First, look for the obvious; then look for closer cues that might signal a
* Make a mental note of any clues detected on the general survey that you may
need to follow-during the physical examination
General Survey
begins with the opening moments of the patient ecounter.
* “First impression” of your patient
* Use your senses and observation skills
General Survey
- Is the patient acutely or chronically ill?
- Is the patient frail?
- Is the patient fit or robust?
- Is the patient overweightor underweight?
Apparent State of Health
- Is the patient awake, alert, and responsive to you and others in the environment?
- Is the patient drowsy, lethargic or stuporous?
- Is the patient unconscious?
Level of Consciousness
Level of Consciousness (Arousal) Techniques
Look for evidences of a health problem
Signs of Distress
- Is there clutching of the chest?
- Is there pallor? Cyanosis? Diaphoresis?
- Is there labored breathing, wheezing, or coughing?
Cardiac or Respiratory Distress
- Is there wincing, diaphoresis, protectiveness of a painful area, grimacing, or unusual posture favoring one limb or region of the body?
- Are there any anxious facial expressions, fidgety movements, cold moist palms, inexpressive or flat affect, poor eye contact, or psychomotor slowing?
Anxiety or Depression
- Observe facial expression at rest, during conversation and social interactions, and during the physical examination
- Ask yourself what is the patient’s face telling me?
- Do you see pain, fear, or anxiety?
- Does the patient maintain eye contact?
- Is his/her facial expression happy or sad?
- Look at the facial features. Are they symmetrical?
Facial Characteristics
- drooping of the eyelid
- May suggest an underlying neurological disorder
May indicate a transient
ischemic attack or stroke
Drooping on one side of the face
- Bulging or protruding eyeballs
- May suggest hyperthyroidism
Inspect for any changes in skin color, scars, plaques, or nevi
Skin Color and Obvious Lesions
pale complexion or unusual lightness of skin color; may indicate anemia, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency
bluish discoloration of the skin or mucous membrane; may indicate poor oxygenation
yellowish discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes; may suggest an underlying hepatobiliary tract disease
medical term for a mole; a common benign skin lesion
but some may be malignant
- Excess clothing may reflect cold intolerance of hypothyroidism, hide skin rash or needle marks, mask anorexia, or signal personal lifestyle preferences
Dress, Grooming, and Personal Hygiene