GI Flashcards
Where are cholesterol deposits located in GB adenomyomatosis?
Rokitanksy aschoff sinuses
Where is cholesterol in GB cholesterolosis?
Lamina propria
What is Mirizzi Syndrome?
Common hepatic duct is obstructed secondary to impacted cystic stone
Direct signs of stenosis Within vessel (2)
Elevated peak systolic velocity
Spectral broadening
Indirect signs of vessel stenosis (3)
Tardus parvus downstream
Low RI downstream
High RI upstream
Two causes of pulsatile hepatic vein
Right chf
D vs s
D deeper
S deeper
Decreased hv pulsatility 2
Hepatic venous outflow obstruction
Two causes of lipomatous pseudohypertrophy of the pancreas
Shwachman diamond
CF adult
Larger calculi in dilated pancreatic duct
Tropic pancreatitis
Sausage shaped pancreas
Autoimmune pancreatitis
True simple cysts are associated with what three syndromes?
Microcystuc mutilocular lobulated lesion with central calcification in the pancreatic head
Serous cyst adenoma
Mucinous cystic neoplasm
Unilocular lesion with peripheral calcs in body/tail
Daughter lesion
Large lesion in tail with thick capsule
Two signs seen in pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Frostburg inverted 3
Wide duodenal sweep
Increases risk of pancreatic ampullary carcinoma in what syndrome
What are the three borders of the gastrinoma triangle
Superior: junction of cystic and CBD
Inferior: start of the third portion of the duodenum
Medial: start of the body of the pancreas
Two sources of blood supply in pancreatic transplant and what they supply
Sma: inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery and donor splenic artery to head
Donor splenic artery to body and tail
What are the two Venous drainage in pancreatic transplant
Donor portal vein and recipient smv
What are gamma gandy bodies
Hemorrhagic foci in spleen associated with portal hypertension
What is peliosis?
Multiple blood filled spaces in spleen and liver
What is the triad of felty syndrome?
What’s the most common splenic infection in the us and what does it look like
Multiple rounded calcs