Germany - 7.1. Divided Germany: FRG Flashcards
What is the FRG?
Federal Republic of Germany
When was the FRG created?
23rd May 1949
What were the aims of the FRG?
Strong and stable democracy that wouldn’t be threatened by the extreme left or right.
The FRG was to remain under the control of what, meaning USA, Britain and France would remain in control?
Occupation Statute
What was the name of the document created, containing key rules for how the FRG was to be run - but a temporary / flexible status?
Basic law
How was the power of the President reduced?(basic law)
Term in office reduced from 7 to 5 years
Could not use article 48 or elect the chancellor
What was created to remove any threats to democracy?(basic law)
Constitution Court
What was the purpose of the 5% hurdle?
If a party received less than 5% national vote was barred from parliament.
→ Would create more stable coalitions
Who was the first Chancellor of the FRG?
What were Adenauer’s main aims?
Securing sovereignty for FRG
Exploiting the economic, political and military strength of the West through integration
Opposing attempts at reunification if FRG left neutral as could be preyed on by Communism
What problems did Adenauer face in West Germany?
Economy – recession, unemployment, price rises
Society – Need for housing after WW2 destruction and to accommodate refugees
Politics – FRG still controlled by occupying powers at start
What was the ‘black market’?
An underground economy - trading goods, functioning on bartering
Who was the Minister of Economic, and paved the way for the ‘economic miracle’?
What type of economy ended state regulation which led to increased production?
Social market
What were the aims of social market economy?
To increase consumption and therefore economic growth.
Aimed to combine political and economic freedom with social justice and security.
What was the Foundation Crisis of 1949?
Initial crisis, price rises not matched by wages, unemployment was high
How was the foundation crisis solved?
The Korean War
What was the Equalisation of Burdens Law, 1953?
Property levy on money and real estate not affected by war to give something to those suffering heavy losses.
The Wiedergutmachung, ‘making good again’ policy offered reparations to who?
Nazi victims
The co-determination Law of 1951 gave workers representatives on managerial boards. What impact did this have?
less strikes
What problems did education face?
lack of resources and training
What % were women paid less than men?
FRG secured economic integration through the EEC in 1957, what did this involve?
European Economic Community: secured a common market lifting restrictions on imports and exports. FRG was the largest member so could exert influence.
When did FRG become a sovereign state?
May 1955 when Occupation Statute ended.
The WEU (West European Union) was a defensive pact. How did this affect Germany’s military?
Could have its own national armed forces. (Bundeswehr)
Why did Adenauer refuse Stalin’s reunification plan?
Rejected 1952 - neutral status would make Germany vulnerable to a communist take over
Why did Adenauer lose credibility in the 1959 Presidential fiasco?
Looked like he was damaging the role for his own gains - didn’t want Erhard to be Chancellor.
Why were the 1961 elections humiliating for Adenauer
- He continued campaigning and didn’t visit Berlin for a week after the wall was erected.
- He only achieved 45% vote so made a coalition with the FDP and agreed would step down from leadership within 4 years
Why did the Der Spiegel Affair of 1962 act as the trigger for his fall from power?
- Der Spiegel (far left newspaper) criticised Strauss (defence minister) and published about pre-emptive NATO military strikes.
- Editors and writers arrested - censorship - coalition agreed Strauss sacked and Adenauer promised to step down the following year