GI 4C- Large intestine Flashcards
Fibers of the large intestines external muscular layer are collected into longitudinal bands called____
teniae coli
Formation of outpouchings between teniae
The mucosa of the large intestines lacks
Parts that compose the colon
cecum, ascending colon, hepatic flexure, transverse colon, splenic flexure, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum
Absorptive, Goblet, Endocrine and regenerative cells compose the______ in the intestines
Crypts of Lieberkuhn
Basic functions of the large intestines
Propulsion and storage of unabsorbed material, home to flora, absorb water and electrolytes, defecation
How many species of bacteria are found in the large intestines?
Established roles of intestinal flora include:
- Fermentation of undigestible dietary fiber to generate fatty acids 2. Create environment inhospitable to pathogens 3. metabolism of various compounds 4. Creation of Vitamin K, B12 and folic acid
What is the pH of poo
Diarrhea is caused by 4 distinct mechanisms:
- increased osmotic load 2. increased secretion 3. inflammation 4. decreased absorption time
This occurs when unabsorbable, water-soluble solutes remain in the bowel, where they retain water
osmotic diarrhea
What can cause osmotic diarrhea
sugar intolerance, poorly absorbed salts, certain fruits
This occurs when the small and large bowel secrete more electrolytes and water than they absorb
secretory diarrhea
What can cause secretory diarrhea
bacterial toxins, enteropathogenic viruses, bile acids, unabsorbed dietary fat
This occurs with several mucosal diseases that cause mucosal inflammation, ulceration or tumefaction. This results in increased fecal bulk and fluid content
exudative diarrhea
decreased absorption time
When chyme is not in contact with an adequate absorptive surface of the GI tract so that too much water remains in the feces
What happens when your best friend puts too much exlax in your drink?
Common causes of constipation
failure to poop when prompted, poor fiber, poor hydration, weak abdominal muscles, pregnancy, hemorrhoids
Which drugs cause constipation
opiates, anti-cholinergic agents, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, iron supplements, antacids
GI disorder characterized by a variable combination of chronic and recurrent intestinal symptoms
irritable bowl syndrome
What is the hallmark of IBS
abdominal pain relieved by defection and a change in consistency or frequency of stools
What is believed to cause IBS
dysregulation of intestinal motor and sensory functions modulated by the CNS
Where can the cobble stone appearing mucosa appear
Intestines and mouth
What do flatulence of a patient with IBS sound like