genes + behaviour Flashcards
genotype is
the genetic makeup of individual
phenotype is
the individuals observable characteristics
behaviour genetics
determine how heredity and environmental factors influence psycholigical characteristics
body chromosomes
each chromosome contains genes, segments of DNA, instruction to make proteins
- one choromosome of every pair from each parent
- each nucleus - 46 chromosomes, 23 pairs
- human cells - nucleus
- body has 100 trillion cells
adoption studies
If adopted people are similar to adopted parents = environmental contribution
If adopted people are similar to biological parents = genetic contribution
twin studies
mono, and diz
Mono = one egg, one sperm
- zygote divides
- 2 zygotes with identical chromosomes
- identical twins
Dizygotic = two egg, two sperm
- 2 zygotes with different chromosomes
- fraternal twins
twins traits, similar or different
similar = genetic
differences = environment
measure trait similarity
concordence rates
- heritability statistics, degree phenotypes can be attributed to differing genes
- closer/higher concordance = more heritable
learning process
a process of personal adaptation
laws of learning that apply to all
why do we learn?
Ethology - evolutionary differences between species
Adaptive significance - behaviour influences chances of survival and reproduction
Rats study - flavoured water, over generations, adaptive significance
Fixed action pattern - instinctive behaviour automatically triggered by a particular stimulus
group variation on a psychological trait:
3 parts
- genotype
- shared environment
- unshared environment
shared vs unshared
shared - members experience many common features
unshared - experiences are unique
species vs personal
S = influence from environment through natural selection
P = interations with immediate+past environments
Twin methodology
A, C, E
a - adpative genetic variance
c - common shared environment
e - unique, unshared
monozygotic - 100% 1.0 same genetic material
dizygotic - 0.5 genetic material shared