Genetics Flashcards
Genetics of Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome
Genomic imprinting: 11p15.5, IGF2 gene, two copies from dad leading to over expression of IGF2
Genetics of Simpson-Golabi-Behmel (SGB)
Loss of function variants in GPC3 (growth modulator proteoglycan) 
Symptoms of Sotos syndrome
- overgrowth (length >99% due to long limbs, macrocephaly, advanced bone age)
- characteristic facial features (frontal bossing, dolichocephaly, fronto-parietal balding, early erruption of teeth, high arched palate
- learning/intellectual disabilities, seizures
Can be confused with Marfan’s and fragile X
Genetics of Donahue syndrome
Mutation of insulin receptor gene on 16p13.2
Symptoms of Beckwith Wiedemann
Macrosomia Visceromegaly Neonatal hypoglycemia Omphalocele Ear creases and pits Hemihypertrophy
Symptoms of Simpson-Golabi-Behmel (SGB)
Increased wt/lt/ht Hypertelorism Broad upturned nose Macroglossia Supernumerary nipples Pectus excavatum Hypotonia Cleft lip or palate Can be confused with BWS
Genetics of Sotos syndrome
Autosomal dominant disorder
Mutations in the NSD1 gene on 5q35
Almost all de novo mutations
Symptoms of Donohue syndrome
Fasting hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinism with postprandial hyperglycemia
IUGR Reduced subcutaneous fat Distended abdomen Enlarged external genitalia and nipples (Large and lowset ears, prominent eyes, broad nasal tip, flared nares, thick lips and gingival hyperplasia)
Primary skeletal dysplasia
Mutated genes expressed in chondro-osseous tissue
Secondary skeletal dysplasia
Abnormalities of extraosseous factors with secondary effects on the skeletal system
Skeletal dysostoses
Malformations of bones as a result of an insult during organogenesis
Osteogenesis imperfecta type 1-4
Thanatophoric dysplasia and achondroplasia
Stickler syndrome
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
Jeune syndrome
Disorders associated with advanced paternal age
Achondroplasia Apert syndrome Crouzon syndrome Neurofibromatosis I Osteogenesis imperfecta Pfeiffer syndrome Retinoblastoma Thanatophoric dysplasia
Altered mechanical forces (extrinsic or intrinsic) on normal tissue
Ex: fetal akinesia sequence, Positional congenital hip subluxation
Caused by abnormal tissue formation
Breakdown of normal tissue caused by disruption of a normal developmental process
Ex: amniotic band sequence, Teratogen exposure
Abnormal organization of cellular formation into tissue as a result of dysregulation
Pattern of many primary malformations as a result of one etiology
Legius syndrome
Café au lait spots
Axillary/inguinal freckling
Learning disabilities
Can be confused with NF1
AD, mutation in SPRED1 gene
Genetic defect in cartilage hair hypoplasia
Chromosome 9p13
Symptoms of cartilage hair hypoplasia
Short-limbed dwarfism
Severe combined immunodeficiency
Disorders with cataracts
Galactosemia Congenital hypoparathyroidism Fabry disease Lowe Syndrome (oculocerebrorenal) Congenital rubella
Genetic defect in galactosemia
Deficiency of galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase
Defect in Fabry disease
Mutation in GLA
X-linked deficiency a-galactosidase A
IEM that are not autosomal recessive
OTC deficiency
X-linked ALD
Examples of amino and organic acid acidopathies
PKU Tyrosinemia MSUD Nonketotic hyperglycemia Propionic acidemia Methylmalonic acidemia
Phenylalanine hydroxylase
Defective enzyme in PKU
Urine organic acids with elevated succinylacetone
Tyrosinemia I
Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase
Deficient enzyme in tyrosinemia type I
Symptoms of Tyrosinemia Type I
Hepatic failure, Fanconi syndrome
Branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase
Enzyme defect in maple syrup urine disease
Symptoms of MSUD
Poor feeding, lethargy, coma, apnea
Cerebral edema = dreaded complication
Which amino acids are elevated in MSUD?
