Geri + dementias Flashcards
What percentage of individuals with MCI revert to Alzheimer’s disease in the first 2 years?
MCI stands for Mild Cognitive Impairment
What is the percentage of individuals with MCI that may revert to normal?
Reversion to normal cognitive function is possible in some cases
What is the only recommended treatment for MCI?
Control HTN only
Evidence supports this recommendation
Is there any evidence supporting the use of AChE inhibitors in MCI?
No use for AChE or other Rx
AChE stands for acetylcholinesterase
What is NPH associated with
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus; association with hemorrhagic stroke
NPH is a type of dementia
What are the EEG findings in delirium?
Low voltage, diffuse slowing; predominantly delta and theta
Except in hepatic encephalopathy, which shows 25% of triphasic waves
What are the key proteinopathies associated with Alzheimer’s disease?
Amyloid plaque, neurofibrillary tangles, TAU
These are hallmark features of Alzheimer’s pathology
Proteinopathies associated with Lewy Body dementia?
Alpha synucleopathy
This type of proteinopathy is also seen in Parkinson’s dementia
Which proteins are associated with Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD)?
TAU, TDP-34, ubiquitin
FTD is also known as Pick’s disease
What is the main protein implicated in Huntington’s disease?
This protein is mutated in Huntington’s disease
What are the main findings in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy?
Neurofibrillary tangles, amyloid plaques, TAU
These findings are similar to those in Alzheimer’s disease
What are the indications for genetic testing in dementia?
Early presentation age <65 with family history
Genetic testing may focus on specific chromosomes
Which chromosomes are associated with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease?
Chromosome 1, 14, and 21
Specifically, presenilin 2, presenilin 1, and APP respectively
What does functional MRI measure?
Oxygen/deoxygenation rate
This technique is useful in studying brain activity
What is the best imaging method for detecting acute bleeds?
CT scan
CT scans are also useful for identifying osseous anomalies and calcifications
What late-onset gene is associated with Alzheimer’s disease?
Apo E4 (chromosome 19)
This gene variant increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s
What are the early-onset genes associated with Alzheimer’s disease?
Presenilin 1 (chr 14), presenilin 2 (chr 1), APP (chr 21)
These genes are linked to familial Alzheimer’s disease