Genetics (Unit 6 - Part 1) Flashcards
When is the gender of a offspring determined?
at the moment of fertilization
sex chromosomes
chromosomes out of 23 pairs of regular chromosomes that determine gender
one sex chromosome is from the __________and the other sex chromosomes is from the ________
sperm cell and egg cell
Genetic Females
Genetic Males
which cell determines the gender of the baby?
the sperm cell
the gender depends on which letter (X or Y) the ________
sperm cell gives
a picture of a person’s chromosomes
how the chromosomes arranged?
by size (biggest to smallest)
if someone has more or less than 46 chromosomes they have a _______
chromosomal disorder
passing of traits from parents to offspring
a specific characteristic of an organism
Through what do parents pass on their traits to their offspring?
though chromosomes
a section of a chromosome with enough DNA to make a protein
they ______ for a certain trait
gregor mendel
-the “father” of modern genetics
-famous for his work with garden peas
-he discovered that traits inherited from parents follow predictable rules of chance (probability)
an alternate form of a gene that has a slightly different DNA code
dominant allele
the version of a trait that is seen when present and it covers up another allele
recessive allele
the version of a trait that is not expressed when both alleles (dominant and recessive) are present and it gets covered up
-the genetic makeup of an individual
-the combination of 2 alleles received for a certain trait
-1 allele is received from each parent, you have 2 parents therefore 2 alleles
homozygous dominant
-both dominant alleles are present
homozygous recessive
-both recessive alleles are present
-one dominant allele and one recessive allele is present
the physical characteristic and the way a genotype is expressed
what may impact the expression of genes?
the environment
DNA (an abbreviation for Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
*contains genetic info
-it is a nucleic acid
-it is a organic compound
-building blocks: nucleotides
what are the 3 parts of DNA nucleotides?
-sugar: deoxyribose
-phosphate group
-nitrogenous base
what the 4 nitrogenous bases?
DNA shape
double helix
DNA is made of 2 strands of ___
-A always pairs with __
-C always pairs with ___
hydrogen bonds
bonds that hold together base pairs
RNA (an abbreviation for Ribonucleic Acid)
*another type of nucleic acid
-it is a organic compound
-it is single stranded
building blocks: nucleotides
what are the 3 parts of RNA nucleotides?
-sugar: ribose
-phosphate group
-nitrogenous base
RNA does not have ___, it has ____ instead
T (thymine), it has U (uracil) instead