Glycine cleavage system
Defect = nonketotic hyperglycemia
Elevated CSF/plasma glycine ratio
Diagnostic for nonketotic hyperglycemia
Symptoms of nonketotic hyperglycemia
Seizures, myoclonus, hiccups
Propionyl CoA carboxylase
Defective enzyme in propionic acidemia
Symptoms of propionic acidemia
Lethargy, coma Anion gap metabolic acidosis Hyperammonemia Neutropenia, thrombocytopenia Hyperglycemia
Diagnosis of propionic acidemia
Elevated C3
Elevated glycine
Methylcitrate in urine
Treatment of propionic acidemia
Diet with decreased VOMITC
Treatment of nonketotic hyperglycemia
Benzoate (removes glycine)
Methylmalonyl CoA mutase
Enzyme deficient in methylmalonic acidemia
Symptoms of methylmalonic acidemia
Lethargy, coma Anion gap metabolic acidosis, hyperammonemia Neutropenia Thrombocytopenia Hyperglycemia
Diagnosis of methylmalonic acidemia
Elevated C3
Elevated urine methylmalonic acid
Elevated plasma glycine
Normal homocystine
B12 deficiency can cause elevated methylmalonic acid (maternal deficiency = baby positive for MMA on NBS)
Examples of urea cycle disorders
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
Encephalopathy and hyperammonemia
Urea cycle defects
Increased orotic acid and decreased citrulline
OTC deficiency
Symptoms of OTC deficiency
After 48 hours
Poor feeding, grunting, lethargy, coma
Affected first born males usually die or are severely impaired
Treatment of OTC deficiency
Stabilize until liver transplant
Low protein diet
Ammonia scavenging drugs - phenylbutyrate, glycerol phenylbutyrate
Argininosuccinate synthase 1
Enzyme defect in citrullinemia
Increased citrulline and decreased arginine
Symptoms of citrullinemia
Hyperammonemic crisis
Can have orotic acid elevations
Enzyme defect in arginase deficiency (Argininemia)
Decreased urea and decreased ornithine
Arginase deficiency
Symptoms of arginase deficiency
Sometimes only spastic diplegia and delayed milestones
Can see hyperammonemia
Arginine levels high
Hyperammonemia with acidosis andelevated ketones
Organic acidemia
Hyperammonemia with acidosis andlow ketones
Fatty acid oxidation defect
Hyperammonemia with no acidosis
Urea cycle defects: Citrullinemia Argininemia Argininosuccinic aciduria OTC deficiency (elevated orotic acid) CPS deficiency (low orotic acid, trace citrulline)
Galactosemia associated with
E. coli sepsis/UTI, jaundice, urine reducing substances
Untreated galactosemia leads to…
Intellectual disability
Liver failure
Despite treatment of galactosemia patients can still have
Cognitive defects
Premature ovarian failure
Aldolase B
Enzyme defect in hereditary fructose intolerance
Neonate with liver failure due to IEM
Tyrosinemia type 1
Hereditary fructose intolerance
Enzyme deficiency in MPS type 1 (Hurler)
Symptoms of MPS type 1
Normal at birth Coarse facies Hepatosplenomegaly Dysostosis multiplex (ribs look like oars) Corneal clouding Intellectual disability Hydrocephalus Cardiac valvular disease
How to diagnose MPS type 1
Urine glycosaminoglycans
Enzyme activity in WBC’s or fibroblasts
Treatment of MPS type 1
Enzyme replacement therapy available but hard to get to brain
Bone marrow transplant is better
Enzyme defect in glycogen storage disease type 1A (Von Gierke)
Hypoglycemia when infant sleep through the night
Glycogen storage disease 1a
Clinical findings of glycogen storage disease 1A (Von Gierke)
Hepatomegaly Hypoglycemia Elevated lactate Hyperuricemia Hyperlipidemia Hypertriglyceridemia
Medication for glycogen storage disease 1a
Along with avoidance of fasting
Pompe disease
Symptoms of Pompe disease
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Hypoketotic hypoglycemic crises induced by fasting or febrile illness
Early presentation of fatty acid oxidation disorders
Medium chain Acyl CoA dehydrogenase
Enzyme defect in MCAD deficiency
Symptoms of MCAD deficiency
Hypoketotic hypoglycemia
Diagnosis of MCAD deficiency
Elevated on acylcarnitine profile
C6-, C8-, C10-, C10:1 species
Increased C8/C10:1 ratio
80% mutations c.985A>G lysine to glutamic acid
Very long chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase
Enzyme deficient in VLCAD deficiency
Symptoms of VLCAD deficiency
Three forms
Early - severe with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Milder - hypoglycemia like MCAD
Episodic rhabdomyolysis
Elevated C14:1 on acylcarnitine profile
VLCAD deficiency
7-dehydrocholesterol reductase
Enzyme defect in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome
Symptoms of SLO
Growth retardation Mental deficiency Cardiac defects Ambiguous genitalia in males 2,3 toe syndactyly Facial features
What are peroxisomes?
Cytoplasmic organelles
Help with metabolism of: bile acids, VLCFA (C22,C24,C26), pipecolic acid, plasmalogens
Peroxisome biogenesis disorders
Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy
Infantile Refsum disease
Mutations in PEX1 common
Elevated C26:0, C26:1, C24/22, C26/22 ratios
Symptoms of Zellweger
High forehead Large anterior fontanelle Hypotonia Hepatomegaly Seizures Liver cysts Upslanted palpebral fissures Flat broad nasal bridge
Are most aneuploidies defects in meiosis 1 or meiosis 2?
