouth and then presses itself against the hard palate, tip first before posterior portions.
What happens in the pharyngeal phase of swallowing?
(1) soft palate is pulled upward, palatopharyngeal folds move toward one another, and food is moved to the pharynx
(2) vocal cords are pulled together; larynx is moved forward and upward against epiglottis and help open UES,
(3) UES relaxes to receive bolus of food,
(4) superior constrictor muscles of the pharynx contract strongly to force bolus deeply into pharynx
What happens in the esophageal phase of swallowing?
The presence of the bolus that passes through the UES stimulates primary peristalsis. This initiates secondary peristalsis.
Stimulation of the pharynx via the swallowed bolus relaxes the LES. T/F
What is the main stimulant of primary peristalsis of the esophagus?
a. Retained food
b. Gastric acid
c. Swallowing
d. Burping
The ability of the stomach to accommodate food and fluid without significant increase in gastric pressure is known as
a. Emptying
b. Retropulsion
c. Transit
d. Receptive relaxation
Slow wave rate from highest to lowest is seen in:
a. Stomach, Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum
b. Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum, Stomach
c. Jejunum, Ileum, Stomach, Duodenum
d. Ileum, Stomach, Duodenum, Jejunum
What phase of fast Migratory Motor Complex (MMC) moves undigested food over long distances in the intestines?
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
Which sphincter prevents reflux of chime from the duodenum to stomach?
a. UES
b. LES
c. Pyloric Sphincter
d. Sphincter of Oddi
Which of the following neurotransmitter plays a major role in the receptive relaxation of the stomach?
a. VIP
b. Motilin
c. Enkephalin
d. Gastrin
The major factor responsible for vomiting is:
a. Reflex relaxation of the LES
b. Decreased interthoracic pressure
c. Contractor of abdominal muscles
d. Diaphragmatic contraction
Migarting motor complex is most probably mediated by:
a. Motilin
b. Gastrin
c. Secretin
d. Nitric oxide
Which of the following isocaloric meals will stay in the stomach in the least amount of time?
a. Meal with rice and boiled fish
b. Meal with 2 oz beef tenderloin
c. Light meal of clear soup gelatin and sugar
d. Meal with pizza and French fries
Which functional layer of the GIT is concerned with propulsion?
a. Mucosa
b. Submucosa
c. Muscularis
d. Serosa
The storage function of the stomach is performed mainly by:
a. Fundus
b. Distal body
c. Antrum
d. Pylorus
Normally, the movement of the contents of the GIT is fastest along this segment:
a. Esophagus
b. Stomach
c. Small intestines
d. Colon
Which phase of swallowing is voluntary
a. Oral
b. Pharyngeal
c. Esophageal
d. Gastric
Swallowing is associated with esophageal peristalsis:
a. Tone
b. Retropulsion
c. Receptive relaxation
d. Enterogastric reflex
Which of the following is the most potent inhibitor of gastric emptying
a. Secretin
b. CCK
c. GIP
d. Motilin
Which of the following will make the GI smooth muscle is resting membrane potential more negative?
a. Sympathetic stimulation
b. Acetylcholine
c. Parasympathetic agents
d. Distension
The GI contents stay approx. 4 hours in the:
a. Esophagous
b. Stomach
c. Small intestines
d. Colon
Parasympathetic innervation to the small intestines is provided by the
a. Celiac plexus
b. Vagus nerve
c. Sacral plexus
d. Pelvic nerve
What is the most potent stimulus for relaxation of Sphincter of Oddi and gall bladder contraction?
a. VIP
b. Bombesin
c. CCK
d. Gastrin