embryology 2 Flashcards
aortic arch derivatives - develop
into arterial system
course through the pharyngeal arches
aortic arches - how many
6 pairs (1st-6th) but 5th regresses in human
aortic arch derivatives (adult structure)
embryonic structures is the arches (1-6
1st: part of maxillary artery (branch of external carotid)
2nd: stapedial artery and hyoid artery
3rd: common carotid and proximal part of internal carotid artery
4th: on left: aortic arch (between left common carotid artery and left subclavian). On right: proximal part of right subclavian artery
5th: regresses in human
6. proximal part of pulmonary arteries and (on left only) ductus arteriosus
left vs right recurrent laryngeal nerve according to course
right –> loops arround right subclavian
left –> loops around aortic arch, distal to ductus arteriosus
recurrent laryngeal nerve are both (left + right) branches of
Branchial apparatus is aka
pharyngeal apparatus
Branchial (pharyngeal) apparatus is an…/composed of/ origin
embryological structure composed of:
- branchial clefts (or grooves) - ectoderm
- branchial arches - mesoderm (muscle arteries) and neural crest (bones, cartilage)
- branchial pouches (endoderm)
branchial clefts is AKA
branchial groves
Branchial (pharyngeal) apparatus - structure
mnemonic: CAP (from outside to inside)
outside - clefts - arch - pouch - inside
in the middle - pharyngeal floor
branchial arch - anatomy
outside upper: nerve
outside inner: artery
inner: cartilage
Branchial (pharyngeal) apparatus composed of/ origin
- branchial clefts (or grooves) - ectoderm
- branchial arches - mesoderm (muscle arteries) and neural crest (bones, cartilage)
- branchial pouches (endoderm)
Branchial (pharyngeal) apparatus - numbers
1-4 + 6
Branchial cleft derivatives
1st –> external auditory meatus
2st-4h –> temporary cervical sinus
temporary cervical sinus - fate
obliterated by proliferation of 2nd arch mesenchyme
–> if persistent –> branchial cleft cyst within lateral neck, anterior to sternocleidomastoid muscle
persistent brianchial cleft –> presentation/characteristics
- branchial cleft cyst within lateral neck, anterior to sternocleidomastoid muscle
- immobile during swallowing
bronchial arches derivatives - 1st arch - cartilage
- Maxillary process –> Maxilla, zygomatic bone
- Mandibular process –> Meckel cartilage –> mandible
- Malleus and incus
- Sphenomandibular ligament
Sphenomandibular ligament connects
spenoid bone (spine) to lingula of the mandibular foramen
bronchial arches derivatives - 1st arch - muscles
- Muscles of Mastication
- Mylohyoid (from the mandible to the hyoid bone)
- anterior belly of digastric
- tensor tympani
- tensor veli palatini
mastication muscle - function/names/innervation
- 3 muscles close jaw (masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid)
- 1 muscle open the jaw (lateral pterygoid)
all V3 (mandibular)
bronchial arches derivatives - 1st arch - nerves
CN V2 V3
bronchial arches derivatives - 2nd arch - cartilage
Reichert cartilage: stapes, styloid process, lesser horn of hyoid, Stylohyoid ligament
bronchial arches derivatives - 2nd arch - muscles
- Muscles of facial expression
- Stapedius
- stylohyoid
- platysma
- posterior belly of digastric
bronchial arches derivatives - 2nd arch - nerves
bronchial arches derivatives - 3rd arch - cartilage
Greater horn of hyoid
bronchial arches derivatives - 3rd arch - muscles
arches 3-4 form posterior 1/3 of tongue
bronchial arches derivatives - 3rd arch - nerves
bronchial arches derivatives - 4-6th arch - cartilage
some of the larynx cargilages
- arytenoids
- crycoid
- corniculate
- cuneiform
- thyroid cartilage
bronchial arches derivatives - 4-6th arch - muscles
4th –> most pharyngeal constrictors, cricothyroid, levator of veli palatini
6th –> all intrinsic muscles of larynx excet cricothyroid
arches 3-4 form posterior 1/3 of tongue
bronchial arches derivatives - 4-6th arch - nerves
4th –> CN X (superior laryngeal branch)
6th –> CN 10 (recurrent laryngeal branch)
abnormalities associated with Branchial arches
- Pierre Robin sequence
- Teacher Collins syndrome
(both associated with 1st + 2nd arches)
Pierre Robin sequence - manifestations
- micrognathia
- glossoptosis
- cleft palate
- airway obstruction
Treacher Collins syndrome - manifestations
neural crest dysfunction –> mandibular hypoplasia, facial abnormalities
Branchial arches - tongue
arches 3-4 form posterior 1/3 of tongue
simple mnemomic about branchial arches
- –> chew
- –> smile
- –> swallow
- –> simply swallow
- –> speak
special characteristic about branchial arch CNs
these are the only nerves with both motor and sensory components (except V2, only sensory)
branchial arches - digastric muscle
anterior belly –> 1st
posterior belly –> 2nd
branchial arches - hyoid bone, muscles ligmanets
Mylohyoid –> 1st
lesser horn of hyoid, stylohoid muscle, Stylohyoid ligament–> 2nd
Greater horn of hyoid –> 3rd
branchial arches - Ossicles
Malleus and incus –> 1st
stapes –> 2nd
Bronchial pouch derivatives - 1st pouch
- middle ear cavity
- eusatchian tube
- mastoid ear cells
(contributes to endoderm lined structures of ear)
Bronchial pouch derivatives - 2nd pouch
epithelial lining palatine tonsil
Bronchial pouch derivatives - 3rd pouch
- dorsal wings -> INFERIOR parathryroids
2. ventral wings -> thymus
Bronchial pouch derivatives - 4th pouch
- dorsal wings –> SUPERIOR parathyroids
- ventral wings –> ultimobranchial body
- -> parafolicular C cells of thyroid
Thymuc aplasia (DiGeorge syndrome) - defect
22q11 deletion –> failure to develop 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches –> absent thymus and parathyroids
Thymuc aplasia (DiGeorge syndrome) - presentation
- Tetany (hypocalcemia)
- reccurent viral/fungal infections
- conotruncal abnormalities (ef. tetralogy of Fallot, truncus arteriosus)
Thymuc aplasia (DiGeorge syndrome) - findings
- decreased T-cells
- decreased Parathormone –> decreased calcium
- absent thymic shadow on CXR
- 22q11 deletion detected by FISH
- not well developed lymph node paracortex
Cleft lip - mechanism/presentation
failure of fusion of the maxillary and medial nasal process (formation of 1ry palate) –> split in the upper lip on one or both sides of the centre
Cleft palate - mechanism
failure of fusion of the 2 lateral palatine shelves or failure of fusion of lateral palatine shelves with the nasal septum and/or median palatine shelf (formation of 2ry palate)
Cleft palate - presentation
a congenital split in the roof of the mouth.
Cleft palate + cleft lip
distinct multifactorial etiologies –> often occur togerther
drug that causes cleft palate
antiepileptic drugs
Vitamin A excess