Geo Chapter 3 - Review Flashcards
What Affects Quality’s Of life
There are multiple things that can affect one’s quality of life. This could include safety of where they life, wealthy of the place they live. A big factor that also affects quality of lie is the three L’s
What was the Universal Declaration of Rights
This declaration of rights was established so that everyone would be able to live a “good” life. It was established by a small group of people organized by a Canadian lawyer named john peters Humphrey. The declaration of rights was officially made and declared 1948
Explain some selections from the universal declaration of human rights
Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 2: Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,
property, birth or other status.
Article 25: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services.
Article 26: Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory.
What Are the Three L’s
The Three L’s represent three important topics.
Life expectancy is how long someone is expected to live based on where they live
Living Standard is how good there life will be depending on where they live
Literacy is the measure of basic education using a percentage
What are basic freedoms
Basic freedoms are similar to human rights. In some country’s, these rights are being broken and the people who live there don’t have the same freedoms we do
Why do we use scatter graphs in Geography
In Geography, geographers use these graphs to compare two different factors and see how they are related. This is how we find trends in factors comparison rates such as the trend that the more children you have, the less money you have
Why and how do we compare country’s
Sadly, there are good and bad places to live in the world. We compare parts of the world to find out where is the best place to live using HDI (standing for Human development index). This ranks the country’s from best to worse. HDI is built off of three factors - Global life expectancy, Global living standard, and global literacy
What is Global life expectancy
A lot of factors go into global life expectancy. For example in Canada we have easy access to clean food and water. We also have easy access to the healthcare system. In other country’s this is not the same as they have little to no access to clean food and water, as well as the health care system. The importance of these aspects go into how long we live. This means if we want to live long, we need to live in a place that can provide us with this
What is global literacy
Though everyone has a right to education, some people don’t even get elementary level education. This is caused by various factors such as an elementary school being too far away, not having a way to get to school, parents needing there kids to help out at home, or even the country not having enough money to have supplies and hire teachers. All this for example happens in Nigeria
What is Global living standard
Gross Domestic product (GDP) is the value of all goods and services produced by a country in one year while Gross National product (GNP) is the value of all goods and services produced by a country in one year including those produced outside the country. These can be used to calculate GDP per capita which is the gross domestic product per person. This system has a flaw through as it takes everyone’s income and divides it by the number of people. This means for example, if there were two people. one a millionaire and one a homeless, it would show they both making 500,000 a year instead of there true income. This is a problem for small country’s as there GDP per capita would show everyone making a lot instead of there true number.
What is Foreign Aid
Foreign aid describes the flow of assistance between governments. Money, loans, trained people, supplies, and equipment can move from one action to another.
What is Bilateral Aid
Bilateral aid connects two countries together: a donor and a recipient. An example of this is when in 2004, CIDA coordinated the Canadian effort to help countries affected by the tsunami in south Asia.
What is Multilateral Aid
Multilateral aid comes from more than one country. The United Nations is the best known organization for multilateral aid.
What is tied aid
Tied aid comes with conditions that tie the receiving country to the donor. For example, money needed to help fight AIDS in africa may only be giving if that money is used to buy necessary drugs from the donor country
What is the world bank
The world bank is a multilateral organization that supports international growth. Countries lend money to them, which is then sued in another country to help them grow
What is the problem with normal technology and small countries. What is appropriate technology
The Problem with small countries and technology is that they are not in need of phones and laptops, instead they want clothes, clean food and water, and housing. For example, if a country wanted to build a large dam, a large country would benefit off this, but a small country like Nigeria would not get these benefits. This is where appropriate technology comes in. Appropriate technology is technology aimed to asset people by giving them clothes, clean food and water, shelter, etc.