Meiosis 1 (failure of homologues to separate, versus sister chromatids)
What are you looking for with a karyotype?
Balanced translocations
What do you do if T21 is due to translocation?
Karyotype parents
Most common cause of Turner syndrome?
45XO (50%)
Isochromosome (46iXq) Only 10%
Is the extra genetic material in triploidy maternal or paternal?
2 sperm + 1 egg
What is triploidy associated with?
Large placenta 3,4 syndactyly Macrocephaly Renal anomalies Cardiac anomalies Holoprosencephaly Survival rare
What genetic test to send for dysmorphic babies with unclear diagnosis?
Symptoms of Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome
Greek helmet facies High frontal hairline Prominent glabella Hypertelorism Seizures common Cleft lip/palette Micrognathia Septal cardiac defects Genital anomalies Coloboma Very low IQ
Phenylalanine crosses placenta via
Active transport
Fetal levels > maternal levels
Associated with Turner syndrome
Bicuspid aortic valve/coarctation Renal anomalies Can general hip dysplasia Melanocytic cutaneous nevi Streak ovaries Normal intelligence
Genetic causes of Prader Willi syndrome
Paternal microdeletion 15q11-q13 (70%)
Maternal uniparental disomy (two copies of maternal15q11-q13) (28%)
Imprinting (5%) - father passes on copy of Chr15 that he inherited from his mother (inactive)
Test of choice - Methylation test
Upper parts of limbs short (humerus, femur)
Seen in achondroplasia
Genetics of tuberous sclerosis
Autosomal dominant
TSC1 on 9q34.13 (Hamartin)
TSC2 on 16p13.3 (Tuberin)
Majority de novo
Genetics of myotonic dystrophy
Autosomal dominant
Trinucleotide repeat (CTG) at 3’ end of the DMK gene
>2000 copies severe phenotype
Largest expansions from maternal transmission
Genetics of Cornelia de Lange
Autosomal dominant (NIPBL, RAD21, SMC3)
X-linked (SMC1A, HDAC8)
Most are de novo
Can’t see on Microarray because it’s a single gene disorder - send gene panel
CHARGE Syndrome
Coloboma Heart defects Atresia (choanal) Retarded growth GU anomalies Ear anomalies
Genetics of CHARGE syndrome
60% mutations in CHD7
Chromatin helicase DNA binding protein
What percentage of patients with Fanconi anemia meet criteria for VACTERL?
Genetics of Fanconi anemia
Autosomal recessive
Autosomal dominant (1 gene)
X-linked (1 gene)
Diepoxybutane (DEB) testing - looks for chromosome breakage only seen in Fanconi anemia
If positive send gene panel for Fanconi anemia
Symptoms of Fanconi anemia
Short stature Microcephaly Hypoplasic thumb/radius GU anomalies Hyper/hypopigmentation Eye anomalies Bone marrow failure Predisposed to cancer
Poland anomaly
Unilateral chest wall hypoplasia
Ipsilateral anomalies of upper extremity
Developmental defect of subclavian
Deficiency of subQ fat and axillary hair
Genetics of Goldenhar syndrome
Usually sporadic
Can be AR and AD
Associated with maternal diabetes
Symptoms of Goldenhar syndrome
Oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum Hypoplasia of face, jaw, cleft mouth Microtia, preauricular tags Hemivertebrae, hypoplastic vertebrae Epibulbar dermoid, microophthalmia VSD, TOF Normal intelligence
Southern blot = DNA
Northern blot = RNA
Western blot = Protein
William D WARP, MD
Microdeletions Williams DiGeorge WAGR Angelman Rubenstein Taybi Prader Willi
Genetics of SMA
Biallelic deletion of SMN1 gene
Chromosome 5q13
Types classified by SMN2 copy number
SMA type 0
Onset in utero, presents at birth
0 copies SMN1, 1 copy SMN 2
Can have congenital heart defects
SMA type 1
60% 2 copies SMN2 Onset <6 months old Can’t sit Fasciculations, areflexia, suck/swallow difficulty Normal cognition
SMA type 2
27% Onset 6-18 months 3 copies SMN2 Can sit but can’t stand Hypotonia, areflexia, progressive scoliosis, polyminimyoclonus Normal cognition
SMA type 3
12% 3-4 copies SMN2 Onset after infancy Less severe weakness Can lose ability to walk Polyminimyoclonus Normal cognition
Treatments for SMA
Gene editing therapies
- Nusinersen (anti-sense oligonucleotides) - all SMA types and all ages
- Risdiplam (small molecules) - all SMA types >2 months of age
Gene replacement with AAV9 - onasemnogene abeparvovec
all SMA types <2 years of age
Genetics of congenital myotonic dystrophy
Autosomal dominant
DMPK gene on chr 19
Genetic Anticipation
Trinucleotide repeat
Treatment of Pompe disease
Enzyme replacement helps with heart and lung»_space; muscle function
Critical to start therapy < six months of age
Three types of congenital muscular dystrophy
- Muscle weakness + abnormal brain MRI + cognitive delay
- Muscle weakness + abnormal brain MRI + no cognitive delay
- Muscle weakness + normal brain MRI + no cognitive delay
Genetics of neurofibromatosis type 1
NF1 gene on 17q11.2
Gene for neurofibromin
Genetics of neurofibromatosis type 2
NF2 gene on 22q12.2
Gene for MERLIN/schwannomin
Genetics of Sturge-Weber syndrome
GNAQ on 9q21.2
Gene for guanine protein-binding Q polypeptide
Somatic mutation
Genetics of incontinentia pigmenti
X-linked dominant (lethal in males)
NEMO gene for NK-kappa-B
IKBGK on Xq28 for inhibitor kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer
Genetics of Kostmann syndrome
Autosomal recessive
HAX1 gene on 1p22.1
Which disorder can cause a false positive for galactosemia on the newborn screen?
