GI/Abdomen - charts Flashcards
Pain in the RLQ during left-sided pressure indicates a + ___ sign.
Pain elicited by placing your hand just above the pt’s Rt knee and ask pt to raise that thigh against your hand indicates a + ___ sign.
Pain elicited when flexing the pt’s Rt thigh at the hip, w/the knee bent, and then rotate the leg internally at the hip indicates a + ___ sign.
To test for ___ sign, hook fingers of your Rt hand under the costal margin at the point where the lateral border of the rectus muscles intersects wthe costal margin. Ask the pt to take a deep breath in. A sharp increase in tenderness upon inspirationwould indicate it to be +.
If you suspect but do not see an umbilical or incisional hernia, ask the pt to raise both ___ and ___ off the exam table.
shoulders, head
Gastitis, GERD, peptic ulcer, esophageal or gastric varices, Mallory-Weiss tear in esophageal mucosa d/t retching/vomiting would all cause what type of stool? Occult blood tests are ___.
Melena (black tarry), +
Ingestion of iron, bismuth salts, licorice, or even chocolate cookies may result in ___ stools, but the occult blood tests are ___.
melena, -
Colon CA, hyperplasia, adenomatous polyps, diverticula of the colon, UC, Crohn’s, infectious diarrhea, ischemic colitis, hemorrhoids, and anal fissure’s can call cause what type of stool?
hematochezia (red/maroon bloody)
The urethral sphincter is weakened in ___ ___. Increases in intra-abd pressure raise the bladder pressure to levels that exceed urethral resistance.
stress incontinence.
Causes of ___ ___ include childbirth and sgy.
stress incontinence
May have leakage of small amt of urine w/coughing, laughing, and sneezing w/___ ___.
stress incontinence
In ___ ___, there is weakness of the pelvic floor w/inadequate muscular support of the bladder and proximal urethra and a change in the angle btwn the bladder and the urethra.
stress incontinence
In ___ ___, detrusor contractions are stronger than normal and overcome the normal urethral resistance.
urge incontinence
In ___ ___, there is decreased cortical inhibition of detrusor contractions from stroke, brain tumor, dementia, and lesions of the spinal cord above the sacral level.
urge incontinence
In ___ ___, there is involuntary urine loss preceded by an urge to void.
urge incontinence
In ___ ___, detrusor contractions are insufficient to overcome urethral resistance.
overflow incontinence
In ___ ___, there is obstruction of the bladder outlet, as in BPH or tumor, weakness of the detrusor muscle, and impaired bladder sensation.
overflow incontinence
In ___ ___, there is a continuous dripping or dribbling and decreased force of the urinary stream.
overflow incontinence
___ ___ is a functional inability to get to the toilet in time because of impaired health or env. conditions.
Functional incontinence
Problems in mobility resulting from weakness, arthritis, poor vision, or other conditions can l/t ___ ___
functional incontinence