GEP (Life Maintenance) Week 3 Flashcards
What are the content of the foregut, midgut and hindgut
**Foregut: **oesophagus, stomach, proximal duodenum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen
Midgut: ilium, jejenum, caecum, 2/3 of transverse colon
**Hindgut: **1/3 of transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum and anus
What are the boundries and Blood supply of the Foregut, Midgut and Hindgut
What is the small intestines: how is it broken down
- Duodenum -> Jejenum -> ileum
- Jejenum begins at duojejenal flexure
- No clear boundary between jejenum and ileum
- Ileum ends at ileoceacal valve.
- Neurovasculature runs inthe mesentery
- Large surface area – plicae circulares + villi + microvilli for absorption of nutrients
What is the histology of the small intestines
**Histology: **simple columnar epithelium with villi and microvilli. Contains Goblet cells, Paneth (neuroendocrine) cells, Brunner’s glands (duodenum only).
-Brunner’s glands – secrete alkaline fluid to neutralise stomach acid.
-Peyer’s patches – clusters of lymphatic tissue (GALT). For immune surveillance
Paneth cells reside at the bottom of the crypts, intermingled with the stem cells. The intestinal epithelium absorbs nutrients yet serves as a natural barrier to constrain the complex bacterial flora within the lumen (12). Peyer’s patches (PPs) are secondary immune organs located in the mucosa of the gut (21).
What are the main differences between Jejunum and Ileum in the small intestines
What is the the large intestines: how is it broken down
- Ileocaecal junction to anus
- Absorbs water and salt
- Contains the microbiome
- Features: haustra,taeniae coli
- Appendix: McBurney’s point – lateral 1/3 of line from ASIS to umbilicus
- Sigmoid colon: most common place for diverticulosis
What is the histology of the large intestines
* Colon and rectum: columnar epithelium
* Above pectinate line: columnar epithelium
* Below pectinate line: stratified squamous epithelium
What is the blood supply for the large intestines
What is the anatomy of the rectum and Anus
what is the histology of the rectum and anus
Above pectinate line: columnar epithelium
Below pectinate line: stratified squamous epithelium
What is the blood supply to the rectum and anus
What is the blood supply, innervation and nodes present above and below the pectinate line
What is the peritoneum
- The peritoneum is the continous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity, covering the organs.
- Contains blood vessels and lymphatics
- There are 2 layers and inbetween the 2 layers is the peritoneal cavity with small amount of fluid.
Describe further what the 2 laters of the peritoneum are
**Parietal: **lines the internal surface of the abdominopelvic wall. Inflammation -> well localised
**Visceral: **covers the surface of organs. Inflammation -> poorly localised pain following dermatomal pattern
What are the specific names of the folds of the peritoneum and what are thier roles
- They are known as the mesentery and omenta.
Omenta: visceral peritoneum that extend from the stomach/proximal part of the duodenum to other organs
* The mesentery: double fold of peritoneum that connects anintraperitoneal organ to the abdominal wall, carryingneurovasculature
‘The mesentery’ = mesentery of the small intestine
Others: Egtransverse mesocolon,sigmoid mesocolon*
Intraperitoneal: Within the peritoneal cavity (the area that contains the abdominal organs).
What are the 2 main omentums and thier attachments
**Lesser omentum: **lesser curvature of stomach and D1 -> liver
**Greater omentum: **greater curvature of stomach and D1 -> anterior surface of transverse colon
What does retroperitoneal mean and the organs in it
Retroperitoneal is the area in the back of the abdomen behind the peritoneum
The best way to remember this is via the mnemonic SAD PUCKER
Secondary Retroperitoneal are: pancreases except the tail, Asc and Desc colon and finally 2nd and 3rd part of duodenum.
How are Carbohydrates absorbed by the body
- Carbohydrates: breaking down starch into disaccheridesvia amylases. Brush border enzymes then break down these disaccherides into monosaccherides (glucose, fructose etc). These monosaccherides are then moved across the membrane into the enterocytes in different ways, depensdng on what they are.
- Salivary and pancreatic amylase break down starch into disaccharides in the mouth and small intestine respectively
- Glucose and galactose absorbed via SGLT1 (secondary active transport) with Na+
- Fructose absorbed via GLUT5 (facilitated diffusion)
The brush border domain at the apex of intestinal epithelial cells is the primary site of nutrient absorption in the intestinal tract and the primary surface of interaction with microbes that reside in the lumen.