Genetics of pyruvate carboxylase deficiency
Autosomal recessive mitochondrial disorder
Which urea cycle defects have high urine orotic acid?
OTC deficiency Argininosuccinic acid synthetase deficiency (Citrullinemia) Argininosuccinic lyase deficiency (Argininosuccinic aciduria) Arginase deficiency (Argininemia) 
Enzyme defect in Gaucher I and II diseases
Enzyme defect in Niemann-Pick A&B
Cherry red spots on macula
Foam cells in bone marrow
Hexosaminidase A
Enzyme defect in Tay-Sachs
Enzyme defect in generalized gangliosidosis infantile GM1
Arylsulfatase A
Enzyme defect in metachromatic leukodystrophy
Enzyme defect in Fabry disease
Enzyme in galactosyl-ceramide lipidosis AKA Krabbe disease
Acid lipase
Enzyme defect in Wolman disease
Deafness and thyroid resistance
Pendred syndrome
Genetics of Pallister-Killian mosaic syndrome (PKMS)
Mosaic tetrasomy of chromosome 12p
Need to send fibroblasts for genetic testing (not blood)
Symptoms of Pallister-Killian mosaic syndrome (PKMS)
Hypotonia Cerebellar hypoplasia or atrophy Frontal bossing Low set ears Small hands and feet
Findings in pyruvate carboxylase deficiency
Elevated pyruvate and lactate
Metabolic acidosis
Treatment of pyruvate carboxylase deficiency
Gaucher: no cherry red spots, +HSM, gaucher cells BM
Neiman-Pick: cherry red spots, +HSM, foam cells BM
Tay-Sachs: cherry red spots, no HSM
Genetics of Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome
Partial deletion of 4p
80% paternally derived chromosome
10-15% are due to translocation (2:1 maternal:paternal)
Genetics of Cri du chat syndrome
Partial monosomy of chromosome 5p
80% paternally derived
Symptoms of Cri du chat syndrome
Cat like cry due to abnormal laryngeal development Microcephaly Round face Broad nasal bridge Hypotonia Agenesis of the corpus callosum Cerebellar hypoplasia ASD, VSD, TOF Renal agenesis/horseshoe kidney
Genetics of fragile X syndrome
Trinucleotide repeat
FMR1 gene located at Xq27.3
Affected individuals have >200 repeats
Symptoms of fragile X syndrome
Macrocephaly Large ears Cleft palate Hypotonia Mitral valve prolapse/aortic dilation Autism Intellectual disability Large testes
Symptoms of pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
Hypotonia Seizures Lactic acidosis Elevated alanine Microcephaly
Genetics of pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
Most common is X-linked dominant
Can also be autosomal recessive
PDHA1 gene
Genetics of Lowe syndrome
OCRL gene on Xq25-26
Genetics of cartilage hair hypoplasia
RMRP gene on Chr 9p13
Genetics of leukocyte adhesion deficiency
Autosomal recessive
Beta-2 integrin gene mutations (ITGB2)
Integrins associated with CD18
Genetics of Shwachman-Diamond syndrome
Autosomal recessive
SBDS gene on Chromosome 7q11
Thickening of Schwalbe’s ring around the cornea
Posterior embryotoxin
Genetics of Alagille
Autosomal dominant
JAG1 on Chr 20p12
NOTCH2 on Chr 1
Genetics of Noonan syndrome
Autosomal dominant
RASopathy - RAS/MAPK
50% mutations in PTPN11 on 12q24.1