Germany - 6.1. How did war affect Nazi ideologies? Flashcards
when did germany restore their military service?
what was the Nazi Soviet union agression pact?
stated that the two countries (Russia and Germany) would not attack each other
Why had the germans and the Russians been ‘enemies’?
Because the Russians were communists, which opposed the main basis of the Nazi ideologies
How did the Nazi Soviet union pact positively effect Germany?
it meant that they could invade Poland without oppositon from the Russians , and later meaning that they had the advantage when invading Russia
What was operation barbarossa?
when Germany invaded Russia (the soviet union)
Why was Germany initially successful in the war?
- Britain and France failed to take initiative
- they had a strategy of quick advances which was overwhelming
- the USSR didn’t expect violence from Hitler
How many people were killed in the German concentration camps?
6 million
Why was rationing prevalent in Germany during the war?
because of the damaged economy
By 1944, what was the Geraman economy almost entirely focused on?
military production
Who was the minister of arnamaments?
What were Speer’s success?
- production of tanks rose by 25%
-production of ammunition rose by 97%
-total arms production rose by 59%
(all of these were in the first 6 months)
What were the limitations of Speers policies?
- the SS exploited conquered lands for personal gain rather than the war effort
- allied bombings hindered productions and progress
Who did the Nazis recruit for labour?
foreign workers
By 1939, how many women made up the labour force?
When did bombings in Germany begin?
December 1940
Where were the most significant bombings in Germany?
Hamburg and Dresden
What are the the statistics for damage in the Dresden bombings?
- 78,000 homes were destroyed
- 27,700 homes were made inhabitable
- 64,000 homes were damaged but readily repairable
- 150,000 people were killed
Why was Dresden targeted in the bombings?
- one of the largest cities in germany
- many refugees were sheltering there
- it was a major centre for the nazis rail and road network
How many Germans were killed in bombings throughout WW2?
How many cities were attacked between 1942 and 1945?
How many german homes were destroyed in WW2 by bombings?
3.6 million
How many german people became homeless due to the allied bombings?
7.5 million
what was the Stauffenberg plot?
where a group of army officers tried to assassinate Hitler (planted a bomb)
how many assassination attempts did Hitler manage to avoid?
Who were the Kreisau circle?
a group of men who opposed Hitler and the Nazi party, they were led by two aristocrats, however members of the group varied from different backgrounds
What was the final solution?
The Final Solution was the deliberate planned mass murder of Jews between 1941 and 1945.
When did the war start to go downhill for Germany?
When were the ghettos created?
Why were the ghettos established?
to isolate the Jews from the rest of the population
Why did the Nazis not go ahead with relocating Jewish communities?
it was too hard to carry out
What was Himmler’s role?
Leader of the SS
What was Hans Frank’s role?
governor general of General Government of Poland
When did the Wannsee Conference take place?
20th January 1942
Who chaired and organised the Wannsee Conference?
Heydrich and Eichmann
How were women affected by war?
- Women ages 17-45 were forced to work in order for the economy not to completely crash
- These jobs were mainly in factories and other essential establishments in order to keep up with the demand for necessities that war brought.
How were the Jews affected by war?
- WW2 severely affected jewish people
- they were brutally treated
- whole families were wiped out under Nazi rule
- Meaning that extensive trauma and change would have been expected.
How were men affected by war?
- Hitler ordered able to men to be taken to war to help with the war effort
- This meant that most men, were taken from their jobs , homes , wives , children and lives.
- Many never returned
How were children affected by the war?
- Children were forced to join youth groups where girls were taught how to be a housewives (KKK) and boys were prepared for war (taught how to fight etc)
- Hitler made changes to the curriculum so that the nazi ideologies were being taught
- New textbooks were taught, science was based on chemistry for the war effort, history was based on previous german successes and in english only literature that fit the nazi ideologies were taught
How were living conditions affected by war?
- Rations were inforced (clothes / food / water / coal in winter)
- This rationing led to a flourishing black market, which obviously could only benefit the rich.
How were workers affected by war?
- Working days were made longer, the maximum amount of hours that could be given were raised from 60 to 72.
- Workers lost their right to negotiate their wages and improvements for working conditions
- Workers could not change their job without permission
In what year was rationing introduced ?
What happened to military expenditure?
From 1939 - 1941 military expenditure doubled.
What is economic mobilization ?
When the economy is dedicated to military production in order to be fully ready to fight in the war.
Who was Fritz Todt ? What were his main responsibilities
Fritz Todt was an SS General
His main responsibilities were :
-the expansion of the Autobahn network
-the construction of the Siegfried Line
-minister of armaments and munitions from 1940
-the conversion of Soviet railways to standard German gauge
How did total war make an impact on civilians?
- Total war brought misery for many civilians
- The production of civilian clothing was suspended and no ration cards were issued for clothes, there was no magazines, toilet paper and other non essentials
Name one success and limitation of Speer’s policies
-Within his first six months in office, production of tanks rose by 25%, ammunition rose by 97% and total arms production rose by 59%
-SS exploited conquered lands for personal gain rather than the benefit of the war economy.
How many civilians were killed as a result of the allied bombings ?