Georgraphy 4.1 and 4.2 Flashcards
What are the characteristics of igneous rocks?
The characteristics of igneous rocks are: They are the earth’s oldest rocks which are formed from magma or lava. When they cool rock is formed. They are crystallised, this makes some of them resistant to erosion.
What are the characteristics of sedimentary rocks?
The characteristics of sedimentary rocks are: They are small eroded particles that are transported and deposited in layers. They come from the remains of animals and plants. Some rocks are resistant and some are easily crumbled.
What are the characteristics of metamorphic rocks?
The characteristics of metamorphic rocks are: They are sedimentary rocks that were compressed and heated during igneous activity. This makes them harder and more resistant. They are also made up of layers.
What is freeze-thaw weathering?
Freeze-thaw weathering is when water gets into cracks in rocks and freeze up. When they are frozen, they expand by 10% which widens the crack a bit. It then melts and the whole process starts again.
How does a Weald form?
A Weald forms when there is sedimentary rock laid down. In the order chalk, Greensand and clay. Then tectonic processes occur creating a fault or anticline. Different rates of erosion occur. Chalk first, this creates a steep scarp. There is a dip, so less erosion.
In the uplands, what is the settlement?
The settlement is used for farmers and it is where they have their houses. They are close to where the good farmland is. There is sheep farming. Which is known as transhumance.
What are used as building materials in the uplands?
There are limestone areas of the lakes that are prone to used for buildings. The boulder rocks at the bottom of the valleys are used to make dry stone walls.
What are field boundaries in the uplands?
The field boundaries are rock walls acting as boundaries.
How are the uplands used for farming?
The main farming is sheep farming. Sheep are kept in the uplands during summer, but during the winter, they are kept in the lowlands.
What economic activities take place in the uplands?
They use sheep to get money by growing and selling wool.
What geology is there in the uplands?
There are long houses and the hay is stored in barns on the fells to ensure farmers are close to their land.
What is the relief in the uplands?
The relief is high.
What physical processes occur in the uplands?
Freeze-thaw weathering occurs which erodes the land. This is caused by the temperature fluctuating.
What is the settlement like in the lowlands?
There are villages settled and there is land good for farming because the soil is quite fertile.
What building materials are used in the lowlands?
Solid materials were not used for building due to the fact that the rock was chalk.