General Questions from Notes Flashcards
According to Brettler, what are five core beliefs of all the literary prophets?
- Our God YKVK is God of the whole world.
- This universal God has a special relationship with Israel
- The covenant has both ritual and ethical obligations.
- Israel has broken the covenant and will therefore be punished.
- There will eventually be forgiveness, reconciliation and rebirth. There will alway be at least a remnant of Israel left.
Who are the 4 major 8th century prophets and where did they prophesize?
Hosea - from northern kingdom and prophesied there
Amos was from south but prophesied in North.
Micha - in Judah
Isaiah - in Judah
According to Hosea, what is Israel’s primary sin?
Idolatry and polytheism. Primarily concerned with ritual sin
Core metaphors in Hosea?
Israel as faithless wife. “she whores on every hilltop and every leafy tree.”
three children with symbolic names
Frequently refers to Northern Kingdom as “Ephraim”
Amos’ primary concern
More concerned with ethical sin over ritual sin.
Who refers to Northern Kingdom as “Joseph”
What was Isaiah’s obstacle to being a prophet?
He was impure of lips. But a seraph touched his lips with a burning coal and purified him.
Time of Isaiah’s prophecy?
730’s - 700
What is Isaiah’s core message?
Israel has sinned by having a society that is corrupt and unjust. God spurns sacrifices. There will be a great destruction as punishment. Assyria is the instrument of that punishment. God will spare a remnant (Jerusalem). There will be reconciliation, salvation, in-gathering of exiles, re-establishment of Davidic kingship, and an era of universal peace.
Recurrent metaphor - God will bring low the mighty/haughty (cut down tall trees, knock down high mountains), and raise up the lowly (humble/poor).
Which prophet’s family includes Shear-yashuv, Maher Shalal Chash Baz, and Emanual, and what is the symbolism of their names?
Shear-yashuv - The remnant will return.
Maher Shalal Chas Baz (Hurry, plunder, hurry, plunder) - Destruction is coming fast!!!
Emanuel - Trust in God, Trusted of God…The Good King to come.
What were the years of Jeremiah’s prophesy?
627 - 586
What was Jeremiah’s reluctance to the prophetic call?
He was too young…he was just a na’ar.
What is the core message of Jeremiah?
God is angry because of cultic and social sins and Jerusalem will be destroyed unless Judah submits to the yoke of Babylon, which is the instrument of God’s wrath.
Major symbols used in Jeremiah?
Almond branch - the 1st tree to bloom. this is going to happen quickly.
Decrepit Girdle - symbol of destruction to come
2 baskets of figs. Good ones first exile, bad ones second exile.
Cup of poison - doom to come
The Yoke - symbolizes submitting to the yoke of Babylon. Conflict with Hananiah who breaks the yoke. False prophet.
Buying property - buy land here because you will be coming back. Hope for the future.
Indentify which prophet goes with the symbol:
Sweet Scroll
Indentify which prophet goes with the symbol:
Siege Diarama
Indentify which prophet goes with the symbol:
Lying on his side
symbolizing the number of years Judah and Israel will be in exile.
Indentify which prophet goes with the symbol:
Unholy food/crappy bread
Indentify which prophet goes with the symbol:
cutting hair: cutting it up, burning it, tossing it to the wind
Indentify which prophet goes with the symbol:
Dry Bones
Two sticks/boards
Symbol of the two kingdoms
איש לבוש בדים
Man wearing white linen.
the “X” that the angel marks on those who will be saved.
Who are the three “righteous men” who could avert God’s destruction?
What prophet?
From Ezekiel
Noah, Dan-el, Job
Who are Oholah and Oholivah?
The “faithless sisters” from Ezekiel.
One went out whoring and was punished. The other saw, but learned nothing.
When did the “literary prophets” begin to appear?
2nd half of the 8th century BCE.