GI Flashcards
Drugs that can cause GERD
BB, CCB, nirates, anticholinergics
heartburn, dysphagia, cough, laryngitis
pH monitoring, endoscopy w/ biopsy
: lifestyle mod, antacids, metoclopramide,
H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors
what type cancer is esophageal carcinoma usually
squamous cell carcinoma (du to smoking and ETOH)
what causes adenocarcinoma in the esophagus?
barretts esophagus
Risk factors for esophageal carcinoma
Vit A/C deficiency, achalasia, celiacs,
symptoms of esophageal carcinoma
progressive dysphagia for solid foods
found in upper 1/3 os esophagus, associated with iron deficiency anemia
Esophageal Webs
neural defect with fibrosis and
scarring with decreased peristalsis causing
dysphagia for solids & liquids, weight loss, chest
pain, nocturnal cough
how to Dx achalsia
manometry showing decreae peristalsis
radiography showing birds beak deformity
TX for achalasia
balloon dilatation, botox, nitrates , BB, CCB< prostaglandins
– systemic collagen vascular disease
with dysphagia for solids & liquids
Mucosal herniation causing regurgitation of undigested food
zenker’s diverticulum
– Mucosal tear causing significant hematemesis (but painless)
after initial nonbloody vomitus/retching
Mallory Weiss syndrome
– Mucosal tear causing significant hematemesis (but painless)
after initial nonbloody vomitus/retching
Boerhaave’s syndrome
Tx for boerhaave’s syndrome
does H. pylori more commonly cause duodenal ulcers or gastric ulcers?
what type cancer of the stomach is H. pylori associated w/?
Risk factors for gastroparesis
T1DM, systemic sclerosis, Parkinson’s, anticholinergics
Tx for gastroparesis
metroclopramide, domperidone, erythromycin
Constriction of the circular muscle of the
pyloric stenosis
RF for pyloric stenosis
first born males, macrolides, maternal smoking during pregnancy
S/S of pyloric stenosis
projectile vomiting of nonbilious material, palpalbe olive sized mass in epigastrium
DX for pyrloci stenosis
Ultrasound > UGI contrast study
TX for pyloric stenosis
surgery (pyloromyotomy)
associated conditions with peptic ulcer disease
hepatic/ renal failure
Type A personality
in what type ulcer does eatign diminish the pain?
duodenal ulcer
in what type ulcer does eating exacerbate the pain
gold standard for dx of PUD
Tx for H. pylori
PPI + amoxicillin _ clairthyromycin
• Gastrin hypersecreting tumor associated with PUD
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
what other organs can zollinger-ellison syndrome involve?
Symptosm w/ zollinger Ellison syndrome
Pain, diarrhea, increased parathyroidism
Dx of Zollinger Ellison syndrome
gastrin levels >150
Tx for Zollinger Ellison syndrome
H2 blockers, PPI, total gastrectomy
symptoms of gastric carcinoma
anorexia, weight loss, epigastric pain, vomiting, possible GI bleeding
what is a common water borne diarrhea that is treated with metronidazole?
giardia lamblia
diarrhea found in AIDS patients that is watery and profuse
DX of a small bowel obstruction
air fluid levels above the obstruction on x-ray
TX for SBO
IV fluids, NG decompression, surgery
where is Meckel’s diverticulum found
terminal ileium
Inflammatory bowel disease with an abnormal
sensitivity to gluten
• S/Sx : diarrhea, steatorrhea, weight loss, IDA,
abdominal bloating
celiac sprue
Dx of celiac
– Small bowel biopsy on gluten : villous atrophy
– Antigliadin antibodies (90%)
Chronic granulomatous disease occurring
anywhere from mouth to anus with ileum most
often involved
Crohns disease
what will be seen on colonoscopy with crohn’s
Cobblestone filling defects with segmental areas of involvement – Deep ulcerations (collar button) – Long strictured segments (string sign) – Skip areas
most common type of small bowel tumor
Chronic inflammatory disease of colon that
starts distally at the rectum and gradually
progresses proximally
• Continuous lesion
ulcerative colitis
Tx for ulcerative colitis
– Mesalamines > Sulfasalazine > Corticosteroids
most common type of colon cancer
s/s colon cancer
fatigue, pain, change in stool size, blood in stool
lab used to monitor colon caner
CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) –
perianal pruritus, rectal bleeding, anal pain
& palpable mass in the anal region
tx for hemorrhoids
stool softeners, sitz bath, surgery
4 drugs that can cause acute pancreatitis
azathioprine, furosemide, estrogens, steroids
symptoms of acute pancreatitis
epigastric or periumbilical pan radiates to back. Worse with walking, lying supine. Better sitting and leaning forward