Genetic Disorders Flashcards
angelman syndrome genes?
UBE3A, on chrom. 15
angelman characteristics
flat head, jerky movements, odd bouts of laughter, protruding tongues, feeding and sleeping and movement/balance probs
when is angelman’s usually discovered?
1 year, may appear normal at birth
Cri du chat chromosome
cri du chat characteristics
cat like cry webbed fingers/toes downward slanted eyes low set ears small head/jaw mental retardation
downs syndrome chromosome?
they have a 3rd 21st chromosome
single deep crease accross palm, wide space tween great and second toes, hypotonia, upward slanted eyes?
downs syndrome
fragile x chromosome?
mutation on X chromosome
dx? large head, prominent forehead, high palate but flat feet, tactile defensiveness, large testicles and long faces?
fragile x
rubbery, purplish moles and cafe-au-lait birthmarks are associated with what dx?
neurofibromatosis or Von Recklinghausen Disease-
freckles in the armpits and groin and bony abnormalities are associated with what diagnosis?
neurofibromatosis or VonRecklinghausen disease
Prader willi chromosome?
what dx is associated with mental retardation, speech problems, short stature and failure to thrive as an infant followed by insatiable hunger and morbid obesity in adolescents?
Prader Willi syndrome
Smith Magenis chromosome
what diagnosis is hallmarked by a short wide head (brachycephaly), prominent forehead, broad nasal bridge, protruding jaw (prognathism) and ear anomalies. These babies have feeding problems, middle ear problems, sudden mood changes, hyperactivity, arm hugging/hand squeezing tendencies, chronic sleep disturbances, skeletal abnormalities, are hypotonic, developmentally delayed and have possible mental retardation?
smith-magenis syndrome
men u have an extra x chromosome have what?
Klinefelter’s syndrome
girls with webbed necks, underdeveloped breasts, short stature and no menstruation have what?
turner’s syndrome
chromosomal anomaly with turner’s syndrome?
only one X
females who are taller than average, developmentally delayed, have behavior problems or learning disabilities may have what?
trisomy x or triple X syndrome
missing genetic information from chromosome 7 is associated with what diagnosis?
Williams syndrome
what diagnosis is characterized by mild to moderate mental retardation, puffiness around eyes, wide mouth, full cheeks and lips, small chin, long neck, sloping shoulders, scoliosis, short stature, limited joint mobility and elevated calcium levels in infancy?
Williams syndrome
what diagnosis is characterized by salty tasting skin (gross), dehydration, infertility, huge appetite but poor weight gain, stomach/GI pain, ongoing diarrhea with bulky, foul smelling, greasy stools, frequent coughing and frequent bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia leading to inflammation and permanent lung damage?
cystic fibrosis
what chromosome and gene are responsible for CF?
chromosome 7- CFTR gene, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene… (no wonder they call it CFTR)
name the 4 common types of muscular dystrophy?
- Duchenne’s- absence of dystrophin
- facioscapulohumeral- dysfunctional dystrophin
- Limb-Girdle
- Myotonic
MD is hallmarked by what sign?
Gower’s Sign- uses hands on knees to return to standing upright after bending over
physical symptoms of MD?
sway back, weak thighs, tight heel chords, weak and protruding core