Genital embryology Flashcards
genitalia have male/female characteristics at….(when)
week 10
Genetic sex is defined by
Gonadal sex is defined by
genetic: sex chromosomes (males XY, females XX)
gonadal: precense of testes in males and ovaries in females
Phenotypic sex is defined by
the characteristics of internal genital tract and the external genitalia
default development - female vs male
genital embryology - female
default development
Mesonephric duct degenerates and paramesonephric (Mullerian) duct develops
mesonephric duct is AKA/function
Wolffian duct
- interim kidney for 1st trimester
- later contributes to male genital center (mesonephric duct)
genital embryology - male
SRY gene on Y chromosome produces testis-determining factor –> tests development –>
a. Sertoli cells –> Mullerian inhib factor (MIF)
- -> suppresses development of paramesonephric (Mullerian) ducts
b. Leyding cells secrete androgens that stimulate development of mesonphric duct
c. testosterone –> DHT –> genital tubercle, urogenital sinus –> male external genitalia, prostate
paramesonephric (Mullerian) duct in males
male –> sertoli cells secrete MIF that suppresses the development of paramesonephric (Mullerian) ducts –>
remnant as appendix testis
paramesonephric (Mullerian) duct in females
Develops into female internal structures - fallopian tubes, uterus, upper portion of vagina
(not lower portion of vagina - urogenital sinus)
Mesonephric (Wolffian) duct in males
Leyind cells secrete androgens –> stimulate development of mesonephric duct –> male internal structures (except prostate) - seminal vesicles, epididymis, Ejaculation duct, Ductus deferens
Mesonephric (Wolffian) duct in females
remnant as Gartner duct
Mullaerian agenesis is AKA
Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome
Mullaerian agenesis (Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome) - may present as
1ry amenorreha (due to lack of uterine development) in females with fully developed 2ry sexual characteristics)
no sertoli cells or lack Mullarian inhibitory - mechanism/presentation
no Mullaerian degeneration, normal action of testosterone –> develop both male and female internal genitalia and male characteristics
5α-reductase deficiency - mechanism/presentation
inability to convert Testosterone into DHT –> male internal genitalia (except prostate), ambiguous external genitalia until puberti (when increased testosterone levels cause masculinization)
5α-reductase deficiency - lab diagnosis
testosterone / DHT = 20 - 60 (normally 5)
Uterine (Mullerian duct) anomalies - types
- Septate uterus
- Bicornuate uterus
- Uterus didelphys
Septate uterus - mechanism/treatment
incomplete resoprtion of septum / septoplasty
Bicornuate uterus - mechanism
incomplete fusion of Mullerian ducts
Uterus didelphyls
Complete failure of fusion of Mullerian ducts –> double uterus, vagina, cervix
Uterine (Mullerian duct) anomalies - pregnancy
- Septate uterus –> low fertility
- Bicornuate uterus –> high risk of complicated pregnancy
- Uterus didelphys –> pregnancy possible
Uterine (Mullerian duct) anomalies - mechanism
- Septate uterus –> incomplete resoprtion of septum
- Bicornuate uterus –> incomplete fusion of Mullerian ducts
- Uterus didelphys –> Complete failure of fusion of Mullerian ducts –> double uterus, vagina, cervix
Male female genital homologs - differentiation of undifferentiated structures are induced by
Dihydrotesotsterone (DHT) –> male
esotren (ESG) –> female
Male female genital homologs - genital tubercle - differentation (and which are homologs)
- glans penis (DHT) - glans clitoris (ESG)
2. Corpus cavernosum and spongiosum (DHT) - vestibular bulbs
genital tubercule - differentation in females
- glans clitoris
2. vestibular bulbs
genital tubercule - differentation in males
- glans penis
2. Corpus cavernosum and spongiosum
Male female genital homologs - urogenital sinus - differentation (and which are homologs)
- Balboulerthral glands of Cowper (DHT) - greater vestibular glands of Bartholin (ESG)
- Prostate gland (DHT) - Urethral and paraourethral glands of skene (ESG)
urogenital sinus - differentation in females
- greater vestibular glands of Bartholin
2. Urethral and paraourethral glands of skene
urogenital sinus - differentation in males
- Balboulerthral glands of Cowper
2. Prostate gland
Male female genital homologs - urogenital folds - differentation (and which are homologs)
ventral shaft of penis (penile urethra) (DHT) - labia minora
urogenital folds - differentation in females
labia minora
urogenital folds - differentation in males
ventral shaft of penis (penile urethra)
Male female genital homologs - Labioscrotal swelling - differentation (and which are homologs)
scrotum (DHT) - Labia majora (ESG)
Labioscrotal swelling - differentation in females
Labia majora
Labioscrotal swelling - differentation in males
Male female genital homologs - everything (embriogenic structure, derivatives - right for estrogen and left for dihydrotestosterone
- glans penis - genital tubercle - glans clitoris (ESG)
- Corpus cavernosum and spongiosum - genital tubercle - vestibular bulbs
- Balboulerthral glands of Cowper - urogenital sinus - greater vestibular glands of Bartholin
- Prostate gland - urogenital sinus - Urethral and paraourethral glands of skene
- ventral shaft of penis (penile urethra) - urogenital folds - labia minora
- scrotum - Labioscrotal swelling - Labia majora
urogenital sinus - parts
vesical part, pelvic part, phallic part
Congenital penile abnormalities - types (MC?)
- Hypospadias (MC)
2. Epispadias
Hypospadias - mechanism/definition
Abnormal opening of penile urethra on ventral (below) surface of penis due to failure of urethral folds to fuse
Epispadias - mechanism/definition
Abnormal opening of penile urethra on dorsal (above) surface on penis due to faulty positioning of genital tubercle
Hypaspadias vs epispadias - due to
hypospadias –> failure of urethral folds to fuse
epispadias –> faulty positioning of genital tubercle
Hypaspadias - associations
- inguinal hernia
2. cryptorhidism
epispadias - associations
exstrophy of the bladder
Structures that aids the descent of testes and ovaries
- Gubernaculum
2. Processus vaginalis
Gubernaculum - structure/function during development
band of fibrous tissue –> aids in the descent of the gonads (both testes and ovaries)
Processus vaginalis - structure/function during development
evagination of peritoneum –> aids in the descent of the gonads (both testes and ovaries)
failure of processus vaginalis to close –>
- indirect inguinal
2. hydrocele
Structures that aids the descent of testes and ovaries - remnant in males
- Gubernaculum –> Anchors testes within scrotum
2. Processus vaginalis –> forms tunica vaginalis
Structures that aids the descent of testes and ovaries - remnant in females
- Gubernaculum –> ovarian ligament + round ligament of uterus
- Processus vaginalis –> obliterated
drugs that causes congenital Mullerian anomalies